Thursday, March 27, 2008

The Celestial Zone.21 Fan Fic Chpt 7: Ryu the Dragon Tamer

Blogger's Notes: Hey there everyone! Now I know I have been MIA for a while, I apologise. Reason being life and its joys have gotten in the way. Never fear! For I am back and with a vengeance!!Due to lack of vids, I have instead given most of the techniques a single link to a vid. But keep checking back on the links as if I do find new links I will replace them. So here goes!

"I am here to administer death to the 2 of you for not joining 'Hermes'." said the man.

"Good, then I can ask you:'Just what is 'Hermes'?' " J.Jay gleefully said.

Ready to kick butt, J.Jay quickly stepped forward, stopped by Ryu grabbing his arm. Looking at his friend in surprised J.Jay asked:

"What's up?"

"Don't you think you have been fighting a bit too much?" Ryu replied.

"Not really, I like fighting. Makes me feel alive." J.Jay skeptically replied.

"Come on man, give me a chance to show off will ya?" Ryu said.

Shrugging, J.Jay just stepped back.

"OK then, show me what you've got!"

"Promise! Don't worry, I won't kill him. Just make sure he is still awake for your interrogation." Ryu answered as he gave J.Jay a thumbs up.

Turning to face the man, who was idly waiting, Ryu called:

"Hey, sorry to keep you waiting. Ready when you are!"

"Finally, I am Jacques." bowing respectfully "Jacques the Longstar."

"Ryu, Mandai Ryu the Dragon Tamer." Ryu said, bowing back.

Facing each other, they stared momentarily, sizing each other up. No one moved and J.Jay was starting to get very restless.

Suddenly, Jacques whipped his hand forward and Ryu jumped back in response as the floor he was standing on cracked from an unseen force. "Faculty of Willpower?" Ryu thought to himself as he fired a shot of his own at Jacques.

After the first exchange, the 2 of them stood still again. Rolling his eyes, J.Jay thought to himself "Oh, boy. Looks like we have to fighters who like strategies.". As J.Jay finished his line of thought, the fighters acted again.

This time the exchange was longer and they both had not muttered a word since they started. After a minute or so, Jacques said:

"Pretty impressive control of Willpower. However, if you think this is all I can do, you are wrong!"

So saying, there was a flash of light and Ryu was thrown back with burns appearing on his shirt.

"So, Faculty of Conglomerates huh? Just nice, so am I!" Ryu said as he jumped to his feet. Thrusting his palm at Jacques, Jacques doubled over as his gut was slammed with a ball comprising of a mass of unidentified items.

Unidentified items? Particles is more like it.

"So, it seems this little brawl cannot be decided by our base ESP abilities. Now, My true power!!" Jacques raised his hand and something formed around it.

It was a gauntlet. And with that gauntlet, there was a tiny stick with a glowing orb at the tip that came with it. Swinging his now armored hand, all that J.Jay and Ryu saw was a flash of light, then Ryu felt his shoulder burn.

Staggering back, he looked at his shoulder and saw that it was burned in one line. Looking back at Jacques, Ryu prepared for another attack. This time, he is prepared.

Or so he thought. As Jacques swung his hand horizontally and Ryu focus his energy to protect his side, he was surprised to feel the burn, not only on his side which was already protected, but his back too.

"What kind of attack is it?" Ryu thought, slightly dizzy from the attack.

"Surprised?" Jacques's voice snapped Ryu back to the present.

"It's a whip. Made from light itself. There is no way you can defend yourself from attacks that have no fixed pattern!" Jacques explained. As Ryu stood again, he sent wave after wave of stinging attacks to Ryu.

"Hmph, you were foolish to face me as you are boy. You there!" Jacques pointed at J.Jay. "Why don't you come and save your friend and fight me?"

"Me? Your opponent is Ryu and as long as he stands, I won't be joining in anytime soon." J.Jay answered, crossing his hands. "Besides, don't you think you should be paying attention to your opponent? He is going to throw something interesting at you, you know?"

Whipping his head around, Jacques saw something surrounding Ryu. Not wanting to give his opponent any chance to counterattack, he quickly attacked. However his attacks were stopped by something. Something BIG....

"You got careless Jacques..." Ryu said. "By turning around for that few seconds, I had enough time to activate my special powers too."

"SHIT!!!" Jacques attacked again and again in vain. None of his strikes were touching Ryu.

"Jacques the Longstar... You were the perfect enemy to me, my powers take too much time to activate and you not only have speed but range on your side. However..." Ryu slowly said. "Your turn is over. *Ore no Turn! **Ore wa Blue Eyes White Dragon Shoukan!!!"

Raising his hand high up, the thing that had been protecting Ryu slowly materialized and took shape. A large dragon with eyes that shine like sapphire, gaping jaws and teeth roared into the night.

J.Jay recognized it as the dragon that helped him out a while back. Grinning, he shouted to the fear-frozen Jacques.

"I told you didn't I? Carelessness cost you dearly. Don't kill him now will ya?"

I won't. Blue Eyes White Dragon! Burst Stream of Destruction 10%!!" Blue eyes widen its jaws and fired a white beam with a blueish glow that stuck Jacques head on and sent him sprawling to the ground.

Now trying to get up, Jacques felt a leg pressing on him and forcing him on the ground. Looking up, he saw J.Jay towering over him with his foot on his chest.

"Now, about my question...What is 'Hermes'?" J.Jay asked menacingly.

"I don't know! Don't ask me!" Jacques answered defiantly.

"Don't fool around with me. I know quite a few ways to make people talk and they ain't exactly comfortable." J.Jay warned.

Refusing to answer, Jacques stared straight into J.Jay's eyes. then he spat on J.Jay's shoes and said:

"Do as you will! I am not afraid of you!"

Sighing, J.Jay took his foot off Jacques "Don't say I didn't warn you. And its not me you have to be afraid of."

Stepping back, J.Jay started to glow and markings appeared on him.

"What constellation this time?" Ryu asked.

"Cancer." J.Jay simply replied. "***Sekishiki Meikai Ha!!"

Pointing his finger at Jacques, a purple spiral wave was fired and struck Jacques. Feeling an uneasy feeling, like he was free falling through the sky while being sick at the same time, Jacques closed his eyes and awaited what he thought was death.

But nothing happened. Surprised, he opened his eyes and nothing but dark skies and a barren wasteland that stretched for miles greeted him. Only J.Jay stood before him, standing out from the dark contrast of the background as he was glowing with a gold color.

"Where the hell am I?" Jacques asked.

"You just answered your own question. This IS hell." J.Jay replied.

"What the.....!? No way!!" Jacques cried. "Then how come you are here."

"Stupid, since I sent you here, I can generally come here at will." J.Jay replied.

"Now then, lets not waste time. You know why I brought you here. So save yourself from any pain and answer my question." J.Jay said.

"Never, there is no way this is hell! You won't trick me into giving you the information you want!" Jacques yelled.

Suddenly, the ground broke apart from underneath Jacques and decayed hands reached out and grabbed Jacques's feet. He yelped in terror and struggled to break free.

"You wasted time Jacques. Truth is, in here, you are technically still alive. And this very fact is a gigantic beacon for the souls of the dead. They want your life force to have life again. the longer you stay here, the more dangerous it gets." J.Jay told Jacques, proceeding to seat on a rock and watch Jacques struggle.

"Then what about you!? You are still here aren't you!?" Jacques screamed.

"I am protected you see. No stop wasting time and tell me what I want to know."

"NO!! NEVER!!"

"Suit yourself." J.Jay said and disappeared.

Soon, the place was crawling with the dead and Jacques felt first hand, the meaning of skinned alive. His skin was slowly scrapped away, leaving behind exposed flesh and muscle. Even then, the dead slowly stripped his muscle and flesh away bit by bit.

For years this excruciating ordeal went on and by then, Jacques had long given up hope that he could have told J.Jay all he wanted to know and had no need to suffer this fate. Just as he thought that, J.Jay appeared in a golden flash of light that Jacques would have worshiped as a god like presence.

"Now, are you ready to talk?" J.Jay asked.

"Yes, yes!!!! I will tell you everything, just stop this torment!!!" Jacques begged.

"I will, only after you tell me everything you know and I have decided you are not lying."J.Jay agreed.

Jacques proceeded to tell J.Jay everything he knew about 'Hermes', what the organization is, a few of its main ESP scions, Chris the Magician, Isha the Water Spirit, Tang Li the Fiery Eagle, Lightning Bao-Er and its financial status.

After he was done, Jacques begged again.

"Let me die please, I can't stand it any longer."

J.Jay thought hard for a moment, then nodded his head and snapped his fingers. In an instant, Jacques found himself back where they had fought and his was unharmed though his body did felt like it had gone through the actual process.

"Ryu, we're back!" J.Jay said to Ryu who was seating at a corner.

"Finally, you have any idea how long the past 5 mins were! Just staring at the 2 of you as still as statues..." Ryu grumpily said.

"Trust me, For Jacques, it was a good couple of years." J.Jay smiled.

"Huh? How come?" Ryu asked.

"Let's go, I will fill you in on the details back home." J.Jay turned and headed towards the condominium.

"Wait for me!!" Turning to look back at Jacques, Ryu shrugged and chased after J.Jay.

Left alone, Jacques felt tears welling up in his eyes as he hated himself for losing to a child.

"I swear, I will kill you the next time!!" he cried as his cell phone rang. As he took out jis cell phone to answer it, the name Tai Yi was on the caller ID.

*My turn! **I summon Blue Eyes White Dragon!! ***Praesepe Underworld Waves

Sunday, March 23, 2008

The Celestial Zone.21 Fan Fic Chpt 6: Just what is 'Hermes'?

Blogger's Notes: Right, as i have said before, the storyline now progresses at the same pace as the original comic. If i were to give an actual time in the comic when the last chapter had ended, it would be just after Mi sheng had met Lavender and had just found out about his ESP potential. This Chapter would now delve into J.Jay's interest in 'Hermes' and how close he was to the actual storyline. Story Time!!

After defeating Sha, J.Jay met his mysterious helper face to face. What would they do from here on out?

"Mandai Ryu the Dragon Tamer...Mandai..." J.Jay was deep in thought, why does that name sound so familiar...?

"Is there a problem?" Ryu asked.

"You...won't happen to be Mandai Ryu from FYP class, Mechatronics Engineering would you?" J.Jay asked.

"Bingo, dude. What a surprise, not only in the same project group but also ESPers too? How cool is that?" Ryu exclaimed.

"" J.Jay weakly replied.

"You don't look so good, got to clean you up first. That guy got you pretty good there." Ryu took J.Jay's arm over his shoulder.

"Don't worry, just let me sleep. I'll be fine in the morning..." J.Jay fall right asleep there and then.

"Yeah, still... You don't expect me to carry you all the way home do you? J.Jay?" hearing no response, Ryu realized that J.Jay was already fast asleep. Shaking his head, Ryu said:

"Ah, well. What the heck? Time to get home."

Trudging J.Jay back to the condominium where he lived, Ryu quickly brought him to his flat before anyone noticed anything. Inside, Ryu stripped J.Jay to his boxers and cleaned him up with a wet towel. Wiping his cloth over the wounds, he was stunned.

The wounds were healing at a rapid rate. Only lines were left in their place, and even those are slowly fading away.

"What the hell? No wonder he just needed to sleep...but this, this would be Faculty of Mutation right? If that is so, it doesn't add up. He should be Faculty of Conglomerates, Channels and Sensors based on what I saw just now. Don't tell me he can use 3 types of ESP!?"

Deciding to ask J.Jay when he woke up the next day, Ryu quickly finished cleaning J.Jay up and dressed him in fresh clothes. (Luckily we are almost the same size...) he thought. Yawning, Ryu washed up and went to bed as well.

The next day, strangely enough, they both woke up at the same time. Greeting each other with sleepy eyes, they walked towards the bathroom, J.Jay following Ryu. After washing their faces and freshening up, they yelped in terror as they suddenly noticed each other.

"Whoah!! Dude, why am I in the same toilet as you!?" J.Jay asked, pointing his finger at Ryu.

"I should be asking you, why are you in MY toilet with me!?" Ryu retorted.

Staring blankly at each other for a few moments, they bursted out in roars of laughter. 2 almost complete strangers had seemingly became friends in just 1 night. Later sitting at the dining table for breakfast, J.Jay said:

"Well, that was awkward. I haven't thanked you properly for saving my ass last night. Thanks."

"Don't mention it. I just happened to be watching fight that shorty...what was his name again...?" Ryu replied.

"Seriously, can't remember."

"Nevermind...yeah, so it seemed unfair that it was 2 v 1. Then he used hostages? That was too much, so I decided I should help." Ryu answered.

"But, I am more worried now is about this 'Hermes'. If they can find out I am an ESPer, they will definitely come for you too." J.Jay said.

"Yeah I suppose. But you would help me out then won't ya?" Ryu asked.

"Hell yeah. Wait, let me form a link through our ESP. That way, whenever you focus on me, you can actually send messages to me." J.Jay said.

"Cool, I want to asked though, Just what Faculty do you belong to?"

"I thought you might ask that. Truthfully, I don't know. Initially I could use all four...until I found I was not as good with Willpower so I focused on the other 3. As time passed, I became weaker and weaker in Willpower till 2 years back, I have not been able to use Willpower at all." J.Jay answered.

"I see. Well, mine is the Faculty of Conglomerates, Willpower and Sensors." Ryu said.

Later they went to school as per normal while spending time together searching for clues regarding 'Hermes' but to no avail.

A few days had passed, but still no luck. Sitting down just outside Ang Mo Kio Hub, they contemplated where to search next for the next few days as it is getting pretty late and the place is deserted like a graveyard.

Suddenly, there was a scream.

"Help, this robber stole my hand bag!" a middle aged woman cried in dismay as the said robber dashed pass J.Jay and Ryu.

Without a moment's pause, the duo sped after the culprit. After running for a minute or so, they still couldn't catch up with the robber. It was as though he running faster and faster, the image of his back smaller and smaller.

Concentrating, J.Jay cried out:

"He is an ESPer too! I sensed a faint hint of ESP over the area we just passed. No wonder..."

"Shit! A speed ESPer...annoying. Think I should send out my dragons?" Ryu asked.

Before J.Jay could answer, an extremely beautiful Japanese woman wearing a black jacket , mini-skirt and high-heeled boots appeared beside them, running effortlessly.

"Don't worry, I will catch him. Just be ready to pin him down." saying, the Japanese woman became a blur and within a heartbeat, had already reached the criminal and snatched the handbag back from him.

"What the...?" Ryu stared goggled-eyed.

"Come on!" J.Jay yelled! Pouncing on the robber.

Struggling, the robber wriggled free of J.Jay's grasp. Using his speed, the robber rained a barrage of blows at J.Jay. The Japanese woman was about to join in to help when J.Jay stopped her.

"No! This time, its my turn."

Nodding her head, the Japanese woman stepped back and watched. Just then, Ryu caught up and watched as well.

The robber knew that he had speed to his advantage so he did. Using his speed, he rained blow after blow at J.Jay, intending to give him no chance to counterattack. All J.Jay did was simply wait and defended himself from the attacks.

"What hell is he doing? J.Jay! Use that Aries Gold Saint thingey on the guy!" Ryu shouted.

Looking at Ryu, the Japanese woman asked:

"What Gold Saint?"

"Its J.Jay's ESP ability. It's really cool if you get to see it." Ryu replied.

"Too bad, I can't, he is too fast for me to get a lock on. And Crystal Wall won't work cause I don't have enough time to concentrate!" J.Jay yelled through his teeth.

"Then what the hell is such a fanciful attack for!?" Ryu cried out in exasperation.

"Dude, I am not called The Zodiac Knight for nothing. I still have 11 more constellations you have not seen yet!" J.Jay shouted back. Moment later, Ryu and the Japanese woman say markings appear on J.Jay's body.

"Faculty of Channels?" the Japanese woman wondered out loud.

"No, it's the sign of Leo, one of the 12 horoscopes. I see, so that's what you meant." Ryu corrected.

"I think you have hit me more than enough! I am going to return the favor tenfold! Lightning Plasma!!!" raising his fists in front of him, countless tiny lightning balls the size of a man's fists surrounded the nearby vicinity of J.Jay and the robber. Grinning now, J.Jay started to glow and the balls of lightning flew in various directions creating a mass net of lightning streaks, all smashing into the robber.

After all the lightning balls had made contact with robber, J.Jay deactivated the power and the robber fell to the floor, utterly paralyzed. Taking out his cell phone, J.Jay called the police just as the victim, pant and sweating profusely reached the scene.

"Wow, a very interesting technique. Allow me to introduce myself. I am Senbazuru, Sonic Speed Senbazuru." the Japanese woman introduced herself.

"Hi, I am J.Jay, Zodiac Knight J.Jay." J.Jay introduced.

"Mandai Ryu, Dragon Tamer Mandai Ryu." Ryu followed.

"You seemed quite beaten up, I have a friend who is in the Faculty of Mutation, she can patch you up real quick." Senbazuru offered.

"Thanks for the offer, but I can also heal myself so I am okay." J.Jay declined.

"I see, no problems then." Senbazuru said. Just then, her cell phone rang. "Excuse me... Hello, Senbazuru here. Yes, you have found Lavender? Good, I will be right over." hanging up, Senbazuru faced the 2 friends and said apologetically. "I am sorry, I would love to chat but I have something important to attend to. Good night." and she sped off at sonic speed into the night.

Walking on in the direction of home, J.Jay did not manage to pay his rent in time as his relatives are on holiday and he had to rent a house, Ryu had offered him free lodging and accommodations.

Just outside the condominium, the were halted by a lone man. All he said was:

"I am here to administer death to the 2 of you for not joining 'Hermes'."

"Great!! I have a question to ask you then...'Just what is 'Hermes'?'. " J.Jay gleefully replied.

Friday, March 21, 2008

The Celestial Zone.21 Fan Fic Chpt 5: Dar and Sha of the Dark Shadow. A new Ally?

Blogger's Notes: Well then, this time round, i will be trying something a little different. When i give the technique name, the name will become a link, to maybe a vid that has some animation to it. Hopefully, it will achieve a better visualizing effect for the fanfic. OK, let's move on now.

Moments ago, J.Jay had just defeated Elisandro with his own technique. Now he faces two more adversaries...Dar and Sha. Just what powers do the have?

"Not bad at all, I didn't expect Elisandro to get blasted by his own attack." Dar noted.

"Now, do you want to leave or will you die like he did? I have no qualms about killing anyone who threatens my life." J.Jay calmly said while facing the two identical twins.

"Shit, we will die anyways for failing so miserably. but I suppose it would be best to finish him off now don't you think brother?" Sha replied.

Nodding, Dar took off the cloak he was wearing. Sha imitated him. Getting into a ready position, J.Jay commented:

"I don't believe I caught your code names."

"I am Dar the Dark." Dar answered.

"I am Sha the Shadow." Sha continued.

"Together..." both of them went...

"We are Dar and Sha of the Dark Shadow!" So saying, they went and did some idiotic pose.

J.Jay's eyes narrowed.

"Dar and Sha of the Dark Shadow!? How much lamer can you people get!? I so regret asking for their names..." he growled.

"Enough yapping! Prepare for endless DARK!!!" Dar shouted, raising his hands with what looked like dark smoke trailing from his fingers. Looking carefully, J.Jay noticed that it was not smoke at all, but darkness itself.

"Faculty of Sensors..." he whispered to himself. Jumping forward, he tried to punch Dar with a punch, only to get stopped by something grabbing his arm. Surprised, he stared at Sha. Sha was too far away from him to have grabbed his what did?

As if in answer, Sha made a punching action in the air and J.Jay Felt something punch him in the gut. doubling over, he saw a shadow moving from the darkness, connecting to his arm then stretching out to punch him.

Jumping back, J.Jay caught his breath.

"I see, Dar creates sufficient darkness to cover the area and Sha uses the Darkness to attack as Shadows..." J.Jay struggled to think of a counter plan.

Making use of that slight opening, Sha proceeded to strike again and again. Bruised, J.Jay struggled to defend himself. Suddenly, where all the previous attacks were blunt Shadows, it changed to razor sharp edges and J.Jay was cut repeatedly.

"That's right, and thanks to my brother, I have no blind spots to my attacks but you however..." Sha snickered. "...Can't see in all directions at one time now can you?"

J.Jay frowned.

"He's right, I can't see in all all directions...but this idiot seems to be a loud mouth...I can probably use it to my advantage..."

But before J.Jay could try anything else, Darkness had complete engulfed him and countless Shadows came to dice him. Instinctively, J.Jay activated his barrier.

"Crystal Wall!!" Once again, the transparent cube that was Elisandro's demise appeared. Only this time, to house their creator. Strangely, the Shadows passed right through the wall and J.Jay was cut, completely unprepared.

Kneeling on the floor, J.Jay struggled to stay conscious from the pain. Panting, he looked up, only to be greeted by darkness. Through the darkness, he heard Sha's voice.

"You fool, my brother's darkness has no material form, its a essentially light itself. The fact your ridiculous wall is transparent is the reason it won't work."

Seeing J.Jay's snarl through the darkness, Sha grinned and decided to further humiliate J.Jay.

"I can see your face from hear quite clearly. It is priceless you know, too bad you cannot see your own face. Shall we test your wall again?"

Relentlessly, Sha attacked again and again. He missed all the vital points on purpose, wanted J.Jay to feel the most of the pain he intends to inflict.

Stopping to give J.Jay time to recover and ready for the next barrage, J.Jay stood up unsteadily and called to the darkness.

"So I suppose this is why you decided to attack me at night? Because there is no sun?"

"That's right you fool, you should have taken our offer at the first and only chance you had!" Sha shouted.

"Sha!! You are the Fool! Stupid big mouth!!" Dar shouted back through the darkness.

"What are you talking about brother?" Sha asked, bewildered by his normally quiet brother's outburst.

"You will know soon enough..." J.Jay interrupted.

Sha felt something punch him. With the force that he felt, there was no way it could have been human. Again and again, that something hit him. Seeing a bright glow from the corner of his eye, he dodged the next attack.

Looking around him, he saw holes in the darkness, as though they had been burned through. What happened? he thought to himself.

"You ever heard of stardust?" J.Jay called. "It is so bright, it can light up the darkness of space in masses."

"What!?" Sha cried.

"You talk too much, not only did you give your position away, you gave me so many hints, I figured that your Darkness while powerful can never compare to actual light, that is why you only attack at night."

"Don't think I will let you create enough light!!" Sha screamed, hurling as many blades as he could muster in one shot, hoping to kill J.Jay.

"I don't need you to let me, I already did." called J.Jay. Before the Shadows could cut him, a bright flash caused them to dissipate, revealing Dar and Sha's exact locations to J.Jay.

"Your brother's Shadow is very annoying, I think i will get rid of him first." J.Jay eyed Dar as they both attempted to flee from him.

"You are not going anywhere! Starlight Extinction!!!" J.Jay shouted. Dar was surrounded by a pillar of starlight. Slowly, his body started to fade away into non-existence.

"BROTHER!!!!!!!!!" Sha screamed. "What did you do to him, you bastard?"

"I just sent him to the world of the dead, which you shall be joining him soon after." J.Jay coldly replied, staring into Sha's eyes.

Trembling, Sha tried to run. Sha ran, he ran as fast as his legs could carry him. Suddenly, he heard the siren of a police car and he smiled to himself. Running in the direction of the sound, he found the police and using his shadows, overturned the car.

Picking up the officers inside, he turned and brandished them in front of J.Jay who has just caught up.

"Not another step closer, Monster!" he said.

Stopping in his tracks, J.Jay suddenly winced as the pain of memories that he wanted to forget came flooding back. Glaring at Sha, he took a step forward.

"Don't you dare call me a monster..."

"Not another step!" Sha repeated, waving the unconscious officers as emphasise that he is serious.

J.Jay stopped. Smiling wickedly, Sha attacked J.Jay.

"HAH!! You idiot, letting me hit you just because I have hostages. Surprising for a freakish monstrosity like you!!"

J.Jay gritted his teeth and remained silent, his painful memories causing anguish as well. Eventually, even he could not last under such attacks and fell to his knees in exhaustion.

"Finally, you fall. Time to end your life for my brother." panted Sha. As he prepared for the final blow, he felt something break his hold on the hostages. Whipping around, his eyes widen as he was swept back by a giant dragon.

"Hey Zodiac Knight!! I got the hostages, finish the guy off will ya?" a cheery voice called from nowhere.

"Thanks in advance!" J.Jay stood up and looked at Sha with murderous eyes. "To repay your hospitality just now, I won't even finish you quickly. I will leave so many holes on you it would be impossible for anyone to move you without you breaking into bits."

"N-no, please, mercy!!" Sha begged.

"No mercy for you, since you called me a monster." J.Jay replied, raising his hand as countless orbs of stardust appeared around him and Sha. "Stardust Revolution!!!" The orbs started revolving Sha, slowly picking up speed until Sha can no longer be seen through the raging whirlwind of stardust.

Turning around, J.Jay started walking away.

"Are you going to leave him that way?" said the voice.

"Yeah, I have cut off all power to the attack, it will stop by itself once it runs out of energy." J.Jay replied.

"Wow, that guy really pissed you off huh?"

"I would appreciate it if I don't have to talk to a ghost." J.Jay said.

"Sorry, I forgot you hate to talk without introductions" replied the voice. the stranger jumped out of a tree.

"My name's Ryu, Mandai Ryu." Ryu raised his hand to J.Jay.

"Jeremy 'Jay' Joel. You can call me J.Jay." J.Jay shook Ryu's hand.

"I am Ryu the Dragon Tamer by the way." Ryu smiled.

Thursday, March 20, 2008

The Celestial Zone.21 Fan Fic Chpt 4: J.Jay the Zodiac Knight

Blogger's Notes: The next chapter is now up. From here on, the story will progress straight into the actual storyline of The Celestial Zone.21. I have spent quite some time on the powers of J.Jay and I hope it will be fun to read on his various techniques. Now that's done, to the story!

Year 2008, 8 years have passed since Achilles had left J.Jay in the care of his relatives. Now a 20yr old polytechnic student at his final year, J.Jay stands at 1.78m tall with handsome, striking features and a thick crown of hair outlined with yellow streaks and tied in a small ponytail at the back.

He was in a particularly good mood today. That's because he received a call from Achilles, saying that he will be visiting Singapore on a business trip and would pay him a visit. They had not met in 5 yrs. Achilles last visit had been 3yrs after he left J.Jay in the care of his relatives and had taught J.Jay everything he could.

Now 5 yrs later, J.Jay is confident that he had achieved A-level of ESP through his hard work and was anxious to show it to Achilles. Walking along the streets, J.Jay felt several presences following him. Calmly, he picked up his footsteps and quickly led the stalkers to an extremely deserted area in Bishan Park.

Turning around, he called out to the darkness:

"Whoever you are, stop following me and get out here now."

Silence went on for a few more moments when suddenly, 3 figures appeared in the dark.

"Not bad, for a young ESPer, to realise that we were following him." commented the shortest of the group with a thick Spanish accent.

"And you are following me because?" J.Jay asked.

"We want to make you an offer, boy..." the short one continued before stopping mid sentence because J.Jay raised his hand to silence him.

"Hold it, Shorty. First off, I don't know any of you here. Let's start with introductions first, eh?" J.Jay said. "I'll start first. The name's Jeremy 'Jay' Joel. What's yours?"

"Sh...shorty!? How rude!! My name is Elisandro Buterpa. And these 2 are Dar and Sha." Elisandro pointed at the other 2 guys. "Now will you listen to our offer?"

Nodding, J.Jay crossed his arms and payed attention.

"We are here to give you the opportunity to joined the legendary 'Hermes'!" Elisandro raised his arms as he spoke like some sort of religious priest.

" 'Hermes'? Sorry, never heard of." J.Jay blandly replied.

"WHAT!!?? You don't know of 'Hermes'? And you called yourself an ESPer? Shame on you!!" Elisandro cried.

Annoyed, J.Jay clenched his fists.

"Look here, shorty. I am in a good mood today. Don't piss me off. Just say what you have to say or else I am leaving..." he warned.

"Don't call me 'SHORTY'!! Now speak. Will you join us or not? You should be smart and say 'yes'." Elisandro butted.

"And are you going to do if I say:'I'll pass.'? No thanks." J.Jay replied.

"Then we will have to kill you!" Elisandro shouted.

Jumping into the air, he launched a large ball at J.Jay which disintegrated the spot that J.Jay had been moments ago. Looking around, Elisandro saw J.Jay in the distance, leaning idily on a tree.

"So, you are a speed ESPer. Heh, speed wont work here. Too many obstacles!" Elisandro snickered.

"Aren't the 2 of you going to join in?" J.Jay asked Dar and Sha lazily. "If you don't, your friend here might die you know?"

"We don't need to. Elisandro will finish you off soon enough." Dar replied softly.

"Arrogant little jerk!! I will teach you manners and respect where you have none! You will witness why i am called 'Elisandro the Death Star'!!" Elisandro screeched in a high voice.

"First off, manners need to be reciprocal, secondly, respected has to be earned and lastly, I don't care nor want to know how you came up with that idiotic name." J.Jay countered.

Roaring in anger, Elisandro pointed a finger at J.Jay where a small green orb was appearing at the tip. An instant later, a thin green beam fired from the orb so fast, J.Jay barely dodged it. The tree that was hit blew up in a cloud of smoke, leaving bits and pieces of bark and leaves.

Dusting his shirt, J.Jay stared at the damage for a moment, then turned to face Elisandro.

"I see, so you blow up stuff like the Death Star in Star wars huh? Pretty good. You have earned some respect from me." J.Jay said.

"Only some? Well, there is more where that came from!!" Elisandro cried.

Pointing his fingers in various directions, he fired more beams that destroyed several objects in the park. Seeing J.Jay dodging all the time, he laughed.

"If you can only run then i guess your powers are not worth much. Tai yi has seriously overrated your powers!"

"Tai yi?! Who is that?" J.Jay wondered.

Dashing towards Elisandro, J.Jay raised his fists where battle markings have appeared and tried to bash his face in. Elisandro then disappeared just before the punch connected. Surprised, J.Jay barely avoided an attack from above where his jacket was caught and disintegrated.

"Faculty of Willpower!?" he said, looking up.

"Actually, its the Faculty of
. Mine is Willpower and Sensors." a smug Elisandro boasted.

"I see. Then I suppose there is no need to worry." J.Jay replied.

" 'Nothing to worry'!? What a laugh, against a Faculty of Channels like you, my powers are at an advantage!" sneered Elisandro.

"Whoever said anything about being from the Faculty of channels?" J.Jay asked.

So saying, a circle with the mark of Aries appeared in front of J.Jay which appeared on his face, hands and shoulders. Sensing that something is not right, Elisandro landed and quickly fired a shot at J.Jay.

"Crystal Wall!!!" J.Jay shouted, then
a transparent, glass-like barrier appeared between J.Jay and the beam.

Hitting the wall, the beam seemed to be absorbed into the barrier then was fired out back in the direction it came from. Shocked, Elisandro ducked and felt for the first time, how his victims were feeling as they were faced against his power.

"How did you like being attacked by your own technique?" J.Jay asked.

"What the hell was that?" Elisandro asked.

Crystal Wall, a technique i created based on the anime Saint Seiya. Its from the Aries Gold Saint. Pretty impressive, no?" J.Jay replied.

"Interesting power...I supposed I have underestimated you. I apologize..." went Elisandro, bowing. Grinning evilly, he suddenly stood straight and fired beams with all his might.

"...But I don't believe you can reflect so many beams at once!!!!" he growled.

Sighing, J.Jay activated
Crystal Wall again. This time, the glass-like barrier turned a sickly green as it absorbed all the beams fired at it. A moment's pause after the onslaught of beams ended, Crystal Wall reflected the combined attack of the beams in a blaze of green.

"No Way!!!" Elisandro's jaw dropped in shock as did his other comrades. Ducking onto the floor, he felt the air brush his back as the beams flew past him. Looking up at J.Jay, he exclaimed:

"Ha! You missed me." he jeered.

"I don't think so..." J.Jay said, closing his eyes in concentration.

Standing up and looking behind, Elisandro's eyes widen with horror. Another
Crystal Wall had been erected and had absorbed the attack, ready to reflect it. Jumping to the side, Elisandro tried to escape from the beams...

Only to bump into another
Crystal Wall. Falling flat on his butt by the rebound of his force, he looked around and saw that he is surrounded by Crystal Walls, trapping him inside a cube. Pounding his fists on the barrier, Elisandro cried out in horror as he realized the cube was shrinking and the beams were starting to move in different directions.

Eventually, There was no longer any space to move and there was a huge explosion, buffered only by the sturdy
Crystal Wall cube. Elisandro is no more. Turning around to face Dar and Sha, J.Jay said:

"I forgot to mention, my ESP code name is Zodiac Knight. J.Jay the Zodiac Knight."

Wednesday, March 19, 2008

The Celestial Zone.21 Fan Fic Chpt 3: I'm an ESPer now!?

Blogger's Notes: OK, i had just finished the first 2 chapters in one day and now i am starting on the next just 30mins since i posted chapter 2. Now, the focus here is that i couldn't resist and had to write a conclusion to the ESP TERMINATOR's fight with the ESP Sharks. Hopefully, it will be appealing enough for all my Readers and Readers-to-be. Thank you in advance. On with the story!

30mins ago, we were left with the mysterious old man being introduced as the ESP TERMINATOR. Will the rest of the ESP Sharks face the same fate as their fallen member? Well then, enough with the suspense, (I hope =p) and let's read on.

"Heh... I don't know about you guys but i think we should...RUN!!!!!" screamed Strangler.

Agreeing that it was a good idea, the remaining ESP Sharks bolted in different directions.

"He cant possibly catch all of us right?" Gonda shouted.

"True, I am but just 1 man but......Porvur!! Chekov!! Stop 2 of them, i will handle the last one!" ESP TERMINATOR raised his voice.

There were flashes from the different corners of the alleyway and Gonda flew back to the scene together with the other ESP Shark(I will call him Bob since i am too lazy to create a proper introduction for him). Strangler was the only one left and the ESP TERMINATOR promptly gave chase. Obviously, Strangler was not much of a challenge since only moments later after giving chase, the was that familiar phrase and flash that signifies a sealing.

Recovering back to their feet, Gonda and Bob faced their unseen assailants. Activating their individual powers, they attempted escape only to get blown back, again. This time though, J.Jay knew how the were attacked. One of the assailants could use lightning and the other some sort of explosive power.

After being knocked back twice in a row by such powerful forces, the 2 ESP Sharks stared in the direction of the ESP TERMINATOR groggily. They knew that their time as ESPers is up. Raising his hand, the ESP TERMINATOR prepared to perform another sealing when he paused and asked:

"Now i am giving you a second chance. Will you reform now and do something worthwhile with your powers or would you rather lose them?"

"We will change!! We swear!! Don't take away our powers..." they begged.

Putting down his hand, the ESP TERMINATOR said:

"Then from now on, the ESP Sharks is no more. But if i catch any of you doing evil with your powers again, I will not hesitate to seal your powers away for good. Now go."

Scrambling to their feet, Bob and Gonda picked up Syd and Louie, running off in terror. All the while, J.Jay stared wide-eyed at the entire spectacle, awestruck. Raising a hand, the ESP TERMINATOR helped J.Jay to his feet and brought him home.

For the next few days, J.Jay had to recuperate in his own room, not allowed by the ESP TERMINATOR to leave his room. during that time, the one that brought him his food was this heavily build fellow who has a large scar on his left cheek and a missing right eye. This I believe everyone would have guessed by now is Porvur.

Despite his fierce look, Porvur was really very gentle and soft spoken to J.Jay. He tried to cheer J.Jay up by keeping him company until he had to run an errand for the ESP TERMINATOR, of which he would keep J.Jay company the moment he got back.

When J.Jay became fit enough to leave bed, he was surprised at the TERMINATOR's insistence that he should not leave his room. So one night, he decided to sneak out of his room and went downstairs. Seeing his living room light on, he crept closer. What he heard later shocked him to the core.

"But teacher, we have to leave for our next assignment! We are 4 days late already!" that harsh and arrogant voice belonged to Chekov.

"Yes, but we cannot leave him in the hands of the towns people. You saw what they can do to his young mind." Porvur countered.

"Still..." Chekov began.

"Enough, the both of you. Your voices will wake the boy. I agree that we are already late. However, considering the boy's potential, we cannot leave him as it is. I will honor his mother's dying wish, to bring him to his relatives home in Singapore to be cared for. " came the fatherly voice of the TERMINATOR.

"I don't care! I am not going to some stupid country! I want my mother now!" screamed J.Jay from behind the wall.

Stunned, the trio spun around to see a weeping J.Jay staring at them.

The TERMINATOR smiled and walked over to the boy. Kneeling down, he patted his head and said:

"J.Jay, mommy is no longer on earth, she has gone to heaven, a good place..."

"But why didn't she take me with her?"

"That's because she cannot. You have so many things to do before you can go to heaven."

"But i already don't have a daddy, now my mommy is gone!!" J.Jay wailed even more loudly.

"J.Jay, my name is Achilles...If u want, let me be your father in your daddy's place. OK?" Hugging the boy tightly, the TERMINATOR softly whispered into the boy's ears. Before long, they managed to put J.Jay back to sleep.

"I am afraid we will have to stay here a while longer..." Achilles said.

"No choice I suppose..." grumbled Chekov.

"I understand teacher...I will do my best to convince the boy to change his mind..." Porvur said.

Smiling, Achilles said:

"I leave it to you then Porvur."

For the next few days, both Porvur and Achilles tried to comfort J.Jay. Although touched by Achilles and Porvur's unwavering attention to him, J.Jay became increasingly introvert. His young mind now scarred by the cruelties of life.

One day, Achilles went up to J.Jay's room and told him:

"Do you still remember WTB?"

"You know him?" J.Jay's eyes lit up at the mention and the strange man from his past.

"Yes, he and I are good friends and i just spoke to him about you."

"What did he say?"

"He said that he still remembers his promise to teach you how to do that trick he showed you. And he wants me to teach you in his place." Achilles smiled and sat beside J.Jay's bed.

"Really, you are going to teach me!?" Excited, J.Jay leaped in his bed.

"Ha ha ha...this is the most excited I have seen you since 2 weeks ago." Achilles laughed.

"However..." he continued. "There is a condition."

J.Jay frowned.

"What condition?" he asked.

"If I teach you, you must agree to go to your relatives house in Singapore. In life, we must be fair even if others are not. 1 thing for another. Do you understand?" Achilles said sternly.

After a period of thinking, J.Jay nodded his head.

"Agreed. So what are we waiting for?" he jumped out of bed and got dressed.

"OK. But everything must start from the basics..." Achilles began. And so another 2 weeks passed and J.Jay moved to Singapore and and Achilles stayed with him for 1 year while WTB took over some of his duties in exchange.

After that 1 year was up, Achilles had to leave the boy, reluctant as the boy was as he had left his post too long. But not before telling the boy the sentence that would change his fate forever..."You are an ESPer now just like WTB and I."

The Celestial Zone.21 Fan Fic Chpt 2: The ESP Terminator!?

Blogger's Notes: Originally, i had written this chapter and the previous chapter as one but i unintentionally wrote too much and decided to split it into 2 chapters instead. so that's why we have 2 chapters back to back. Now on to the chapter.

Previously, we left off with a mysterious group of man following J.Jay as he tried to escape from his school. Sensing someone following him, J.Jay ran in random direction trying to throw off whoever was following him. Suddenly, another man appeared in front of him and raised his hand to grab J.Jay.

Reacting quickly, J.Jay turned but sadly, he ran into a dead-end. He saw four shadows behind and he slowly turned to face his attackers. All of them were wearing the same black leather jackets with matching pants and shoes. and they all had wide evil grins on their faces.

"You lead us on a pretty good chase kiddo. But it's all over now." The one with a horizontal scar across his head said.

"Yeah yeah. He thinks we don't know he is trying to lead us away from his house. But really kid, we have already visited your house and gave your mommy dearest a very special treatment...Death." cackled another who sports long hair.

"Shut Up, Louie." commented the first man.

"I told u not to call me that in public Gonda!!" screamed Louie. "I am called Strangler!!"

"Whatever, look kid, i don't want to hurt you OK? so make this simple for us. We want u to join our gang of ESPers, called the 'ESP Sharks' and i wont take no for an answer. So, yes or no?" Gonda stared at J.Jay in the eyes.

J.Jay remained silent and replied by kicking a nearby stone at Gonda's face. Gonda merely flicked the stone with a wave of his hand without even touching the stone. Shaking his head ruefully, he said:

"Pity, you would have been great. Syd, if you don't mind, please roughen the boy up a bit."

The largest of the group, moved forward and started beating J.Jay up. After several minutes, Gonda raised his hand as a signal for Syd to stop. Raising J.Jay by the cuff of his shirt, Gonda walked over and stared into the boy's eyes.

"I am giving u a second chance. Will you join us? Or will die as pointlessly as your stupid mother did?" he asked in a dangerously low voice.

Feeling an uncontrollable rage building up inside of him, J.Jay screamed: "NEVER!!" and unleashed a huge wave of energy from his body. Taken by surprise, the four men were thrown back but quickly recovered. Promptly, they countered by sending waves and waves of energy at J.Jay. The waves were strong but not enough to cause any serious damage to J.Jay. They intend to finish it slowly.

Finally, J.Jay collapsed in a battered heap. Barely conscious, he looked at the face of his attackers and thought (Shit, i am going to die here...I don't want to die, I don't!). Squeezing his eyes shut, he prepared for the inevitable.

Nothing happened.

Opening his eyes, J.Jay saw someone standing in front of him, shielding him. His saviour turned around and J.Jay recognized him as the person telling him to stop in school.

"Are u alright?" the man asked in a kind fatherly voice.

"I have felt better..." J.Jay moaned.

Nodding, the man turned back to face the ESP Sharks.

"I would advise u to stop your nonsense at once and do something worthwhile with your powers." he said.

"And What are YOU going to do if we don't?" Gonda asked.

"Let's just get rid of him! He is but an old man and and blind to be precise." Strangler retorted. "Syd, sic him!"

And Syd did, only to get pushed back by a strange blue force.

"He is an ESPer!" he cried in a gruff voice.

"And so are YOU, you incompetent fool! Use your powers!" screamed Strangler.

No sooner had he said that, strange markings began appearing all over Syd's exposed face and hands.

"Faculty of Channels!?" old man said.

"Too late for you now, OLD MAN!! " shouted Syd and he launched himself on the frail old man, confident of his victory.

Or so he thought.

Not only was the old man unfazed, he was holding Syd back with 1 hand!! Sighing, the old man gave a gentle pushed and Syd flew back as if he was hit by his own force.

"Why do you evil scions have to do things the hard way?" the old man said while putting his right hand into his pocket. Taking it out, he revealed a strange round stone on his hand which started to glow a soft blue color.

"The four of you do not deserve your power. Therefore, I shall remove your connection to it forever!" the old man announced.

"What!?" exclaimed Gonda.

In a flash however, the old man appeared before Syd, completely unhindered by his blindness.

"Stone of Sealing, End the Power!!" he shouted before slamming his open palm with the stone in it onto Syd's chest. In a bright flash of light, Syd seemed to have been scrambled into bits only to be put back together. Only without the strange markings on his body.

The rest of the ESP Sharks stood with their jaws wide open. Syd stood up shakily and seemed to try and concentrate on some thing. In the few moments that passed, there was silence as everyone watched him. In exasperation, he screamed:

"I can't summon my powers, its like they are gone!!"

The ESP Sharks jumped on the spot.

"What!! Don't tell me that this old man is..." Gonda softly said

"THE ESP TERMINATOR!?" finished Strangler.

The Celestial Zone.21 Fan Fic Chpt 1: What power?

Year 1999, 5 years later. J.Jay was with a group of friends going home from school. They had just gotten off the bus and were heading to the mall when there was a scream. Turning around they saw a man waving a butcher knife and running through the crowd. Unable to avoid in time, J.Jay got caught by the man's free hand.

"NOBODY MOVE!!!!!" screamed the man.

Silence fell on the place. Nobody moved. J.Jay struggled for a few seconds before giving up.
(Oh man, what the hell is this!? I can't believe that i am a hostage...) Kenny, J.Jay's best friend since pre-grade school decided to speak up.

"Let him go!" he shouted from where he stood.

"Shut up! I said don't move!" the man screamed. Brandishing the butcher knife a little too close for comfort in front of J.Jay's face.

"Whoah!! Watch it!" J.Jay screamed, struggling a bit.

"DON'T MOVE!!!!!" the man made a slash at J.Jay's face.

"Jay!!!!" Kenny leaped forward and kicked the man in the shin, HARD.

"ARGH!!!!" the man dropped J.Jay in pain.

Scrambling away, J.Jay turned around to see Kenny skewered by the man in a furious rage at losing his only hostage. Blood splattered all over J.Jay's face.
The only thing that went through J.Jay's mind then, was Kenny's bloodied body lying on the ground with a blank stare looking into his eyes...then everything went blank.

When J.Jay came back to his senses, he realized everyone around was staring at him. Looking at his surrounding, he realized that the man was hanging off a lamp post nearby all battered up and Kenny was sitting in a corner all healed.

"Why is everyone staring at me?" J.Jay wondered out loud.

No one answered. As J.Jay walked towards the crowd, they all backed away in fear. Confused, J.Jay turned to Kenny and to his surprise, all his friends pulled Kenny away and they were all frightened of him.

"What's wrong will all of you? Why are u running away from me?" J.Jay exclaimed.

"FREAK!!!" screamed one of J.Jay's friends from behind the crowd.

"Yeah, u are a FREAK!!!" another exclaimed.

Before long, the whole crowd was bustling with screams and shouts of "FREAK" or "GET LOST, MONSTER". J.Jay, utterly confused by the crowds reaction, ran away from the scene. All their screams and shouts kept echoing in J.Jay's head, he could not make heads and tails from what had happened when he had blacked out. Reaching home, he quickly ran to his room and locked himself there.

The next day, J.Jay awoke thinking that everything that had happened yesterday was just a dream. To his horror, it was all true, and everyone in the neighborhood had gathered and was making a racket outside his house. J.Jay's poor mother; We shall call her Amelia, ok? Was trying to quiet the town down. Soon after the crowd dispersed...

J.Jay headed downstairs. Seeing his mother slumped onto a chair and weeping silently, he walked over and said silently:

"I am sorry, mom. It's all my fault, but I don't know what happened, really!"

Turning around, Amelia hugged J.Jay so tightly he almost couldn't breathe.

"No, its not your fault, its mine. I knew this would happen but i never thought it would be this soon..." she whispered.

"Mom!?" J.Jay looked at her, bewildered.

"It's nothing, go to school and come home straight after, you hear me, young man?" Amelia ordered.

"Yes mom."

J.Jay turned to prepare for school. After J.Jay had left, Amelia stared listlessly at the home phone. Then she searched the drawers and finally took out a piece of paper. Deep in thought, Amelia hesitated for a long time before picking up the phone and making a call.

The day at school was miserable. The normally very cheerful and outspoken J.Jay met cold shoulders every where he went. None of his friends spoke to him, even Kenny gave him a look of disgust. During lunch break, he was bullied every where and even the teachers who were nice to J.Jay, became extremely biased towards him. Everything was his fault even when he was not there.

When school finally ended, while everyone ran home with their friends, J.Jay stayed behind to finish up the punishments he received that day. While in the midst of his lines, J.Jay felt as if someone was watching him, staring at him from a distance. Feeling shivers down his spine, J.Jay quickly finished up and left quickly.

For a whole week, this went on until one day, J.Jay could not stand it any longer and he started a fight in school. It was a losing match however since everyone boycotted him. When he was finally pinned down, he saw that Kenny had not joined the fight.

"Kenny! Help me, Please!" he begged.

But Kenny only turned away but only after saying:"Get Lost, Freak Show."

That's it, J.Jay finally snapped. Well now, you cant blame him can you after all he has been through. Suddenly, a surge of energy pulsed through J.Jay's body and he lifted the people holding him and pounced on Kenny. Screaming in mad rage, he pounded his fists onto Kenny repeatedly ignoring Kenny's pleas for mercy. At last, J.Jay stopped, and when he saw his bloodied hands and Kenny's motionless body on the floor, he turned and ran, even as he saw an unfamiliar face calling him to stop, he ran.

As he left the school, he did not notice the group of people watching him from behind the signpost.

"Let's go, we have confirmed his power." one of them said.

"Now, to make him join our gang." said another.

And they followed J.Jay into the distance.

Tuesday, March 18, 2008

The Celestial Zone.21 Fan Fic Prologue Chpt: The Unknown Power!?

Year 1994, in the country of New Zealand. On a wide green field, a group of children were playing football. In a distance, one man wearing a hat was watching the young group keenly. Before long, 1 of the children separated from the group and started walking in the direction of several houses. Eyes following the lone child like a hawk, the man followed the child.

The man waited outside the child's house for a few minutes before walking away. On the very next day, the man appeared again and waited for the child to appear. As the child left the house to head to school, the man followed the child a short distance just until they were out of sight of the house before running to the child.

"Hi there, kid." he said.

Turning around, the man noticed a boy with a gleaming smile.

"Morning, Mister. Why are u following me everyday?" he innocently asked.

Taken back, the man asked:

"You know i have been following u?"

"Yupz, I am very sensitive to paranormal stuff. You are not a normal person right, Mister?" the boy replied.

"True, i am not normal..." the man replied.

The boy continued smiling.

"What's your name boy?" the man asked.

"Jeremy 'Jay' Joel Tan. What's your Mister?" the boy introduced.

"My name is WTB. So how should i call u?" the man replied.

"J.Jay is what my friends call me." J.Jay said.

"J.Jay, thats a nice name." WTB commented.

J.Jay's smile grew wider.

"how old are you J.Jay?" WTB asked.

"I turned 6 just last week." J.Jay answered.

"6 yrs old...just nice." WTB said to himself.

"J.Jay, i want to show u something fun as a late present ok?" WTB asked.

"OK!!" J.Jay nodded.

WTB closed his eyes and silence ensues. After while, the leaves all around the floor started swirling in the air forming various interesting shapes. Finally, they formed the words 'Happy Birthday J.Jay!!' in mid air.

J.Jay reacted in kind by jumping up and down excited.

"Cool! WTB, can you teach me that trick?" he asked.

"Ok, but i need to check something first alright?" WTB replied.

Nodding, J.Jay closed his eyes as WTB instructed and waited. Taking out the Mentor Stone from his pocket, WTB concentrated and slowly the violet colored stone started changing hues. Finally settling on 1 color, WTB looked at the stone and his eyes widen.

The Mentor Stone was grey in colour and with the impression of something swirling inside it.
(Well I'll be... I have never seen this power before...) he thought to himself. (Looks like i need to observe him more. Interesting, Most interesting.) he smiled. In front of him, J.Jay frowned with his eyes closed.

"Something is wrong, right WTB?" he asked.

"No, nothing at all." WTB replied.
(He is really sensitive! He noticed something was wrong...)

"J.Jay, open your eyes and listen to me." WTB said.

"Yes, WTB?" he asked.

"Don't you have school?" WTB asked.

"Oh No!! I am LATE! Sorry WTB, I have to go!" shouting, J.Jay ran off.

"Heh, hopefully, we meet again." WTB stares at the shrinking figure in front of him.

Monday, March 17, 2008

The Celestial Zone.21 Fanfic~Jay Version~ Credits Where they are due.

The thing every reference to well known stuff needs to have.... Disclaimer!!!!! I do not own "The Celestial Zone" in any way and many characters i might create are in no way connected to anyone and I apologise for any inconvenience caused due to resemblences to actual people.

That said, i will get to writing details about the content of this fanfic. I will skip all the lengthy details about the celestial zone, ask your neighborhood celestial zone-iac for them. first off, i will start off with my lead char who goes by the name J.Jay, but we will call him Jay for short. He is a polytechnic student, 20 yrs old.

If possible, in the near future(i hope :p) i might link the story with Tobias Fong's fanfic found on this website, but onli as a link. There will be no direct relation whatsoever to his character and mine. There may be alot of references to animes and mangas so i will imply with
RED LETTERINGS if they are of such nature so do not credit me on such references.

Thank you for reading through such a lengthy introduction and i hope your interest have not waned, for i feel that it is important to note all these. I would get started asap but i fear that sleep is getting to me... before i go though, my friends just sent me an email with this website and i feel that everyone should read.... i am such a sucker for these stories...