Friday, March 21, 2008

The Celestial Zone.21 Fan Fic Chpt 5: Dar and Sha of the Dark Shadow. A new Ally?

Blogger's Notes: Well then, this time round, i will be trying something a little different. When i give the technique name, the name will become a link, to maybe a vid that has some animation to it. Hopefully, it will achieve a better visualizing effect for the fanfic. OK, let's move on now.

Moments ago, J.Jay had just defeated Elisandro with his own technique. Now he faces two more adversaries...Dar and Sha. Just what powers do the have?

"Not bad at all, I didn't expect Elisandro to get blasted by his own attack." Dar noted.

"Now, do you want to leave or will you die like he did? I have no qualms about killing anyone who threatens my life." J.Jay calmly said while facing the two identical twins.

"Shit, we will die anyways for failing so miserably. but I suppose it would be best to finish him off now don't you think brother?" Sha replied.

Nodding, Dar took off the cloak he was wearing. Sha imitated him. Getting into a ready position, J.Jay commented:

"I don't believe I caught your code names."

"I am Dar the Dark." Dar answered.

"I am Sha the Shadow." Sha continued.

"Together..." both of them went...

"We are Dar and Sha of the Dark Shadow!" So saying, they went and did some idiotic pose.

J.Jay's eyes narrowed.

"Dar and Sha of the Dark Shadow!? How much lamer can you people get!? I so regret asking for their names..." he growled.

"Enough yapping! Prepare for endless DARK!!!" Dar shouted, raising his hands with what looked like dark smoke trailing from his fingers. Looking carefully, J.Jay noticed that it was not smoke at all, but darkness itself.

"Faculty of Sensors..." he whispered to himself. Jumping forward, he tried to punch Dar with a punch, only to get stopped by something grabbing his arm. Surprised, he stared at Sha. Sha was too far away from him to have grabbed his what did?

As if in answer, Sha made a punching action in the air and J.Jay Felt something punch him in the gut. doubling over, he saw a shadow moving from the darkness, connecting to his arm then stretching out to punch him.

Jumping back, J.Jay caught his breath.

"I see, Dar creates sufficient darkness to cover the area and Sha uses the Darkness to attack as Shadows..." J.Jay struggled to think of a counter plan.

Making use of that slight opening, Sha proceeded to strike again and again. Bruised, J.Jay struggled to defend himself. Suddenly, where all the previous attacks were blunt Shadows, it changed to razor sharp edges and J.Jay was cut repeatedly.

"That's right, and thanks to my brother, I have no blind spots to my attacks but you however..." Sha snickered. "...Can't see in all directions at one time now can you?"

J.Jay frowned.

"He's right, I can't see in all all directions...but this idiot seems to be a loud mouth...I can probably use it to my advantage..."

But before J.Jay could try anything else, Darkness had complete engulfed him and countless Shadows came to dice him. Instinctively, J.Jay activated his barrier.

"Crystal Wall!!" Once again, the transparent cube that was Elisandro's demise appeared. Only this time, to house their creator. Strangely, the Shadows passed right through the wall and J.Jay was cut, completely unprepared.

Kneeling on the floor, J.Jay struggled to stay conscious from the pain. Panting, he looked up, only to be greeted by darkness. Through the darkness, he heard Sha's voice.

"You fool, my brother's darkness has no material form, its a essentially light itself. The fact your ridiculous wall is transparent is the reason it won't work."

Seeing J.Jay's snarl through the darkness, Sha grinned and decided to further humiliate J.Jay.

"I can see your face from hear quite clearly. It is priceless you know, too bad you cannot see your own face. Shall we test your wall again?"

Relentlessly, Sha attacked again and again. He missed all the vital points on purpose, wanted J.Jay to feel the most of the pain he intends to inflict.

Stopping to give J.Jay time to recover and ready for the next barrage, J.Jay stood up unsteadily and called to the darkness.

"So I suppose this is why you decided to attack me at night? Because there is no sun?"

"That's right you fool, you should have taken our offer at the first and only chance you had!" Sha shouted.

"Sha!! You are the Fool! Stupid big mouth!!" Dar shouted back through the darkness.

"What are you talking about brother?" Sha asked, bewildered by his normally quiet brother's outburst.

"You will know soon enough..." J.Jay interrupted.

Sha felt something punch him. With the force that he felt, there was no way it could have been human. Again and again, that something hit him. Seeing a bright glow from the corner of his eye, he dodged the next attack.

Looking around him, he saw holes in the darkness, as though they had been burned through. What happened? he thought to himself.

"You ever heard of stardust?" J.Jay called. "It is so bright, it can light up the darkness of space in masses."

"What!?" Sha cried.

"You talk too much, not only did you give your position away, you gave me so many hints, I figured that your Darkness while powerful can never compare to actual light, that is why you only attack at night."

"Don't think I will let you create enough light!!" Sha screamed, hurling as many blades as he could muster in one shot, hoping to kill J.Jay.

"I don't need you to let me, I already did." called J.Jay. Before the Shadows could cut him, a bright flash caused them to dissipate, revealing Dar and Sha's exact locations to J.Jay.

"Your brother's Shadow is very annoying, I think i will get rid of him first." J.Jay eyed Dar as they both attempted to flee from him.

"You are not going anywhere! Starlight Extinction!!!" J.Jay shouted. Dar was surrounded by a pillar of starlight. Slowly, his body started to fade away into non-existence.

"BROTHER!!!!!!!!!" Sha screamed. "What did you do to him, you bastard?"

"I just sent him to the world of the dead, which you shall be joining him soon after." J.Jay coldly replied, staring into Sha's eyes.

Trembling, Sha tried to run. Sha ran, he ran as fast as his legs could carry him. Suddenly, he heard the siren of a police car and he smiled to himself. Running in the direction of the sound, he found the police and using his shadows, overturned the car.

Picking up the officers inside, he turned and brandished them in front of J.Jay who has just caught up.

"Not another step closer, Monster!" he said.

Stopping in his tracks, J.Jay suddenly winced as the pain of memories that he wanted to forget came flooding back. Glaring at Sha, he took a step forward.

"Don't you dare call me a monster..."

"Not another step!" Sha repeated, waving the unconscious officers as emphasise that he is serious.

J.Jay stopped. Smiling wickedly, Sha attacked J.Jay.

"HAH!! You idiot, letting me hit you just because I have hostages. Surprising for a freakish monstrosity like you!!"

J.Jay gritted his teeth and remained silent, his painful memories causing anguish as well. Eventually, even he could not last under such attacks and fell to his knees in exhaustion.

"Finally, you fall. Time to end your life for my brother." panted Sha. As he prepared for the final blow, he felt something break his hold on the hostages. Whipping around, his eyes widen as he was swept back by a giant dragon.

"Hey Zodiac Knight!! I got the hostages, finish the guy off will ya?" a cheery voice called from nowhere.

"Thanks in advance!" J.Jay stood up and looked at Sha with murderous eyes. "To repay your hospitality just now, I won't even finish you quickly. I will leave so many holes on you it would be impossible for anyone to move you without you breaking into bits."

"N-no, please, mercy!!" Sha begged.

"No mercy for you, since you called me a monster." J.Jay replied, raising his hand as countless orbs of stardust appeared around him and Sha. "Stardust Revolution!!!" The orbs started revolving Sha, slowly picking up speed until Sha can no longer be seen through the raging whirlwind of stardust.

Turning around, J.Jay started walking away.

"Are you going to leave him that way?" said the voice.

"Yeah, I have cut off all power to the attack, it will stop by itself once it runs out of energy." J.Jay replied.

"Wow, that guy really pissed you off huh?"

"I would appreciate it if I don't have to talk to a ghost." J.Jay said.

"Sorry, I forgot you hate to talk without introductions" replied the voice. the stranger jumped out of a tree.

"My name's Ryu, Mandai Ryu." Ryu raised his hand to J.Jay.

"Jeremy 'Jay' Joel. You can call me J.Jay." J.Jay shook Ryu's hand.

"I am Ryu the Dragon Tamer by the way." Ryu smiled.

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