Wednesday, September 17, 2008

The Celestial Zone.21 Fan Fic Chpt 17: Upgrade, upgrade, upgrade! A reunion!?

Blogger's Notes: Are you all enjoying the stories? Pls leave your comments on the story so i know what you expect to happen in the story. Any questions on the story will entertained asap by me. For those who follow the actual story of the celestial zone, can you guess which part of the story am i at now?

"Wait a minute, you are telling me that you are the son of The Terminator? But why didn't my family database have any records of this?" Mira asked.

"Dad knew it was dangerous for me if anyone aside from the organization found out. And besides, we are not really blood related." J.Jay answered.

"So do you know how he terminates ESPers?" Ryu asked excitedly.

"I'm sorry Ryu, I do know but i am not going to reveal the secret unless Dad decides to tell you himself. He would be arriving to Singapore soon." J.Jay answered apologetically.

"Oh, I see. Well, I respect that." Ryu said.

"Ah, I am sorry to intrude but may I request a match with all of you?" Kakushi suddenly requested.

All eyes were on her.

"Are you sure? I mean, Jay here just treated your injuries last night." Ryu asked worriedly.

Kakushi nodded.

"Of course it wont be now. a few days later I suppose. I will visit soon. But I need to take my leave now." she said bowing. J.Jay bowed back.

After Kakushi left and everyone had settled down, J.Jay asked.

"You all aren't angry I kept this from you?"

"Not at all. After all, something like this cannot be revealed so easily. I understand." Mira replied.

"I agree. I won't have believed you in the first place." Ryu answered.

A few days later, Kakushi arrived for the match. They found a large secluded area and prepared to fight. Kakushi explained that it would be a one on one fight. Naturally it would span across a couple of days. Also, she explained that Achilles requested this match as a test for J.Jay's abilities and also his friends as a added bonus.

J.Jay was up first. Decided to start the ball rolling, he did not waste any time. Instantly, he activated his abilities and the mark of Libra appeared. In a flash, he had closed the distance between him and Kakushi. His right arm poised for an uppercut, he shouted as he executed the attack.

"Rozan Sho Ryu Ha!!"

Kakushi flipped back with incredible agility, feeling the wave of energy as it raised into the sky. Looking up, she saw an image of a dragon rising into the sky. I don't dare to imagine what would have happened to me if it actually connected. But now, a moments distraction could prove dangerous, she quickly counter attacked by firing several ESP shurikens at J.Jay.

Unable to get away in time, J.Jay took several shurikens head on. Shit, Sho Ryu Ha is a move that leaves me open for 2 seconds if the move does not connect. That's what I get for being careless. Getting back on his feet he was met with another onslaught of shurikens from Kakushi. Thinking fast, he activated another ability.

The sign of Virgo appeared.

"Kan!!" J.Jay shouted, placing his palms together.

In a flash of pink light which formed into a giant lotus bud enveloped J.Jay and began to bloom, its petals spreading outwards deflecting the shurikens away. Changing to long ranged tactics, J.Jay opened his palms, a ball of energy forming while the lotus barrier still stood as Kakushi fired shurikens again and again in an attempt to find a weak spot.

Cupping his hands in a meditative stance, the lotus barrier quickly reformed into an energy being shaped like a virgin on a horse. With a sword in hand, it dashed towards Kakushi.

"Tenma Kofuku!!" J.Jay shouted.

Nimbly, Kakushi avoided the attacks of the energy being and managing to swivel to its back, fired shurikens at both the being and J.Jay. Prepared, J.Jay dodged the shurikens while the being got pin cushioned with shurikens. Undeterred, the energy being turned around and continued swinging its sword at Kakushi.

Seeing as there is no other way, Kakushi had to use her Vacuum Sword Play to hack the energy being into pieces. Turning to J.Jay, she launched a full scale attack of slashes every where. Before long, J.Jay, being incapable of keeping up with the speed of attacks was cut many times.

Knowing that this would eventually result in his loss, he changed abilities again. This time, the Mark of Capricorn appeared. Knowing full well by now that a different sign meant some new ability, Kakushi attempted to slash J.Jay from over head to finish the match. In a surprise move, J.Jay raised his left arm as if to shield himself from the attack.

Unable to stop now, Kakushi feared that she would hack off J.Jay's arm. As the attack connected, Kakushi felt her Vacuum Sword hit something hard. Moving back, she saw that J.Jay's arm was still intact where his sleeve was cut by the Vacuum Sword.

"Excalibur..." J.Jay quietly spoke as he swung his right arm in a vertical arc at Kakushi.

Sensing something not right, Kakushi instinctively stepped to one side. Hearing a loud snap, she turned to see the tree standing behind her had split into half. Looking closer, she saw that the split was not natural, it was cut by something.

Excalibur...he has even got a weapon like attack, incredible. However, it has many flaws... Kakushi thought as she turned back to face J.Jay as he swung his limbs, sending waves of Excalibur at Kakushi who blocked them with her Vacuum Sword.

As J.Jay moved for another attack, Kakushi stopped the match.

"Enough. You have done very well in developing your powers but they have many flaws. The biggest flaw is that your attacks are too flashy. Before you begin, if your opponents have seen the attack before, they would be prepared for it. The other big flaw is that You can only use one style at a time and you are too slow in changing styles. Had we fought on, I may have been able to catch your timing and struck you when you were the most vulnerable." she commented.

"Yeah, I am working to speed up the transition from constellation to constellation. But...I never thought of the first flaw at all. All the while I have never had to face the same opponent twice...I have to put more thought to it." J.Jay acknowledged.

Kakushi nodded.

"Good, you have not let teacher down. He had high hopes for your progress and I am sure he would be pleased to know of your achievement."

While heading back, the 3 of them had discussions on how to improve on J.Jay's flaws. In the next couple of days, Mira and Ryu both had a match with Kakushi as well and the 3 of them eventually were able to develop new upgrades to improve their powers.

Then Kakushi said she had to meet an important person and left. The same day, J.Jay received word from Achilles that he had already arrived in Singapore and would try to find time to visit as soon as possible.

Monday, September 8, 2008

The Celestial Zone .21 Fan Fic Chpt 16: The truth, a shocking development!?

Blogger's Notes: So sorry for the lack of updates, i have taken up a one month job at Chinese Garden as a Lion Dance Performer. Its a very taxing job and by the time i get home at night, i am pretty much too beat to write anything. So as a special, today i will not only update one blog, i am going to update all of them!! so here goes!

"I will tell you everything, I swear..."

That was what Mira told J.Jay an hour ago after the escape of Doll Master. Since then, they had nothing but clean themselves up and sitting on the sofa in Ryu's apartment staring at each other.

Crossing his arms, J.Jay leaned back and tapped his feet impatiently. After a while Mira started to explain the situation to the 2 friends, from the time J.Jay chased after that Ruby character to the point when she decided to break up with J.Jay.

At the end of the story, J.Jay was completely silent... Mira looked at Ryu worriedly. Ryu shrugged his shoulders and shook his head, implying that he did not know what J.Jay was thinking at all.

"Why didn't you tell me this earlier?" J.Jay spoke in a soft voice.

"Because I know you...What you would have done would no doubt brought danger to yourself and I cannot stand to have you hurt because of me." Mira replied.

"So, its my fault that things turned out this way then?" J.Jay said.

"No, it was never your fault. It was my choice and I forced you to go along with me. Its my fault." Mira shook her head.

They spent another hour sorting things out.

"What will you do now that you have betrayed 'Hermes'?" Ryu asked.

"It doesn't matter anymore. I have already done the best I can collecting information without going against the organization's protocols." Mira replied.

"No, you are wrong. It matters now because you will be a target for their assassins and I won't let you get hurt." J.Jay replied indignantly.

"sigh...What would you have me do then?" Mira asked.

"You can move in with us..." J.Jay started before he was interrupted by Ryu.

"or you can rent the apartment just across us since its been empty for some time now." he said.

"I think I will rent the apartment then." Mira agreed.

J.Jay agreed as well and with their plans settled, Mira moved in within the next couple of days. One day, while reading the newspaper, J.Jay saw something that caught his attention.

It was a picture of a large crater in a park. The article read that specialist says that the crater is not possibly man-made and that despite the sunny weather, it was possible that a lightning strike caused it.

There is no way a lightning strike caused this...Its definitely the result of an ESPer power... J.Jay thought. Gathering both Mira and Ryu, they planned a visit to that place at night.

At dusk, the trio examined the scene and were completely shocked at the breath taking residue of ESP lingering the area. Who or what ever caused it must have been extremely powerful.

However, finding no clues or anything of interest, they left the scene and headed back. While passing a HDB flat, they heard some ESPer fighting and headed to the scene. When they arrived, all they saw was a naked woman pinned to the wall by icicles.

J.Jay and Ryu blushed at the sight and quickly turned around to look the other way. Mira quickly ran over and activating her powers, melted away the icicles. supporting the woman as he was released, Mira shouted at the guys to remove their shirts and cover the woman up.

Only exposing the injured part of the body, J.Jay quickly activated the Faculty of Mutation to close up the wounds while Mira kept the body warm to prevent the cells from dying of cold. Ryu took the post of patrolling the area to make sure they were alone.

After closing the wounds, Ryu carried the woman up to Mira's apartment and laid her on the bed. Returning to the other apartment, the 2 guys waited while Mira stayed with the woman.

When day broke, Mira came in the apartment with the woman following behind. Bowing at them she introduced herself.

"Ohaiyo Gozaimasu, my name is Kamiya Kakushi, I thank you all for helping me last night."

"Kamiya!? You don't mean you are Kamiya Kakushi who is also known as the ESP Ninja from the organization!?" J.Jay jumped out of his seat.

Kakushi looked taken back.

"H...How did you know? Do I know you from somewhere?" she asked.

"Ah...No, we have only just met but i have heard much from father about you." J.Jay replied.

Father? Who is he? Kakushi thought.

"Who is your father anyway?" she asked.

"Haha, you won't believe me even if I told you...He is Achilles, the ESP Terminator."
J.Jay replied.

"WHAAAAAT!!??" the others in the room exclaimed.

" know Teacher? Then are you J.Jay?" Kakushi asked.

"Yeah, I am J.Jay. Dozo yorushiku, senpai!" J.Jay replied.

Mira and Ryu were utterly lost. My ex-boyfriend is the son of THAT ESP Terminator!? My friend has such a famous dad? Holy crap! What is about to happen now?