Saturday, May 31, 2008

The Celestial Zone.21 Fan Fic Chpt 13: Gaiden-About 3 months ago Part 1

Blogger’s Notes: Hi hi everyone! Very long overdue update, I apologies again. But for this update, I will be writing a chapter detailing more about Jay and Mira’s relation ship with each other. Now read on!

“Mira!! I want answers and you are going to give them to me!” J.Jay shouted, his thought filled with rage. But now let us move back to approximately 4 yrs and 3 months ago……

J.Jay was still in a Neighborhood Secondary School, Deyi Secondary School. He was, so to speak your typical ‘Ah Beng’, or gangster character doing his 5th year in sch instead of the usual 4 years other students do because of his grades and attitude.

It was the start of the new school year and already J.Jay had landed himself in trouble. Some twit from another school pissed him off and they got into a fight. Although J.Jay had ESP, he had been properly disciplined by Achilles never to use his ESP against a normal person, therefore, he would often resort to physical violence.

Anyway, needless to say, J.Jay creamed the whole group despite their overwhelming numbers compared to him and was walking off triumphantly when he saw that the whole scene was witnessed by 2 girls from his school.

“Shit!” he thought to himself. Stomping towards the girls so menacingly, that one of the girls was practically shaking in her skirt. Staring at them with that pair of striking blue eyes that seemed to pierce through the girls.

“You 2 bitches didn’t see anything right!?” he shouted at them, hoping to silence them.

“Yes, Yes!! We didn’t see anything!!” one of them screamed. When she saw that her friend did not speak up, “Tell him Mira! Tell him you did not see anything!” she urged. Obviously, J.Jay’s reputation in school is really bad and either Mira was too stunned or just plain dumb to keep silent.

However, J.Jay was losing patience and disregarding that the other party was a girl, grabbed her by the cuff of her uniform and lifted her off the ground. Promptly, Mira raised her right hand and soundly gave J.Jay a tight slap across the cheek that seemed to echo throughout the entire HDB flat.

Stunned, J.Jay dropped Mira of which, she jumped. So lightly she jumped, as if she were a feather, J.Jay just stared mesmerized and was rewarded with a double foot kick right in the face. By then, Mira’s friend had already fainted with shock.

Staring straight at Mira, J.Jay just sat on the floor, suddenly very weak in the knees. He had never in his life been hit by a girl this hard before nor had he felt this way about a girl. Sure, he had flirted with a few girls in the past but never had they left such a lasting impression on him.

“Are you quite finished with your barbarism?” Mira asked.

Looking at Mira, J.Jay merely nodded.

“Good, now get over here and help me with Claire.” she ordered.

Meekly, J.Jay walked over and lifted Claire up on his shoulder and started walking to school with Mira. Halfway, Claire woke up and made a din about being carried on the back of the most notorious boy in school.

When they reached the school gate, the Disciplinary Master was there to greet them. After all, they were late and he would not miss a chance to punish J.Jay again and again.

“Well, what do we have here? The Head and Vice-Head prefect are late for school along the scum of society.” He scorned.

“I am sorry, sir but could you please excuse us this once? Some hooligans from another school harassed us but J.Jay happened to be passing by and helped us out.” Mira lied.

“Really?” the Disciplinary Master was doubtful, but knowing that Mira was well known for being honest, he decided to let it slide just this once.

“Fine then, head to class. J.Jay, I want you to go to the infirmary at once to get cleaned up. Tell them you were sent by me to avoid suspicion.” Disciplinary Master dismissed them and went on his way.

The next day, J.Jay reached school especially early and went to Mira’s class to look for her. This caused quite an uproar, the most unruly boy in the school, looking for the most refined girl in school? Sounds like some ludicrous remake of beauty and the beast.

“What is it? I don’t suppose u have come to apologies for yesterday’s behavior?” Mira asked.

“No- I mean, yes, I would like to apologize and umm…” J.Jay stammered, clearly uneasy about the situation and Mira’s bluntness with him.

Amused, Mira just looked at him intently and kept quiet. Suddenly, J.Jay pushed a note with something folded inside into her hands and just ran off. Staring at his back, she opened the note and looked at its content curiously.

Inside, the note only stated that he wanted to hear her reply at the HDB block where they met yesterday and attached is a laminated 4-leafed clover and a picture of a boy and girl holding hands inside a heart shape.

Blushing, she turned around and saw that her entire class was staring at her, straining to see the content of the note. Ignoring them, she went on as if nothing happened. That day, she refused to go and see J.Jay.

But day after day, J.Jay came to her and gave her the same note, only without the 4-leafed clover. Finally, she decide to take a look. That afternoon, she went to the void deck and peeked over the corner and saw J.Jay waiting there. Feeling her heart started to pound extremely fast, Mira turned and left the place.

A few days later, after her CCA practice, Mira headed home. Passing by that void deck, she peeked over and to her utter surprise, J.Jay was still there! Finally making up her mind, Mira tidied herself up to go and see him when she heard familiar voices.

Looking over, she saw the same group of hooligans that J.Jay beat up a while ago. Only this time, they were at least twice as large a group and armed with baseball bats.

“Pay back time you ass!!” they shouted.

Mira waited to see how J.Jay would react.

J.Jay did not say a word or make a move. Just sitting there.

Seeing him motionless, the whole gang set themselves on him, bludgeoning and raining blows on him. It went on for a while and finally, Mira could not stand by any longer. She walked from her cover and gave the nearest guy a jump kick on the back of the head.

Stunned, the gang stared at the intruder. Surprised it’s a girl, they froze on the spot. Taking the opening, Mira pounced forward and using and interesting blend of karate, taekwondo and judo, beat off the gang.

Going over to J.Jay, she checked him and saw that he was smiling.

“Hi there. What a sight for sore eyes huh?” he quietly said.

“You idiot, why did you just stay there like complete dummy?” Mira asked.

“I promised myself not to get into another fight until I hear your answer.” J.Jay replied.

At that moment, Mira realized that even though he is notorious for being rude and unruly, he actually has another side to himself. People are so judgmental by looks, they overlook the real person inside. Mira felt so stupid for making that mistake herself. Deep within, she felt a weird sensation coming from her heart.

For some reason, Mira felt that if she was with J.Jay, she would feel complete, as if at that moment, he had become a part of her. It was at that moment, the 2 of them would become closely entwined in their fates.

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