Monday, September 8, 2008

The Celestial Zone .21 Fan Fic Chpt 16: The truth, a shocking development!?

Blogger's Notes: So sorry for the lack of updates, i have taken up a one month job at Chinese Garden as a Lion Dance Performer. Its a very taxing job and by the time i get home at night, i am pretty much too beat to write anything. So as a special, today i will not only update one blog, i am going to update all of them!! so here goes!

"I will tell you everything, I swear..."

That was what Mira told J.Jay an hour ago after the escape of Doll Master. Since then, they had nothing but clean themselves up and sitting on the sofa in Ryu's apartment staring at each other.

Crossing his arms, J.Jay leaned back and tapped his feet impatiently. After a while Mira started to explain the situation to the 2 friends, from the time J.Jay chased after that Ruby character to the point when she decided to break up with J.Jay.

At the end of the story, J.Jay was completely silent... Mira looked at Ryu worriedly. Ryu shrugged his shoulders and shook his head, implying that he did not know what J.Jay was thinking at all.

"Why didn't you tell me this earlier?" J.Jay spoke in a soft voice.

"Because I know you...What you would have done would no doubt brought danger to yourself and I cannot stand to have you hurt because of me." Mira replied.

"So, its my fault that things turned out this way then?" J.Jay said.

"No, it was never your fault. It was my choice and I forced you to go along with me. Its my fault." Mira shook her head.

They spent another hour sorting things out.

"What will you do now that you have betrayed 'Hermes'?" Ryu asked.

"It doesn't matter anymore. I have already done the best I can collecting information without going against the organization's protocols." Mira replied.

"No, you are wrong. It matters now because you will be a target for their assassins and I won't let you get hurt." J.Jay replied indignantly.

"sigh...What would you have me do then?" Mira asked.

"You can move in with us..." J.Jay started before he was interrupted by Ryu.

"or you can rent the apartment just across us since its been empty for some time now." he said.

"I think I will rent the apartment then." Mira agreed.

J.Jay agreed as well and with their plans settled, Mira moved in within the next couple of days. One day, while reading the newspaper, J.Jay saw something that caught his attention.

It was a picture of a large crater in a park. The article read that specialist says that the crater is not possibly man-made and that despite the sunny weather, it was possible that a lightning strike caused it.

There is no way a lightning strike caused this...Its definitely the result of an ESPer power... J.Jay thought. Gathering both Mira and Ryu, they planned a visit to that place at night.

At dusk, the trio examined the scene and were completely shocked at the breath taking residue of ESP lingering the area. Who or what ever caused it must have been extremely powerful.

However, finding no clues or anything of interest, they left the scene and headed back. While passing a HDB flat, they heard some ESPer fighting and headed to the scene. When they arrived, all they saw was a naked woman pinned to the wall by icicles.

J.Jay and Ryu blushed at the sight and quickly turned around to look the other way. Mira quickly ran over and activating her powers, melted away the icicles. supporting the woman as he was released, Mira shouted at the guys to remove their shirts and cover the woman up.

Only exposing the injured part of the body, J.Jay quickly activated the Faculty of Mutation to close up the wounds while Mira kept the body warm to prevent the cells from dying of cold. Ryu took the post of patrolling the area to make sure they were alone.

After closing the wounds, Ryu carried the woman up to Mira's apartment and laid her on the bed. Returning to the other apartment, the 2 guys waited while Mira stayed with the woman.

When day broke, Mira came in the apartment with the woman following behind. Bowing at them she introduced herself.

"Ohaiyo Gozaimasu, my name is Kamiya Kakushi, I thank you all for helping me last night."

"Kamiya!? You don't mean you are Kamiya Kakushi who is also known as the ESP Ninja from the organization!?" J.Jay jumped out of his seat.

Kakushi looked taken back.

"H...How did you know? Do I know you from somewhere?" she asked.

"Ah...No, we have only just met but i have heard much from father about you." J.Jay replied.

Father? Who is he? Kakushi thought.

"Who is your father anyway?" she asked.

"Haha, you won't believe me even if I told you...He is Achilles, the ESP Terminator."
J.Jay replied.

"WHAAAAAT!!??" the others in the room exclaimed.

" know Teacher? Then are you J.Jay?" Kakushi asked.

"Yeah, I am J.Jay. Dozo yorushiku, senpai!" J.Jay replied.

Mira and Ryu were utterly lost. My ex-boyfriend is the son of THAT ESP Terminator!? My friend has such a famous dad? Holy crap! What is about to happen now?

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