Wednesday, August 27, 2008

The Celestial Zone Fan Fic Chpt 15: Gaiden Part 3

Blogger’s Notes: Right on! Now are my holidays so I will try to triple my speed of updating. In case you were all wondering, how many constellations does J.Jay have? The answer is 12. By the Greek constellations, there are 12 of them revolving around the sun. Up till now, I have used Aries, Taurus, Leo, Cancer, and Scorpio. There are 7 more to go. This Chpt, u will be treated to maybe another 2 more constellation. Enjoy, and I will try to end the flashback by this chpt.

The punk shouted, “Can you catch me? Slowie!” taking off towards the specific area as though it was all planned. Looking back, the punk seemed pleased that J.Jay did not fall back, but was gaining on him.

“I swear I am going to tear this asshole apart!” J.Jay growled.

Reaching a secluded area, the punk turned around, posing a Sir Stamford Raffles Pose with a little smile on his lips. The area is nothing more than an empty space behind two warehouses on the riverside, an adequate place. Catching up a moment later, not at all looking breathless. J.Jay posed for the fight.

“Good, you’re looking good. Name’s Ruby, what’s yours?” Ruby asked, annoyingly polite.

J.Jay did not reply, merely made flapping motions with a single hand, a look of concentration on his face. Ice crystals shaped like snow flakes began to form in the air, the temperature around the area pummeled to the depths. The target punched out with his hand, a blast of icy cold wind started howling, blinding everything and pushing everything towards Ruby.

“Diamond Dust!!” he shouted, a glowing mark of Aquarius appearing in the air in front of him, then settling down to his body.

When the winds settled, Ruby was encased in an ice block, much like an ice coffin. “Spirits of Fire – Heat Skin!” Ruby said quietly amidst the howling winds. The diamond dust did not last even 5 seconds before exploding outwards. Ruby stood shaking his hands, as if shaking out water, his whole body glowing cheery red. Steam was rising from all over Ruby’s body. Ruby looked up with a smile, “You like it?”

J.Jay was taken back, finding it hard to believe Diamond Dust did not work on Ruby. He crossed his arms, preparing Great Horn in response to whatever Ruby had up his sleeves.

Ruby grinned, “Watch now!” and proceed to deactivate Heat Skin. Ruby’s eyes glowed red, clenching his fist and sprinting forward, “Akaiikugan, kai! Spirits of Wind – Cyclone Limbs!”

Ruby’s four limbs glowed green for a moment, then formed into green scales forming nicely into a set of gauntlets for the hands and greaves for the legs.

J.Jay was taken back as he lost sight of Ruby for a moment, raising his ESP perception abilities, J.Jay just barely managed to keep up with Ruby’s speed before flicking his arms out as he caught sight of Ruby’s widely grinning face at arm’s length. His arms glowed with another strange marking for an instant.

“Great Horn!!!”

A psychic shockwave in the form of a giant bull blasted out at Ruby, but was shattered after an instant of clashing with a bright green light from Ruby’s gauntlets. J.Jay’s eyes widen in surprise, as Great Horn was broken. The 2nd time his attacks were ineffective. However, they were evenly matched in power, as the gauntlets shattered upon contact with Great Horn, causing no damages whatsoever.

Ruby’s eyes glowed stabbing red for a painful moment when he came into contact with the Great Horn. When the gauntlets shattered, Ruby looked surprised for a split second before doing 3 consecutives back flips to get out of range of a sudden snap kick from J.Jay.

Not wanting to give Ruby a chance, J.Jay pointed at Ruby, the mark of Aries appearing in midair, spinning rapidly. Ruby became surrounded by a pillar of starlight.

“Starlight Extinction!!”

As Ruby began to fade away, he shouted, “Spirits of Fire - Fiery Reversal!”

The starlight burned up into nothingness, yet all it contained was a fiery image of Ruby.

“We are evenly matched, Jay. Yes I know your name. You passed! Don’t worry, I’m not your enemy. Should you want to find out more about me, ask around for Chiaki.” Echoed Ruby’s voice, laughing, daunting, mocking.

Staring around for the jerk, J.Jay tsked in frustration.

“Don’t let me catch you next time…or else…” J.Jay swore under his breath.

Back in the pub, Mira sat about anxiously, fretting over the ominously feeling she had. Hearing her message alert of her handphone, picking it up, she saw the message. It read:

“Mira, your next mission is to join the organization ‘Hermes’ and send information regarding it to Achilles. In order to avoid unnecessary trouble, you have to break up with your boyfriend by latest this week. Signed, WTB”

Mira’s eyes widen in disbelief. Break up with J.Jay? That’s the first time the organization has made such a request of its members. Surely there must have been some mistake. Sending a quick reply to WTB for confirmation, Mira waited in cold sweat for the reply.

When it arrived, Mira read it with trembling hands. Blood drained from her face when she saw the reply. Just then, a man with a moustache and a long pony tail arrived beside her. Giving her a curt bow, he introduced himself.

“Good evening, Mira Lelaine, my name is Chris, Chris the Magician. Mind if I take the seat beside you?”

Chris the Magician!? What is he doing here? Mira gave a quick nod of her head and Chris took the seat.

“Judging from your looks, it seems you have heard of me. That would make this a lot easier. So I would cut straight to the point. I am offering you a chance to join ‘Hermes’. It is a great organization but I will not reveal too much. If you are interested, I can tell you more after you have joined us.”

You have got to be kidding me…Mira thought. Talk about speak of the devil, what were the odds that she would be approached minutes after receiving her mission? What should I do? Mira’s mind raced for ideas. I am not ready yet, I need more time.

“Chris, this is so sudden…I am really not sure how to answer you. Could I have some time to think about it please? I will give you an answer by the end of the week.” Mira pleaded.

“Oh, of course, it was rude of me to have sprung this on you. Sure, I can wait until then. I hope to hear good news from you…For your sake…” Chris replied, smiling.

“Here, I will give you my number so you can contact me earlier if you wish.” Chris said before he left the seat.

Turning around, Chris was met with J.Jay, obviously green with jealousy. Smiling, Chris left, bumping into J.Jay, only to find himself suddenly enveloped in a deadly presence that he felt was all too familiar. Whipping around he tried to find the source but the only one near him was J.Jay.

Unnerved by this presence, Chris quickly fled the scene. Once outside, he heaved a huge sigh of relief… such a suffocating presence, he had only felt it from one other person, Tai Yi Dao, leader of ‘Hermes’.

Back inside, J.Jay remained silent, standing still as a statue. Mira merely stared back. Deciding to break the silence, she said:

“Look, he was not flirting with me ok? He was only here for less than 5 mins…”

But before she could finish, J.Jay shook his head.

“Don’t bother, I trust you. And…and…” he stuttered. “I am sorry for everything I said just now.”

“Don’t mention it…I never took it too hard.” Mira reassured him.

After that, they left the pub, Mira feeling heavy in her heart…… All week long, she could not concentrate, could not sleep nor eat properly. The thought of breaking up with J.Jay wore her down. Before, she knew it, the one week was up and she made a painful choice.

That fateful night 2 months ago, she broke up with J.Jay, bringing a start to the events that have occurred and tearing J.Jay apart.

Back to the present,

“Mira!!! I want answers and you are going to give it to me!!” J.Jay screamed.

“Haiz……Calm down first, J.Jay…”Mira sighed.

“Fuck you!! How the fuck do you expect me to fucking calm…” J.Jay began.

In a flash, Mira landed one of her famous jump kicks right smack on his face and J.Jay fell flat on his butt. Trying to get up, he realized how beat up and tired he was so he just sat there, trying to recover some strength.

“I am sorry J.Jay, I promise, I will tell you and Ryu everything…I swear, everything.” Mira said.

Tuesday, August 26, 2008

Oooops, a minor mistake

Well, it appears in my excitement at putting up the new blog, i forgot to put the link there. Here it is

Sunday, August 24, 2008

New Blog Up

Ok, the 3rd blog is up. I had trouble because i could not think of a good name for it. I still think the name is kinda weird but i will let it slide. look forward to the first chapter and new chapters on the way!

Thursday, August 21, 2008

New Blog up and the next coming!!

Well, i said i would come up with a new story so here it is!

For you to know, i have another blog here There is no relation whatsoever between these 2 even as another blog coming up soon. Do not fear, it does not mean that i wont be posting here anymore!

Therefore, i will be having 3 stories ongoing. Do be patient as it might take some time to update. also, if any one is interested in drawing do let me know as i am looking for artists to draw pics if needed to facilitate understanding for the story.

Now look forward to the first chapter and the next blog, which i will post probably tomorrow or the day after.

Tuesday, August 19, 2008

Competition results and new story possibly coming?

Right, first off, i did not do as well as i had hoped. but i am not ashamed because the other competitors were really really strong. But i think most of you wanna know the actual results right? So here it is, i got 8.13 points out of a total of 10 points.

The difference?

Several opponents got 8.3 or 8.4 onwards. as you see, even a 0.2 difference gives a gold or silver medal to your opponents. Gotta work harder for next year then.

Oh, and the new story? I am planning to write both fanfiction and a story of my own at the same time so readers will have more chapters to look forward to.

Sure, i said original but in a sense, i am still borrowing other people's work, namely several well known comics and animations.

Now, don't go all :"Jeremy 'Jay'! You lousy no good lazy bum! Get your own work!!" on me yet. I have done my homework okay? I am merely borrowing aspects and not the whole thing so the overall thing would still be an original conception of mine.

Right, now, did i say a new story? I forgot to mention the sudden brainwave i just had so make it possibly 2 new stories coming!

Bwahahaha!! *Gets rotten stuff thrown into his face by all his fictional characters*

Eh-Hem! *Cleans himself up*

Okay, quick review on the stories. Pls note, they are work in progress, so therefore, subjected to change. The review is to whet your appetite for the possible stories.

First Story:
Based also in Singapore, the story follows a young man's journey through NS, discovering many deadly secrets and the power hidden within him! First he is fighting for just his country, but as things go out of control, he finds the fate of the world hanging in the balance... what will happen to him and all the people he meets? Special appearence: The Phoenix Force!!

P.S. If you don't know who The Phoenix Force is, go to this link

Thats as much i can provide without spoiling the story......maybe i will reveal the main character's name: Joey 'Joe' Kaine Tan.

He is an American-Chinese, American on hs father's side. Lived in America for 8 yrs before migrating to Singapore. Wasn't exactly the most popular kid around, often getting into fights and doing poorly in school. This often resulted in his father giving him a good beating, slowly developing into abuse as his father found it hard to hold a proper job. eventually his father was killed in an accident at a construction site and his life got worst. Only completing secondary school, he had to enter NS and thats when his life got complicated.

Phew, damn, I got carried away. Ah well, the second review then.

Second Story:
In a world quite like ours now, the denizens strangely have not invented advance weaponry despite modern buildings, technology. Instead, they still use sword and shields, spears and axe, and......Mystical Swords!? In this world, there are people who possess swords imbued with powers from the divine beings that brought life to all creation. However, possession of one such sword does not mean you can wield it, the sword chooses its user, and these people are known as simply "Nesohc fo Sdrows" which means chosen people of the swords. However, where there is light, there is dark. Evil creatures known as Xoarks roam the land and threaten the very existance of the world. This story follows the trials and tribulations of 3 youths, the young man who is to destroy creation, the youth who was chosen by the people as savior of the world and the maiden who brings life to flowers and finds herself caught in between.

Main Characters:

Kenichi Taino / Arl Asterio / Shin Maou aka True Demon King / The Destroyer

Owner of the demon sword, Sealed sword of Chaos Destruction: Ma Ha Ou, the heirloom sword of the king of the Xoarks. How he came to be in possession of it is unknown but he clearly has a past he does not wish to reveal. Travelling the world alone, the very sight of the sword has earned him many unfounded ill-treatments from the people of the cities he has visited. Prophecy has told that when the possesor of the demon sword has appeared, the world would be plunged into chaos and despair and only when the saint sword has appeared, its possessor shall cut through the darkness and destroy the cause of all evil. There in lies the reason for which this young man to be feared.

Teresa Claire von Schneider / The Flower Goddess

Owner of the Sword of the 8-Flower Maiden. She works as a free lance dancer for many places and is well known for her abilities in dance. Rumor has it that she once brought a withered garden back to life just through her dancing alone. But like thay said, a beautiful rose belies the fact that it has thorns, this lady is equally deadly with that sword in her hands. Also, behind that gently exterior hides a burning passion for revenge against the one who slaughtered her family like pigs, the one who has a strange mark on his back, yellow eyes and a mystical sword.

Saiyol Renshii / The Savior

Owner of the Sword of Judgemental Light. Since birth, this youth has had to bear the burden of being the "One". In his adolescence, he has had to learn the proper use of a sword, forced to do everything his parents wished, just to be the "One" everyone desired. Slowly, he grew to resent all things evil, especially, The Destroyer, the root of his misery. Eventually, he grew up to have a twisted sense of justice. For the case of people who have done wrong, even minor ones, have been the victims to his extreme belief that all evil doers must be punished or even destroyed for the sake of mankind.

Well, thats that. So, did that get you all wondering what will happen next? Look forward to it!! And please be reminded of the drawing contest! Its still open!

Saturday, August 9, 2008

Competition date and reminder

Hi all! i have found out the date for my competition. its on sunday 1.40pm. i am the ninth guy to go up. the competition grounds is at toa payoh sports hall. to get in though, u need to buy tickets, $10per ticket though i dont recall something like this last year... some new regulation i suppose?

also, a reminder that the contest deadline is 31st august and do spread the word to your friends... especially thouse who love drawing or are also fans of the celestial zone!! Thank you all for you support so far!!

Monday, August 4, 2008

Call to artists!!

hi all, i am still working on the next chapter amidst my exams so it might take a while, not to mention the wushu competition coming up at toa payoh sports hall from next week monday. i am not sure yet of the day i am competing but i will keep ya all updated. may be if u come and watch, u might see me there!

but i digress, as u might have read in the chat box, one of my juniors has requested that pics be added into the fanfic. i would draw the pics myself, but it would be the end of the world by the time i am done, pray that does not happen, so i have opened this up to all readers who also have confidence in drawing.

but i will onli pick one person to draw for me, so what i will do is hold an art contest. closing date is the 31st of august this month. you have to draw a character, it can be J.Jay, Mira, Ryu or even Narcius aka Trap Master.

hopefully, i would receive a warm response to this. pls send your drawing in jpg format or any other pic format you know of to my email at and title it as FanFic Drawing Contest. i will announce the contest in a week's time after the closing date.

Oh, and pls note that if you need more details on the characters so u can draw, feel free to contact me and if you want, meet me during the competition period. i can be found there most of the time. Cheerios ya all and pleasant drawing!