Thursday, July 10, 2008

The Celestial Zone.21 FanFic Chpt 14: Gaiden-About 3 months ago Part 2

Blogger’s Notes: So sorry for the delay... Today is the day my friend, stymr goes to NS... Good luck to him! In view of that, He and I have agreed to have our stories linked so this chapter will be reference to that. Okay, here is the second part of the past between J.Jay and Mira. Hopefully u all won’t find it boring. Right, here goes!

Half a year has past since then. Now, J.Jay and Mira are actively dating. If anyone could call it dating. All they were doing during dates are revision for the final year ‘O’ levels and Mira was tutoring J.Jay.

One day in the teacher’s lounge, J.Jay’s Form teacher, Mrs Lee was sitting around resting before her next lesson. In came the Disciplinary Master with a rather perplexed look.

“Mrs Lee, is something wrong with J.Jay? The entire week he has not been late for school, talked back or gotten into any fights. He didn’t even lift a finger when I gave him a telling off for sitting on the balcony.”

“Well, not only that. His results have even improved by 6 grades and he is even helping the other students in class.” Mrs Lee proudly announced.

A loud crash was heard just outside the door. Another teacher overheard the conversation and dropped his coffee cup. Mrs Lee chuckled. Who would’ve thought that a prefect could subdue and tame the worst student in school?

Before long, the final results of the ‘O’ levels were out and J.Jay eagerly awaited his results. If he could get 12 points, Mira promised to be his girlfriend officially and go out on proper dates with him.

As his turn arrived, J.Jay was so nervous he slipped and fell flat on his butt. Mrs Lee just patiently waited for him and when he was ready, she began:

“When I first got you in my class I have thought to myself, you are better than this but how to make you shine? I have tried many things but it never worked. But you have shown that you are capable of picking yourself up. Congratulations.”

Then she handed J.Jay his certificate. Looking at it, J.Jay’s eyes widen and he was in a shock. Suddenly, he made a whoop in the air and went around the hall in joy, doing all sorts of acrobatics in frenzy.

Spotting Mira in the crowd, he ran over to her. Beaming a smile wider than any that anyone had ever seen before, he raised his certificate to her proudly. Staring at the paper, Mira remained silent.

“I have kept my end of the bargain, now it’s your turn.” J.Jay said.

Without another word, Mira grabbed J.Jay’s head and planted a passionate kiss on his lips. The entire hall fell silent. All eyes were on the two, when they finally parted, the hall erupted with cheers and whistles at the daring display of affection between the unlikely couple.

“That was a present for getting 9 points instead of 12.” Mira explained.

J.Jay, still stunned by the kiss, just stared at her, and then returned the favor with another short kiss. Then the two of them turned to leave for their first proper official date.

Time jump to 3 and a half yrs later…

Now, J.Jay and Mira have been dating for over 3 yrs. While they normally get along, they have quite a few arguments lately. The reason for these arguments are because recently, J.Jay has had been late for several dates and more often than not, he is also bruised as if he has gotten into a fight.

Worried, Mira had been nagging him to tell her what had happened but J.Jay always refused to tell her. Upset that J.Jay seemed to be reverting back to his old character, Mira often chided J.Jay and caused them to start arguing. Though after a few days, they always patched up despite the seriousness of their quarrels.

In reality, J.Jay as you know is an ESPer and recently, he has had a breakthrough in his training after 3 yrs of hard work. Originally stucked at B-class ESP, he was getting anxious about not being able to proceed further and thus, it was affecting his training.

However, as time passed, after his time with Mira, he found his training seemed to be proceeding slowly… Mira’s presence in his life has helped him to calm down and as he became more stable, so did his powers grow at a steady rate until eventually, he just broke through his limits and was on the verge of attaining A-class ESP.

But, such power comes at a price. His breakthrough had caused several unruly ESP organizations to take notice of his presence and wanted J.Jay to join them, willingly or by force. As such, these confrontations led to many ESP fights and resulted in his current state. Afraid that he might get Mira involved if she knew about it, J.Jay remained quiet at the expense of their recent quarrels.

Unbeknownst to him though, Mira was aware of the whole situation. She however remained silent because she hoped J.Jay would tell her instead of her revealing she had known along. Why? That’s because Mira herself was an ESPer.

The very moment J.Jay achieved his breakthrough, she had realized that her boyfriend was also someone like her, an ESPer. From then on, she kept an eye on him to make sure he was alright. For she had sensed that despite his strong potential, J.Jay’s powers were still a far cry from hers, she being an A-class ESPer, no matter how new she was to being an A-class.

Of course, an interesting fact to note is that Mira is from a long line of ESPers. Not to mention that they are the so called “Pure Breed” ESPers. The whole family is made up of ESPers. They believed in inter-breeding so every member must start a family with an ESPer to make sure the bloodline remains pure so as to ensure each generation will produce offspring much more powerful than the predecessors.

As such, Mira knows that J.Jay is in danger of being targeted by ESPers more powerful than him now that they know that he has the potential to become extremely powerful. So Mira took on the role as a silent angel watching J.Jay’s back in the dark.

Then one night, the 2 of them decided to go into a pub for a drink and have fun. After a while, J.Jay left Mira alone to visit the washroom. All by herself, Mira sat patiently awaiting his return when a young man with broad shoulders, standing at 1.77m tall, crowned with thick wavy natural jet black hair carefully mused and a boyishly handsome face approached her from a table a short distance away.

“Hey Babe,” he said.

Turning to face him, Mira examined this stranger and scoffed at his display of flirtatiousness. Nevertheless, it’s beneath her to ignore someone who has addressed her so she just gave him a curt nod of the head.

Taking it as a good sign, the stranger occupied J.Jay’s sit without asking and began to flirt with Mira. Though annoyed at the man’s behavior, Mira tried to ignore him. When the man saw that Mira was not responsive to his approaches, he tried something different.

“Ok, its seems like you are a tough nut to crack so I am going to play a guessing game with you.” He said confidently. “The punishment is 1 full glass of tiger beer. The one who reaches 10 glasses loses. If I lose, I will leave you alone. But if I win, you have to go on a week’s date with me.”

Thoroughly irritated now, Mira accepted the challenge and began playing with the stranger. I will not describe the game as it extremely tedious so I will just jump to the score board. Before she knew it, Mira had 7 glasses on her side and the stranger only had 4 glasses. By then, Mira was feeling a little tipsy and is starting to make mistakes.

The stranger grinned widely as he knew he was about to win and that he would have another beautiful girl swooning for him soon. That very thought made his heart race and he was eager to finish the game when suddenly……..

“Get away from my girl, punk ass.” J.Jay hollered and stared at him.

The stranger looked up, grinning amiably and lifting up his hands in a surrendering gesture,

“Hey man, be nice. You were out on the dance floor, dude. I’m just entertaining a lonely girl, that’s all. No harm done.”

“That doesn’t give you the right to play with my girl, punk. Wise up, or you’ll get hurt.” J.Jay growled his face a thunder cloud.

Smiling, Ruby looked at J.Jay and slowly backed away. Moving back to his circle of friends who came with him, they cheered him, and J.Jay glared at them all the way. Turning back to Mira, he sat down.

“What the hell did you think you were doing!?” He hollered.

Mira was taken back, J.Jay’s reaction was not what she had expected.

“Hey, I was only trying to get rid of him okay? He was flirting with me and playing that game was the fastest way to make him get lost!”

J.Jay could not accept that. Pangs of jealousy rose in him the moment he saw Mira with another man on his seat and flirting with her.

“That’s not good enough Mira! You could have ignored him and waited for me to get back! Why didn’t you think of that!?”

“What!? You self-centered jerk! How can you say that? I did it because I am true to you and yet you…..”

Mira was furious. How could J.Jay be so insensitive? Sure, granted anyone would feel jealous but this is absurd. After all, they have been dating for almost 4 yrs now. Well, J.Jay actually regretted what he had just said but his pride as a man would not allow him to apologize.

“Whatever!! After this drink, we are going home, whether you like it or not!”

“You…..! Argh!! I can’t believe you!” Mira just sat there pouting.

Unknown to them, the stranger just now was looking in their direction. Mira suddenly felt as if something was not right but she couldn’t place what. Beside her, J.Jay gave a jump as if something had poked him.

“Hey! I changed my mind. Let me have the girl. After all, you suck, big time.” The stranger called out gleefully.

J.Jay whipped around to face him, glaring as if his stare could kill. Taunting him, the stranger turned and ran off. Growling, J.Jay gave chase and that was when Mira realized, that was what she felt out of place.

“J.Jay! Wait!! Don’t go after him…..!” Mira cried. But it was too late…..