Wednesday, March 19, 2008

The Celestial Zone.21 Fan Fic Chpt 2: The ESP Terminator!?

Blogger's Notes: Originally, i had written this chapter and the previous chapter as one but i unintentionally wrote too much and decided to split it into 2 chapters instead. so that's why we have 2 chapters back to back. Now on to the chapter.

Previously, we left off with a mysterious group of man following J.Jay as he tried to escape from his school. Sensing someone following him, J.Jay ran in random direction trying to throw off whoever was following him. Suddenly, another man appeared in front of him and raised his hand to grab J.Jay.

Reacting quickly, J.Jay turned but sadly, he ran into a dead-end. He saw four shadows behind and he slowly turned to face his attackers. All of them were wearing the same black leather jackets with matching pants and shoes. and they all had wide evil grins on their faces.

"You lead us on a pretty good chase kiddo. But it's all over now." The one with a horizontal scar across his head said.

"Yeah yeah. He thinks we don't know he is trying to lead us away from his house. But really kid, we have already visited your house and gave your mommy dearest a very special treatment...Death." cackled another who sports long hair.

"Shut Up, Louie." commented the first man.

"I told u not to call me that in public Gonda!!" screamed Louie. "I am called Strangler!!"

"Whatever, look kid, i don't want to hurt you OK? so make this simple for us. We want u to join our gang of ESPers, called the 'ESP Sharks' and i wont take no for an answer. So, yes or no?" Gonda stared at J.Jay in the eyes.

J.Jay remained silent and replied by kicking a nearby stone at Gonda's face. Gonda merely flicked the stone with a wave of his hand without even touching the stone. Shaking his head ruefully, he said:

"Pity, you would have been great. Syd, if you don't mind, please roughen the boy up a bit."

The largest of the group, moved forward and started beating J.Jay up. After several minutes, Gonda raised his hand as a signal for Syd to stop. Raising J.Jay by the cuff of his shirt, Gonda walked over and stared into the boy's eyes.

"I am giving u a second chance. Will you join us? Or will die as pointlessly as your stupid mother did?" he asked in a dangerously low voice.

Feeling an uncontrollable rage building up inside of him, J.Jay screamed: "NEVER!!" and unleashed a huge wave of energy from his body. Taken by surprise, the four men were thrown back but quickly recovered. Promptly, they countered by sending waves and waves of energy at J.Jay. The waves were strong but not enough to cause any serious damage to J.Jay. They intend to finish it slowly.

Finally, J.Jay collapsed in a battered heap. Barely conscious, he looked at the face of his attackers and thought (Shit, i am going to die here...I don't want to die, I don't!). Squeezing his eyes shut, he prepared for the inevitable.

Nothing happened.

Opening his eyes, J.Jay saw someone standing in front of him, shielding him. His saviour turned around and J.Jay recognized him as the person telling him to stop in school.

"Are u alright?" the man asked in a kind fatherly voice.

"I have felt better..." J.Jay moaned.

Nodding, the man turned back to face the ESP Sharks.

"I would advise u to stop your nonsense at once and do something worthwhile with your powers." he said.

"And What are YOU going to do if we don't?" Gonda asked.

"Let's just get rid of him! He is but an old man and and blind to be precise." Strangler retorted. "Syd, sic him!"

And Syd did, only to get pushed back by a strange blue force.

"He is an ESPer!" he cried in a gruff voice.

"And so are YOU, you incompetent fool! Use your powers!" screamed Strangler.

No sooner had he said that, strange markings began appearing all over Syd's exposed face and hands.

"Faculty of Channels!?" old man said.

"Too late for you now, OLD MAN!! " shouted Syd and he launched himself on the frail old man, confident of his victory.

Or so he thought.

Not only was the old man unfazed, he was holding Syd back with 1 hand!! Sighing, the old man gave a gentle pushed and Syd flew back as if he was hit by his own force.

"Why do you evil scions have to do things the hard way?" the old man said while putting his right hand into his pocket. Taking it out, he revealed a strange round stone on his hand which started to glow a soft blue color.

"The four of you do not deserve your power. Therefore, I shall remove your connection to it forever!" the old man announced.

"What!?" exclaimed Gonda.

In a flash however, the old man appeared before Syd, completely unhindered by his blindness.

"Stone of Sealing, End the Power!!" he shouted before slamming his open palm with the stone in it onto Syd's chest. In a bright flash of light, Syd seemed to have been scrambled into bits only to be put back together. Only without the strange markings on his body.

The rest of the ESP Sharks stood with their jaws wide open. Syd stood up shakily and seemed to try and concentrate on some thing. In the few moments that passed, there was silence as everyone watched him. In exasperation, he screamed:

"I can't summon my powers, its like they are gone!!"

The ESP Sharks jumped on the spot.

"What!! Don't tell me that this old man is..." Gonda softly said

"THE ESP TERMINATOR!?" finished Strangler.

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