Monday, April 28, 2008

The Celestial Zone.21 Fan Fic Chpt 12 : Blue Eyes Ultimate Dragon! The showdown between Dolls and Dragons

Blogger’s Notes: Yes! I am finally able to update. Ryu makes his first official debut in this chapter hope u will enjoy it. It may be tough for readers who have no prior knowledge to yu gi oh so I apologize before hand. And for the fans of Blues eyes white dragon, feast on the awesome might of the dragons!! Whahahaha! To the chapter then!

Knocked almost senseless by Burstinatrix, Ryu shook his head to clear it. Shit, I am too far from J.Jay! He thought. Just then, Burstinatrix had already closed in and on the attack. Prepared this time, Ryu managed to grab her out stretched arm and flipped her over with a judo throw.

Sensing someone catching up from behind, Ryu quickly ran for cover among the trees nearby. Sneaking a glance from behind a tree while taking out his deck, Ryu saw that the masked man had arrived. Anxiously, knowing that his cover would be blown very soon, Ryu fumbled through his deck for THAT card.

“What may I ask are you looking for? Hmmm?” said a cold voice from behind the tree.

Ryu froze in shock, unable to move. Suddenly, the tree behind him blew up, sending him sprawling across the floor. Recovering with a roll, Ryu countered by picking a card…..from his empty hand!?

Wide eyed, Ryu stared at his palm then saw that his cards had been scattered in the explosion. Doll Master was slowly making his way towards Ryu, a wide grin on his face, behind him Burstinatrix followed.

Keeping his eyes fixed on them, Ryu grabbed a few cards from beneath his feet and quickly glanced at them. He winced. Not one of them could be used……trying again, he picked up a few more cards. By then his opponents were less then a metre from him.

Glancing, he felt slight relief. Finally, something I can use! Concentrating hard, he started to glow. Amused at what Ryu is doing, Doll Master stopped in his tracks and waited. Flashing the card to them, something flew out and was headed straight for Doll Master.

Jumping back, Doll Master easily avoided the attack and took a good look at what attempted to assault him. Before his very eyes, a tiny dragon the size of a child was flying about.

Baby Dragon! Baby Flame!!” Ryu shouted.

Turning his head, Doll Master was caught off guard by Ryu’s shout and did not notice the dragon open its mouth and fired a ball of flame at him. Just before Doll Master got hit, Burstinatrix quickly fired an energy shot that extinguished the flame.

“Be careful You idiot!” she shouted.

Ryu took the moment that they were unfocused and quickly scanned the floor for THAT card. Seeing it on the floor just next to Doll Master’s foot, he pounced on it like a wild animal and grabbed Doll Master’s leg causing him to fall on his face.

Rolling away, Ryu stood and concentrated again. As Burstinatrix attempted to attack him, she found herself slamming into something big. Stepping back, she gave a quick gasp as she saw a giant white dragon towering over her.

Swinging its massive tail, the dragon swept Burstinatrix off her feet and a few metres away. Just then, Doll Master had gotten back on his feet and saw the giant dragon.

“Well, I must say this is quite impressive!” he praised.

Burst Stream of Destruction!!” Ryu cried.

The dragon opened its jaws and a giant ball of energy formed. Doll Master could practically feel the energy crackling in the air as this ball was fired in a large stream, straight at him. Any normal ESPer would had died from such an attack.

If Doll Master were an normal ESPer……as the smoke cleared, Ryu saw Doll Master standing there, unscathed at all.

“No way…… That was a full powered Burst Stream……” Ryu said.

“True, but even so, with a barrier strong enough, I can protect myself.” Doll Master replied.

Raising his arms, string-like things appeared from his fingers and at the end of each of these string things started to grow a mass of disgusting looking goo that slowly took form. Before long, Doll Master was surrounded by 10 humanoid shapes that had masks on their faces.

“I must say, you have an interesting concept of materializing dragons from your imagination. Whereas I, take delight in manipulating bodies like dolls.” Doll Master commented.

“So, you are going to say it’s a Puppet Fight huh?” Ryu finished.

“Indeed. Dolls versus Dragon. Please make it interesting…” Doll Master said.

“Don’t regret it then!” Ryu shouted, his white dragon making the first move by firing a shot at Doll Master.

Reacting in kind, with a flick of his finger, a Doll jumped into the path of the ball and took the brunt of the attack, exploding, reforming moments later. Flicking another finger, another Doll leapt towards Ryu which was promptly kicked in the gut by Ryu.

Before long, the entire battle was a mess, Ryu beating the crap out of Dolls which gets up relentlessly, the dragon firing balls of energy and Dolls jumping in the way. However, Doll Master was obviously at the advantage. He had not even moved a step since the fight began, only his fingers.

Panting, Ryu knew the fight was against him. It wont be long before he gets beat down by the overwhelming forces of Doll Master. Thinking hard, he jumped out of the mob of Dolls and landed on the dragon’s back.

Looking around, he searched for something. Finally finding it, he soared away from Doll Master. Not wanting to lose this chance, Doll Master gave chase, not realizing that by now, Burstinatrix should have caught up and should be assisting him as per planned.

Where is she now? Sitting on a tree branch watching the whole fiasco.

As Doll Master gave chase, he saw that Ryu seemed to land at certain areas and take off again after a while. Knowing that Ryu might be up to something, he braced himself for what ever he could throw.

However, Doll Master was not too worried as he believed that this white dragon was Ryu’s strongest fighting force. Finally, Ryu landed and waited for Doll Master to catch up. Knowing that Ryu was ready to finish things once and for all, Doll Master readied himself.

“Finally giving up boy? After all, controlling 1 dragon is not enough. In such a fight, the one who controls more puppets wins. And I clearly am superior to you.” He said.

“Is that so? Doll Master was it? You said before this fight that it was Dolls versus Dragon, what makes you so sure that I can only control 1 dragon at a time?” Ryu retorted.

Doll Master’s eyes widen. Impossible, did I make a mistake? No, it must be a hoax!

Seeing disbelief in Doll Master’s eyes, Ryu merely scoffed.

“Seeing is believing like they always say. Take a good look then!” raising his hand, there were 2 more Blue Eyes White Dragon cards and flashing, 2 more dragons appeared bringing the total dragon count to 3!

3 dragons! 1 Blues Eyes has so much power, now there are 3! Incredible!

“No way, I have seen you in action before, there is no way you could control 3 at a time!” Doll Master exclaimed.

“Before, yes you are right. But thanks to J.Jay, I have made leaps and bounds in my mastery and can control 3 dragons at ease!”

“Ha!! I can handle 1 dragon without breaking a sweat, I can definitely handle 3!” Doll Master cried.

“True, but there is a special trick to Blue Eyes White Dragons. Individually they are powerful, but combined, I can unleash a new power from them at once!” Ryu said.

Making swirling motions with his hand, the bodies of the dragons started to distort and warp towards the center of the swirl. Appearing out of the distortions, a Blue Eyes White Dragon with 3 heads!!

Blue Eyes Ultimate Dragon! The amalgamation of 3 Blue Eyes! With this, its firepower is exponentially increased, for a total of 9X its normal firepower!” Ryu thrusted his hand forward, signaling the dragon to attack.

A bright flash followed by a humongous beam flew towards Doll Master. Mustering all his strength, he quickly sent all his Dolls to cover him. If he can survive this attack, victory would be his.

Fueled by this thought, he stood firm against the impact, resulting in a draw, the attack not getting through, but he lost all his Dolls at the same time. Laughing to himself, he used his remaining energy to create 2 more Dolls, his limit, to attack Ryu.

Through the smoke, Ryu was exhausted but he knew that Doll Master was going to make an attack and he could not gather enough ESP to prepare another shot. With whatever was left, he quickly split Blues Eyes Ultimate Dragon back to 3 Blue Eyes White Dragons and sent them through the smoke.

Doll Master was completely unprepared for the arrival of 3 Blue Eyes White Dragons from the veil of smoke and was about to be defeated when suddenly, the dragons vanished. It was as if they were never there at all.

The smoke cleared and Doll Master saw Ryu sitting on the ground, panting. Ryu had run out of ESP at that critical juncture!

“I have to admit, you are a magnificent fighter. But my job is to finish you off. Pity really.” Doll Master lamented about to finish Ryu off when he was blasted from behind.

Roaring in pain, he turned and saw Burstinatrix with her hand raised and directed at him.

“Woman! What do you think you are doing!” he roared.

“Isn’t it obvious? I am the one you are looking for.” She simply replied.

“The Sorceress…” Doll Master said in realization. They had been tricked by this woman.

“That’s right. Now to finish you off for all you misdeeds!” She said.

But before she could make the finishing move…


She turned at the shout, giving Doll Master the chance to escape. Turning back, Mira saw that her quarry had escaped. Cursing to herself, she prepared for the next problem on the way. Finally finding his friend, J.Jay faced Mira.

“Mira! I want answers and You are going to give them to me!!” he screamed.

Sunday, April 20, 2008

The Celestial Zone.21 Fan Fic Chpt 11 : I Want Answers

Blogger’s Notes: Right now, finally, an update! Bet you were all waiting to murder me for my tardiness, but now u cant cause I am now back with the next chpt! On another note, I have a friend who has also written another fanfic for the celestial zone and J.Jay has a guest role in it so pls every one, follow this link to his blog and read away! And he updates more regularly than I too. Now, to the chapter!

“Damn it! Why are you here!
” screamed J.Jay.

“What!? You know this person?” Ryu looked at J.Jay in surprise.

Without another word, Burstinatrix snapped out her hand and Ryu felt an incredible force slam into him and pushed him far from J.Jay. Chasing Ryu relentlessly, Burstinatrix fired burst after burst of energy at Ryu until they were but shadows in the distance.

“What all you waiting for!! Finish the boy off!!” Doll Master roared at his subordinates as he turned to assist Burstinatrix.

Snapping out of the shock they had at J.Jay’s outburst, the remaining 3 masters circled J.Jay slowly with caution. Seeing J.Jay sitting on the floor stunned and listless, Trap Master decided to make the first move.

Jumping forward, he gave a kick at J.Jay’s face. Nothing happened. J.Jay just sat there while Trap Master pounded away on him.

“What the--? This is going to be soo easy!” Trap Master cried out in surprise and arrogance.

“Careful Narcius, you don’t know what he may be planning…” Mode Master said.

“Look at him Kirielle! He is just another dumb punching bag!” Trap Master continued pounding away.

Psycho Master merely stood by assessing the situation. J.Jay’s reaction puzzled him greatly and he could not shake off an uneasy feeling within him. Thinking hard for a moment, he called out to Trap Master.

“Narcius, what was that woman wearing when she fought you?”

“Huh? I already told you, dressed all in black.” Trap Master called back.

“Think harder, though thinking has never been your forte, she must had been wearing something else.” Psycho Master said irritatedly.

Thinking for a moment, Trap Master shouted.

“Oh yeah! She was also wearing some gold bracelet thingy consisting of 2 rings!”

“2 rings…Gold bracelet…” Psycho Master was in deep thought… Then suddenly…

“Oh No!! Narcius! Kirielle! Forget the boy! Our Lord is in danger!”

“What!?” Trap Master and Mode Master exclaimed.

“That Burstinatrix, she IS the Sorceress! She plans to team up with that Dragon Boy to defeat our Lord!” Psycho Master turned to his Master’s direction. Trap Master and Mode Master did the same.

However before they could move, they felt a huge energy surge behind them and turned around. J.Jay was standing there in a blaze of gold energy.

“I need to speak to her! And you are not getting in my way!” he screamed at them.

Without wasting time, Psycho Master fired a psychic blast at J.Jay which seemingly bounced harmlessly off him. Then J.Jay was gone. The 3 Masters scanned the immediate area anxiously but could not locate him.

Suddenly, Trap Master felt flat on his face as something smashed onto the back of his head. Whipping around, he saw J.Jay standing right behind him cracking his fists.

“Before I forget…It’s pay back time!!” he shouted as he started bashing Trap Master like some crazed brawler.

“Narcius!!” Mode Master screamed as she changed her form and turned into Elisandro.

Raising her fingers, she fired a Death Star Beam right at J.Jay. Without even looking up, the sign of Aries appeared and the all too familiar transparent wall appeared and reflected the attack back at Mode Master.

In a flash, Psycho Master had teleported in front of Mode Master and erected his own psychic barrier and dissipated the energy of the beam.

“Careful Kirielle, he has beaten Elisandro before and he is even stronger now!” Psycho Master chided.

“I know, but Narcius…!” Mode Master argued

“I am on it already!” Psycho Master concentrated and lifted J.Jay high into the air.

“Now! Kirielle!” he shouted.

Quickly, Mode Master then changed into another man that J.Jay had never seen before and before his very eyes, grew to the size of a tree and smacked him real hard with a fist. Slamming onto the floor, J.Jay tried to recover but his legs could not move.

Taking the chance, Mode Master slammed into J.Jay several more times before finally gripping J.Jay’s legs and threw him onto a wall.

Gasping for air, J.Jay tried to run as he saw Mode Master charging towards him again in an attempt to crush him once and for all. Shit, he thought, My legs cant move! But my upper body can. Only way to handle this is to use…..

Markings started appearing on J.Jay’s body as he started to glow gold.

“Whatever you are up too, its too late!!!!” Mode Master screamed.

Keeping silent, J.Jay merely crossed his arms and closed his eyes. Just as Mode Master was about to crush him and had come within arms length, J.Jay snapped his eyes open and flung his arms out and an energy wave in the shape of a giant bull appeared.

Great Horn!!!” he shouted as the energy wave smashed into Mode Master and sent her flying through the air.

Just before she touched the ground, Mode Master had fallen unconscious, changing back to her real form.

“Kirielle!!” Psycho Master shouted, losing focus for a moment.

Just as Psycho Master got distracted, J.Jay found that he could move again. Knowing that he might not get another chance like this again, he attempted an attack at Psycho Master. Sensing danger behind him, Psycho Master quickly turned around and froze J.Jay in place again just as J.Jay raised his finger at him.

“Shit!! You F!@king coward! Face me without that lame technique of yours!” J.Jay cursed.

Walking up to J.Jay, Psycho Master gave J.Jay a tight slap to the face. Face turning red in humiliation and the spot on his cheek burning, J.Jay stared at Psycho Master, as if hoping he could kill on sight.

Unnerved by such sharpness in the eyes of a youngster, Psycho Master rewarded J.Jay with several more slaps.

“Time to finish you off boy…” Psycho Master said as he made a crushing action with his fist. J.Jay could feel something crushing him and soon he was turning purple.

“Not if I finish you off first 3-tailed pig!!” J.Jay shouted with his final breath and as Psycho Master finally clenched his fist, his own face turned pale.

Looking down on his body, all Psycho Master saw was a tiny red wound but the pain was almost unbearable. Looking back at J.Jay’s face, he saw another constellation sign. Before he could say anything, J.Jay replied.

“Scorpio, I put my finger up on purpose cause I knew I might get caught again.”

Silently, Psycho Master cursed his own carelessness.

“You have only gotten a taste of Scarlet Needle, there are still 13 more to go.” J.Jay said as his outstretched fingernail grew to form what looked like a crimson sting on a scorpion.

Before Psycho Master could react, he felt another prick followed by an excruciating pain much worst than the first one. With that much pain, he lost his hold on J.Jay. Psycho Master had lost this fight.

“10 more….” J.Jay counted as he fired 2 more shots at Psycho Master.

Letting out a blood curdling scream, Psycho Master fell unconscious on the floor.

“Tch, only four shots and he already cannot take it. Cant blame him though, with each shot, the pain increases and its even more unbearable if fired in succession.” J.Jay commented as he turned in Doll Master’s direction and started running as fast as his exhausted body could take him.

“I want answers and YOU are going to give it to me!” he growled to himself.

Thursday, April 10, 2008

The Celestial Zone.21 Fan Fic Chpt 10: The Masters and.....Why are you here!?

Blogger's Notes: Yay!!! It's Chpt 10 already. Hurray to me!! Eh-hem, pardon me, I am going abit nuts now. School is starting soon and that means I may not be able to update as regularly as I would like. Just thinking about it is driving me crazy! But that's enough of me. The important things in the chapter now. The mysterious ESPer who joined the grp of what-is Masters is about to make her first actual appearance. Has anyone guessed who she is? A few of my frens guessed Mayana or Bao-er but they are all wrong! Hee hee, read on to find out.

Staring through their binoculars, Doll Master saw the 2 friends walking home. Turning his head, he saw the same look of surprise on the female and the other person with 3 pony-tails.

"What the hell is Narcius doing!? I gave him the order to finish them off!" Doll Master bellowed.

"What should we do now, Doll Master?" the female asked.

"Kirielle, I want you to go and bring Narcius back immediately!" Doll Master ordered.

"As you wish my lord." Kirielle answered, bowing before she turn and left the roof.

"What now, Doll Master? Should I finish them off?" the man with the pony-tails asked.

"No! Do not be rash, for all we know, Narcius was probably defeated by them. We will watch for now." Doll master cautioned.

Nodding his head, the man turned back to watch the 2 friends as the entered their apartment. Outside, The Sorceress looked down at the unconscious Trap Master and gave a start as she sensed another ESPer approaching.

With a flick of her wrist, she extinguished the last of the flames crackling around the area and quickly left the scene, confident that she had not left any tracks. A minute later Kirielle appeared looking around for Narcius.

When she saw him lying on the floor, she quickly ran to his side. Finding him alive, she gave a great sigh of relief and tried to call to him while shaking his body.

"Narcius, Narcius!! Wake up!! Get up, you Porcupine Head!!" Kirielle screamed at him. Seeing Narcius's head twitch at the mention of porcupine head, Kirielle went on:

"Wake Porcupine Head! Porcupine Head~~ Oh Porcu--"

Narcius jumped awake in a blaze of fury

"I TOLD YOU, STOP CALLING ME POR-CU-PINE HEAD!!!!!!!!" he roared and suddenly stopped.

Looking at Kirielle in surprise, he said:

"Kirielle, what are you doing here? Where is that bitch!?"

Eyes narrowed, Kirielle asked:

"What bitch? There is no other woman here but me."

"There was this bitch who beat the snort outta me. She was protecting those 2 losers." Narcius explained.

"I see. We'd better get you back and tell this to our master." Kirielle said, offering a hand to Narcius which he accepted willingly.

Back on the roof top when Narcius had returned, Doll Master was deep in thought as he brought in this new and unexpected factor into the scenario.

"Indeed, this sorceress who prove difficult to handle if we do not stop her." Doll Master comment.

"Allow me to try and find her whereabouts my lord, then we will crush her with our combined strength!" the man with the 3 pony-tails said.

"Very well, Darwyn. But remember, only seek her location, do not engage." Doll Master consented.

Bowing, Darwyn disappeared in a flash. Turning around, Doll Master inspected Narcius's wounds.

"You were careless Narcius. Falling into your own trap and letting your opponent make a fool of you." Doll Master said.

Wincing in embarrassment, Narcius replied:

"Forgive me my lord. It will not happen again, I promise!"

"See that it won't. I expect nothing less from you Narcius, or any of you for that matter." Doll Master said.

"Yes, my lord!!" Kirielle and Narcius replied.

Moments after he had disappeared from the rooftop, Darwyn appeared at the scene of the fight. Inspecting the nearby vicinity for any clues, Darwyn concluded that this person is extremely cautious. She had not left a single trace of evidence that could give her away.

Smiling to himself, Darwyn close his eyes. Just because there are no tracks, does not mean that there is no way to track a person. Especially when the person being tracked is an ESPer. Concentrating hard, Darwyn constructed a field of psychic energy around the area.

To the naked eye, nothing has changed. However, to Darwyn, any residue of ESP would be separated to colors and visible to him. Scanning around, Darwyn saw the familiar trail of Narcius's ESP and finally, that of the sorceress.

Although Darwyn had picked up the trail of ESP, it stops abruptly as it leaves the area. Clever woman, Darwyn thought to himself, but I am not out of tricks yet. Closing his eyes again, Darwyn started to glow.

After a few minutes of silence, Darwyn opened his eyes and teleported from the scene. In a flash, he appeared before the rest. Standing up after tending to Narcius's wounds, Doll Master turned to face him.

"Well?" he asked.

"I am sorry my lord. This woman is very cautious and had wiped out what ever traces I could find." Darwyn apologised. Doll Master remained silent, knowing that Darwyn had more to report.

"However, I was able to attune myself to the frequency of her ESP. Now as long as she is using her powers or even exuding any hint of ESP, I should be able to track her down." Darwyn finshed.

"Well done Darwyn. Now we must rest and be fresh for the morn." Doll Master said.

Slowly, one by one, they fell into slumber...

The next day, J.Jay woke up early and decided to take an early morning jog through the park. Changing into his running gear, he left the sleeping Ryu behind and started running. As he was running by the area they were training at just the night before, he stopped in surprise.

All around the area was evidence of a fight. Not just any fight, but that between ESPers. Examining the area, he concluded that the fight occurred just recently, probably after they had left. Thinking fast, J.Jay decided to cut short his jog and return home.

Just as he got back, Ryu appeared from the kitchen.

"Just nice, breakfast is almost done." he said.

"Quickly finish it. We may have a problem." J.Jay quickly replied.

Seeing J.Jay so serious, Ryu quickly finished what he was doing and came out.

"What's up? You look like you have seen a ghost." he asked.

"I think we are being watched." J.Jay said.

"What!? Are you sure?" Ryu exclaimed.

"There were signs of an ESP fight where we were last night. Probably just after we had left." J.Jay said.

"So, maybe its just 2 other ESPers duking it out...but you may have a point. We might really be being watched." Ryu tried to argue back but found nothing to say.

"I think we had better move in a pair from now on. Here, let me give you the details." J.Jay told Ryu after thinking for a moment.

From then on, they started moving in pairs. Not too close but not too far either, just enough for each other to rush and help the other person in need. Unknown to them, their watchers were far more experience in tracking.

"Well, one of them must be a rather perceptive. They have already discovered our stake out." Doll Master commented, rather amused.

"However, I do not believe that they know that we have numbers by our side." Darwyn said.

"Yes, but as the situation goes.....Narcius, how are your wounds?" Doll Master asked.

"Gimme 1 more day my lord. I will be fine then." Narcius answered, flexing his body abit to test his wounds.

"Very well, let us strategize how to surround them." Doll Master said.

"You haven't forgotten about me have you?" a voice called from the roof entrance.

"Ah, there you are. Burstinatrix, you have arrived just at the right moment. Please, join our planning meet." Doll Master invited.

"Of course I will, after all, Tai Yi did send me to assist." Burstinatrix haughtily replied.

"What!? Why do we need some bitch who does nothing to join our planning!?" Narcius cried out in horror.

"Well, Porcupine-Head, I believe I am stronger than you." Burstinatrix replied.

"Why you...Don't you call me Por--" Narcius began when he was interrupted by Doll Master who grew what looked like wings and exuded a great wave of ESP that practically silenced the entire roof. Everyone, even Burstinatrix looked taken back.

"CAN WE PLEASE BEGIN AND STOP THIS NONSENSE.....?" Doll Master said in an ominously low voice.

When he was met with silence, he nodded and started to explain what he had planned.

The very next day, as J.Jay and Ryu were returning home from NYP, he felt someone following him. Sending a signal to Ryu who in turn sent him a similar signal, J.Jay pick up his pace and moved swiftly to an area with as few obstacles as possible.

Knowing that his opponent or opponents were one step ahead of him, he tried to make use of the terrain by moving to an area where they could not easily corner him. Therefore, he opted for a wide open field that was deserted at the moment.

There he waited for his adversary to arrive. Looking around, he found that he was up against not 1, not 2 but 4 different ESPers. To make matters worse, he could sense that they had 'A' if not high class 'B' level powers.

"You should have joined 'Hermes' when they offered to you boy." Doll Master said.

"And you are.....?" J.Jay said, trying to stall for time while waiting for Ryu to arrive for their surprise attack on the group.

"Stalling for time boy? No matter, I am Doll Master, and these are my subordinates, Psycho Master, Mode Master and Trap Master." Doll Master casually replied, not particularly worried that J.Jay may have something up his sleeve.

Realizing that this opponent is too tough, J.Jay tried to send a signal to Ryu to inform him to stay away from the area when there was an explosion and a loud bang from behind his enemies. Ryu was seen soaring through the air and another person was following him.

Using the Faculty of Channels to aid him, J.Jay leaped through the air and caught Ryu. Landing on the ground, Ryu quickly shook his head to clear it and scanned the area.

"Oh.....Shit." he said.

"I know...Looks like its gonna be tough to fight our way through." J.Jay nodded.

"Well done Burstinatrix. Quite impressive, leading the boy to Trap Master's traps and then adding your own attack to it." Doll Master congratulated.

The mysterious attacker stood closer and J.Jay got a better view of the person. She was wearing a black coat with a hood that covered her face, boot heels and riding gloves.

"Of course, neither I or you would expect any less." she said.

J.Jay's eyes widen in horror. There is no way, he thought, No way it is her... Then he looked at Burstinatrix's right wrist. There, resting nicely on her wrist was a bracelet with 2 golden rings on them. J.Jay felt his knees grow weak and give way.

".....Damn it you, you...Why the Hell are you here....!?" J.Jay screamed at Burstinatrix.

Thursday, April 3, 2008

The Celestial Zone.21 Fan Fic Chpt 9: Mira Lelaine ; The Sorceress

Blogger's Notes: Well then. Hope you all enjoy what I have written so far. As some of u might have noted, its already the 3-4 book of the celestial zone series. A far cry from book 25 which I just bought like 4-5 days ago. And you all know what? I am bursting with inspiration to write more about J.Jay and his development from Achilles death. Surely you all know that it is a very important part of my plot line right? Oooops, I seem to have written too much, on to the story!

"Ermm, just who is she?" Ryu asked, staring at J.Jay.

"You mean he never told you? I'm his......" the woman started.

"Did you want something or not?" J.Jay interrupted, clearly upset.

"You could always let me finish..." the woman stated matter-of-factly. When J.Jay just stared straight at her, she shrugged.

"Fine, I tried to visit your apartment but your landlord told me he kicked you out for late rent."

"So...? That's not why you are here is it?" J.Jay said.

"No, I missed you. And I was worried about you." the woman replied.

"Yeah well, I don't and can you please leave? Just the sight of you makes me sick!" J.Jay shouted and pushed his way pass the woman and stormed into the apartment.

"J.Jay....." Ryu followed behind and stopped when the woman grabbed his hand.

"Forget it. He is always like that. Never truthful about his feelings. Let him cool down." she said.

"I don't get it, just who are you and what's your relationship with J.Jay." Ryu asked.

"If he has not told you, then I am not at liberty to tell you either. I am Mira by the way, Mira Lelaine. I really must get going." the woman answered.

"Wait, at least give me an idea of why he is so mad at you." Ryu said.

"All I can say is that I hurt him, I hurt him real bad...Good Day." the woman turned and walked off.

Staring at her back, Ryu went back into the apartment and shut the door.

On the roof top of the opposite HDB flat, there was a group strange people who were watching the condominium. They seemed to be arguing amongst them selves.

"I say we all charge in and beat the crap out of those 2 cocky brats." one of them who sported punk hair said.

"Sure, Porcupine-head! In case you didn't notice, They beat the shit out of Elisandro and the twins!" another, a woman retorted.

"DON'T CALL ME PORCUPINE-HEAD!!" the first one shouted.

"Enough! I want the 2 of you to stop acting like little children." one with 3 short pony-tails said.

"Can you all be quiet as we watch our target?" the last of them with a mask on his face asked.

Immediately, the whole roof went silent. It was so silent, that one could even hear the sweat dripping from their faces. Suddenly, the masked one said:

"When will you stop looking from afar, Chris the Magician?"

Stepping forward from behind a wall, a man with a mustache and a long ponytail laughed.

"Not bad, Rue..."

"Do not ever call me by that name Chris. I am Doll Master." Doll Master interrupted.

"My bad. Doll Master." Chris laughed.

"Yes, now regarding these 2...I have already lost 3 men to them. I hope 'Hermes' have something to make up for it?" Doll Master said, not even turning around to face Chris.

"In fact, Tai Yi expresses his regret for your loss and has offered another ESPer from our organization to join you and assist." Chris answered.

"And when will I meet this ESPer?" Doll Master asked.

"She should be arriving soon...Ah, there she is!" Chris replied. Everyone turned to the door that just opened.

Back in the condominium, Ryu stared at J.Jay nervously as J.Jay stood at the balcony deep in thought.

"J.Jay.....Do you want to talk about anything?" Ryu asked.

"She told you her name didn't she?" J.Jay asked. Without waiting for a reply he continued.

"Mira Lelaine, was my girlfriend of 4 yrs. We broke up 2 months ago."

"Broke up!? Why? What happened?" Ryu asked.

"Don't know, that day, she just told me that she wanted to break up. Despite everything I did then, she refused to come back." J.Jay answered.

"Did you, like her or something?" Ryu asked.

"Like her? Dude, I f@#king loved her!! What she did that day....." J.Jay shouted, turning around and Ryu saw tears welling up in his eyes.

"OK, I understand. You don't have to say anymore. Come here." Ryu said.

When J.Jay didn't move, Ryu walked over and pulled him into the house and closed the blinds. Then he hugged J.Jay and told him:

"Its OK, I am your friend and there is no one else here but me. Pretend I don't exist and cry."

And J.Jay did. He completely broke down in front of Ryu. He hated himself for it, for being so weak in front of another guy but the tears won't stop. After 10mins or so, he finally managed to stop crying. Pushing Ryu away, he said:

"Dude, I am OK now, you can stop hugging me."

"You sure?" Ryu reluctantly released J.Jay.

"Yeah, besides, I am not gay...are you?" J.Jay commented.

Blushing and quickly standing up Ryu replied:

"No, at least I don't think so..."

"What the heck? Come on dude, be more decisive!" J.Jay laughed and hopped to his feet, feeling so much better.

"Forget Mira, let's get some practice done!" he said.

"Huh? But we haven't gotten any shut eye." Ryu protested.

"Who cares? GO GO!!" J.Jay quickly rushed out of the house.

"H-hey!! Wait for me!!" Ryu ran out after him.

It's late in the night when the 2 of them collapsed in an exhausted heap in a park. They had been sparring with each other since afternoon, trying to shape up and prepare for anything that could happen.

After resting for a while, they decided to call it a day and started to walk home wearily.
From behind a tree, the punk hair fellow was watching them.

"Doll Master, they are headed back home and completely exhausted. This could be our chance! Gimme the order to screw them and I will make very short work of them." he spoke through his hand phone.

"Fine, finish them then." came Doll Master's cold voice from the phone.

Turning off his phone, the punk whooped in the air and cracked his knuckles as he got ready to kick butt.

"I wouldn't do that if I were you..." a voice spoke to him from behind.

Shocked, he turned around and saw a woman dressed all in black save a golden double ringed bracelet on her right arm.

"Who the hell are you, bitch?" the punk asked.

Without replying, the woman dashed forward and tried to jump kick his face. Caught off guard, the punk barely dodged as he felt the sole of the woman's shoe brushed the tip of his nose. backing off 2 steps, he raised his fist in defence.

"Nice try! But that won't stop the Trap Master!!" Trap Master called out.

Running forward again, the woman tried to attack Trap Master again but just as she stepped onto the spot Trap Master was standing on moments ago, she felt a suddenly surge of energy on that spot.

Sensing something amiss, she quickly rolled over to the side and the spot exploded. Covering her eyes from the debris that was flying everywhere she looked up at Trap Master. Laughing out loud, he boasted:

"See, I am not Trap Master for nothing! Come on bitch! Let's see how many traps you can avoid huh? Every step is extremely dangerous you know."

Picking up a stone and throwing it in a random direction, the stone exploded on impact with the floor. Trying again, this time the woman threw several rocks in different directions and watched as they exploded. As the smoke cleared, she saw that some rocks did not explode.

Jumping onto these spots, she attempted another jump kick at Trap Master. Yawning, Trap Master easily avoided this kick as he was well prepared for it and the woman just flew through the air. Landing on the ground, the woman felt the floor trembling and exploded.

Sailing through the air, she grabbed the nearest tree branch and saved herself from possibly falling into another trap. All the while, Trap Master was laughing at her last flight through the air.

"Stupid bitch, now stay up there until someone rescues you eh? I got me some prey to fall into my trap." he said and turned to walk away.

"This isn't over Trap Master. Don't turn your back on me!" the woman shouted.

Raising her right hand, pure energy appeared and she fired it right at Trap Master's back. Turning back to face her, Trap Master's eye's widen with shock and jumped backwards. As the balls of energy hit the floor, he stuck out his tongue at her.

"Nya nya, you missed, bitch!" he mocked.

"Really, dimwit?" the woman simply replied.

Before he knew it, Trap Master heard a loud bang and found himself flying though the air just as the woman did and he landed flat on his back. Stunned, he lied there for a moment before struggling to recover.

"DAMN IT! I F@#KING STEPPED INTO MY OWN TRAP!!!!!" he cursed out loud.

"Well now, at least I know you can still get caught in your own trap." the woman noted.

Not intending to give Trap master any chance to recover, she raised her hand and fired multiple droplets of water that were formed from the air and ground. Poor Trap Master was practically dancing on his feet as he tried to avoid getting hit as well as stepping on his own trap.

"You evil bitch!! Come down and fight like a man!!" he shouted.

"One thing, you need to learn some manners young man, and another thing, I am no man. Stupid....." the woman said as she stopped firing her water bullets.

"What, you out of energy or something?" Trap Master asked, panting like a dog.

"Hardly, but I decided to do something special. Your traps explode on contact right? Even if it was fire?" the woman asked.

"Of course! My traps are so sensitive, even a breeze could set it off!" Trap Master boasted.

"Really, but there is a breeze but its not exploding...prove it then. Unless you are just talking big?" the woman mocked.

"OK!! Watch carefully!" Trap Master exclaimed, insulted.

Nothing happened.

"Are you sure.....?" the woman's eye's narrowed suspiciously.

"Of course you bitch! Don't insult me OK?" Trap Master shouted.

"Good," the woman replied. Raising her hand, the gentle breeze in the air started picking up speed and as Trap Master's jaw widen as he realized he had been tricked, the woman swung her hand down as a stream of flame flew from her fingertips and moved with the wind to surround Trap Master.

"You wanted to know who I was? I am The Sorceress." the woman said as all of Trap Master's traps were activated at the same time. When the smoke cleared, Trap Master was a senseless heap on the floor.

"Y-you.....b-bitch....." he managed to utter before falling unconscious.

"Tch, tch, rude even to the end. Dimwit..." the Sorceress looked at the direction of the condominium with great affection from her eyes.


Tuesday, April 1, 2008

The Celestial Zone.21 Fan Fic Chpt 8: Who is that person?

Blogger's Notes: Well, I have had a slight writer's block and couldn't continue the story for a while. But now, I have decided to create a slightly more complex story line by bringing a few new characters which will be slowly introduced. Heh heh, in fact, you readers might be in for a surprising twist. Hopefully, it won't cause you all to wanna burn me in hell! I hope......... *Cues evil death music* On to the story then.

Back at the condominium and all cleaned up, Ryu listened to what Jacques had told J.Jay. By the end of it, he was rather wowed at the immensity of their adversary.

"Damn, that is one big and powerful organization we are going against." Ryu said.

"Yes, I agree. That is why we need to get stronger. We can't afford to get "whipped" like this every time." J.Jay replied.

"Ha ha, very subtle J.Jay." Ryu said, eyes narrowing.

"Sorry, couldn't resist. But your powers really need to improve." J.Jay apologised.

"" Ryu asked.

"Don't know.....but the important thing is that you need to be able to summon dragons faster. You got the damage caused down smack, but its the speed that causes it to lose effectiveness." J.Jay answered.

Both of them fell silent as they thought about it.

"Never mind, lets sleep first. We will think about it tomorrow." J.Jay said.

"Right, we will be fresh in the morning. Oyasumi!" Ryu slumped on the bed and fell asleep.

However, J.Jay remained wide awake, deep in thought. Getting off the bed, he went over to his wallet and picked it up. Opening it, he took out to photos and stared at them. Shifting his position, he stood at the balcony and remained there for a long time before finally settling down to sleep.

The next day was a Saturday and there was no school so the 2 friends stayed at home to experiment ways to help Ryu speed up his summoning. By noon, they still have not had any progress. Everything they tried did not work.

Annoyed, they decided to buy lunch first before continuing. Down at the void decks minutes later, Ryu spotted a group of kids playing cards in a corner. Going over, he saw that they were playing the YUGIOH trading card game.

Watching for a moment, he suddenly had an idea and quickly told J.Jay about it. Excited, they bought and ate their lunch quickly and rushed back home. First thing Ryu did, was rummaged his drawers and took out his own YUGIOH deck.

Picking out a few cards, he laid them on the floor. Looking at them, J.Jay nodded his head, signalling that Ryu should try idea out. Closing his eyes, Ryu took deep breaths to calm down. Then opening them, he concentrated and focused his ESP on one of the cards, which was the Blue Eyes White Dragon.

J.Jay who was watching earnestly, felt the sudden familiar presence in the room and could feel something brush past his shoulder. Looking up, he saw the shadowy figure of Blue Eyes White Dragon. Although its not fully materialized, the time taken for the summon to appear was significantly shorter.

"Alright, you did it dude! Great idea, using cards as a medium." J.Jay congratulated Ryu by patting his back.

"Thanks but I will need more practice on it. I will work hard to improve so that I can help you and not burden you." Ryu said.

"Great, but you got 1 thing wrong. You are not a burden either way. A burden would not have been able to help me out 2 weeks ago, a burden would not have been able to hold his own against an opponent without help." J.Jay corrected.

"I...I'm sorry. I should not have said that..." Ryu apologised, blushing and embarrassed.

"Forget it. You just need to have more confidence in yourself." J.Jay said.

The 2 friends spent the rest of the day training. Soon, a week had past uneventfully. The 2 of them happened to be returning home from a birthday party of a classmate's near the esplanade when they saw a familiar face with 2 other unknown people.

Walking closer, they were surprised to see Senbazuru there.

"Hey! Senbazuru! Its been a week already!" J.Jay called out, waving his hand.

Shocked, Senbazuru turned around and smiled when she saw the 2 friends.

"Yes, its only been a week and we meet again." she said.

"So, who are your friends?" Ryu asked.

"Oh, yes, I have not introduced them yet. My brother Kenny, and his girlfriend Alice." Senbazuru introduced the tall blonde man and the woman with a pierced lip and tattooed crosses on her hand.

"Are they the same as us?" J.Jay asked.

"Yes, we are both ESPers." Alice said.

"So, what are you guys doing here?" Ryu asked.

"Waiting for someone. I am about to have a competition." Senbazuru answered.

"Nice! Can we watch too?" J.Jay asked.

"No! I am afraid its of a private matter...sorry." Senbazuru curtly replied.

"Oh...I see. Fine then, Ryu and I have got some work to attend to. See you around then." J.Jay answered.

Leaving the trio behind, the 2 friends walked out of their sight then backtracked and hid behind some bushes and watched Senbazuru.

"Don't you think its rude to spy on someone?" Ryu asked, nervously.

"If you are scared there is no need to be here." J.Jay retorted.

Falling silent, they watched as Senbazuru's competitor arrives and they had a small discussion. Later, everyone left leaving only Senbazuru and Lavender as J.Jay and Ryu could overhear. throwing a stone into the sky, they got ready and the moment the stone hit the ground, they started running.

First off, Senbazuru immediately activated her sonic speed and dashed off in a blur of red. Leaving Lavender far behind. As they got further, J.Jay and Ryu checked their surroundings to make sure there was no one about, then took a ride on one of Ryu's dragons. Ryu had made sure the dragon could not be seen as it was transparent and that this property was transferred to the riders.

Following the 2 racers, they saw Senbazuru stop as red balloons were released to the air. Gazing up at them, Senbazuru seemed to be searching for something and made a great leap as she reached for one of the balloons.

Suddenly, Lavender appeared and snatched the balloon from Senbazuru's grasp. Running off towards the national indoor stadium, Lavender was surprised as the balloon she was holding bursted and senbazuru raced off with sonic speed, but not before she grabbed something in mid-air.

Near the entrance to the indoor stadium, Lavender's friend released a whole box of tennis balls and Senbazrur had to stop again. As she was searching for one particular ball, Lavender suddenly appeared a short distance away.

"Wow, that is 1 fierce competition." J.Jay exclaimed.

"Yeah, I wonder who would win?" Ryu replied.

By then, Lavender had a ball in her grasp and was running full speed to the Singapore national stadium. Senbazuru was hot on her heels and trying to catch up. Just as it looked like Lavender was going to win, she suddenly lost her balance and that moment, Senbazuru took the lead and won the match.

"Damn, that was close!" J.Jay said.

"Yeah, too bad she slipped. Or she would have won." Ryu agreed.

"Come on, let's go home. I'm beat." J.Jay yawned.

"You're telling me, I am the one using ESP here." Ryu snorted.

Back at the bottom of the condominium, they were still discussing about the race, excited like little children. The had just reached their apartment when they saw a woman standing in front of it.

"You're very late J.Jay, I have been here for over 2 hours." she said.

J.Jay kept silent. Looking at the 2 of them, Ryu was confused. He had never seen J.Jay so silent and serious before.

"Ermmm, Just who is this person?" he asked.