Thursday, March 20, 2008

The Celestial Zone.21 Fan Fic Chpt 4: J.Jay the Zodiac Knight

Blogger's Notes: The next chapter is now up. From here on, the story will progress straight into the actual storyline of The Celestial Zone.21. I have spent quite some time on the powers of J.Jay and I hope it will be fun to read on his various techniques. Now that's done, to the story!

Year 2008, 8 years have passed since Achilles had left J.Jay in the care of his relatives. Now a 20yr old polytechnic student at his final year, J.Jay stands at 1.78m tall with handsome, striking features and a thick crown of hair outlined with yellow streaks and tied in a small ponytail at the back.

He was in a particularly good mood today. That's because he received a call from Achilles, saying that he will be visiting Singapore on a business trip and would pay him a visit. They had not met in 5 yrs. Achilles last visit had been 3yrs after he left J.Jay in the care of his relatives and had taught J.Jay everything he could.

Now 5 yrs later, J.Jay is confident that he had achieved A-level of ESP through his hard work and was anxious to show it to Achilles. Walking along the streets, J.Jay felt several presences following him. Calmly, he picked up his footsteps and quickly led the stalkers to an extremely deserted area in Bishan Park.

Turning around, he called out to the darkness:

"Whoever you are, stop following me and get out here now."

Silence went on for a few more moments when suddenly, 3 figures appeared in the dark.

"Not bad, for a young ESPer, to realise that we were following him." commented the shortest of the group with a thick Spanish accent.

"And you are following me because?" J.Jay asked.

"We want to make you an offer, boy..." the short one continued before stopping mid sentence because J.Jay raised his hand to silence him.

"Hold it, Shorty. First off, I don't know any of you here. Let's start with introductions first, eh?" J.Jay said. "I'll start first. The name's Jeremy 'Jay' Joel. What's yours?"

"Sh...shorty!? How rude!! My name is Elisandro Buterpa. And these 2 are Dar and Sha." Elisandro pointed at the other 2 guys. "Now will you listen to our offer?"

Nodding, J.Jay crossed his arms and payed attention.

"We are here to give you the opportunity to joined the legendary 'Hermes'!" Elisandro raised his arms as he spoke like some sort of religious priest.

" 'Hermes'? Sorry, never heard of." J.Jay blandly replied.

"WHAT!!?? You don't know of 'Hermes'? And you called yourself an ESPer? Shame on you!!" Elisandro cried.

Annoyed, J.Jay clenched his fists.

"Look here, shorty. I am in a good mood today. Don't piss me off. Just say what you have to say or else I am leaving..." he warned.

"Don't call me 'SHORTY'!! Now speak. Will you join us or not? You should be smart and say 'yes'." Elisandro butted.

"And are you going to do if I say:'I'll pass.'? No thanks." J.Jay replied.

"Then we will have to kill you!" Elisandro shouted.

Jumping into the air, he launched a large ball at J.Jay which disintegrated the spot that J.Jay had been moments ago. Looking around, Elisandro saw J.Jay in the distance, leaning idily on a tree.

"So, you are a speed ESPer. Heh, speed wont work here. Too many obstacles!" Elisandro snickered.

"Aren't the 2 of you going to join in?" J.Jay asked Dar and Sha lazily. "If you don't, your friend here might die you know?"

"We don't need to. Elisandro will finish you off soon enough." Dar replied softly.

"Arrogant little jerk!! I will teach you manners and respect where you have none! You will witness why i am called 'Elisandro the Death Star'!!" Elisandro screeched in a high voice.

"First off, manners need to be reciprocal, secondly, respected has to be earned and lastly, I don't care nor want to know how you came up with that idiotic name." J.Jay countered.

Roaring in anger, Elisandro pointed a finger at J.Jay where a small green orb was appearing at the tip. An instant later, a thin green beam fired from the orb so fast, J.Jay barely dodged it. The tree that was hit blew up in a cloud of smoke, leaving bits and pieces of bark and leaves.

Dusting his shirt, J.Jay stared at the damage for a moment, then turned to face Elisandro.

"I see, so you blow up stuff like the Death Star in Star wars huh? Pretty good. You have earned some respect from me." J.Jay said.

"Only some? Well, there is more where that came from!!" Elisandro cried.

Pointing his fingers in various directions, he fired more beams that destroyed several objects in the park. Seeing J.Jay dodging all the time, he laughed.

"If you can only run then i guess your powers are not worth much. Tai yi has seriously overrated your powers!"

"Tai yi?! Who is that?" J.Jay wondered.

Dashing towards Elisandro, J.Jay raised his fists where battle markings have appeared and tried to bash his face in. Elisandro then disappeared just before the punch connected. Surprised, J.Jay barely avoided an attack from above where his jacket was caught and disintegrated.

"Faculty of Willpower!?" he said, looking up.

"Actually, its the Faculty of
. Mine is Willpower and Sensors." a smug Elisandro boasted.

"I see. Then I suppose there is no need to worry." J.Jay replied.

" 'Nothing to worry'!? What a laugh, against a Faculty of Channels like you, my powers are at an advantage!" sneered Elisandro.

"Whoever said anything about being from the Faculty of channels?" J.Jay asked.

So saying, a circle with the mark of Aries appeared in front of J.Jay which appeared on his face, hands and shoulders. Sensing that something is not right, Elisandro landed and quickly fired a shot at J.Jay.

"Crystal Wall!!!" J.Jay shouted, then
a transparent, glass-like barrier appeared between J.Jay and the beam.

Hitting the wall, the beam seemed to be absorbed into the barrier then was fired out back in the direction it came from. Shocked, Elisandro ducked and felt for the first time, how his victims were feeling as they were faced against his power.

"How did you like being attacked by your own technique?" J.Jay asked.

"What the hell was that?" Elisandro asked.

Crystal Wall, a technique i created based on the anime Saint Seiya. Its from the Aries Gold Saint. Pretty impressive, no?" J.Jay replied.

"Interesting power...I supposed I have underestimated you. I apologize..." went Elisandro, bowing. Grinning evilly, he suddenly stood straight and fired beams with all his might.

"...But I don't believe you can reflect so many beams at once!!!!" he growled.

Sighing, J.Jay activated
Crystal Wall again. This time, the glass-like barrier turned a sickly green as it absorbed all the beams fired at it. A moment's pause after the onslaught of beams ended, Crystal Wall reflected the combined attack of the beams in a blaze of green.

"No Way!!!" Elisandro's jaw dropped in shock as did his other comrades. Ducking onto the floor, he felt the air brush his back as the beams flew past him. Looking up at J.Jay, he exclaimed:

"Ha! You missed me." he jeered.

"I don't think so..." J.Jay said, closing his eyes in concentration.

Standing up and looking behind, Elisandro's eyes widen with horror. Another
Crystal Wall had been erected and had absorbed the attack, ready to reflect it. Jumping to the side, Elisandro tried to escape from the beams...

Only to bump into another
Crystal Wall. Falling flat on his butt by the rebound of his force, he looked around and saw that he is surrounded by Crystal Walls, trapping him inside a cube. Pounding his fists on the barrier, Elisandro cried out in horror as he realized the cube was shrinking and the beams were starting to move in different directions.

Eventually, There was no longer any space to move and there was a huge explosion, buffered only by the sturdy
Crystal Wall cube. Elisandro is no more. Turning around to face Dar and Sha, J.Jay said:

"I forgot to mention, my ESP code name is Zodiac Knight. J.Jay the Zodiac Knight."

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