Monday, April 28, 2008

The Celestial Zone.21 Fan Fic Chpt 12 : Blue Eyes Ultimate Dragon! The showdown between Dolls and Dragons

Blogger’s Notes: Yes! I am finally able to update. Ryu makes his first official debut in this chapter hope u will enjoy it. It may be tough for readers who have no prior knowledge to yu gi oh so I apologize before hand. And for the fans of Blues eyes white dragon, feast on the awesome might of the dragons!! Whahahaha! To the chapter then!

Knocked almost senseless by Burstinatrix, Ryu shook his head to clear it. Shit, I am too far from J.Jay! He thought. Just then, Burstinatrix had already closed in and on the attack. Prepared this time, Ryu managed to grab her out stretched arm and flipped her over with a judo throw.

Sensing someone catching up from behind, Ryu quickly ran for cover among the trees nearby. Sneaking a glance from behind a tree while taking out his deck, Ryu saw that the masked man had arrived. Anxiously, knowing that his cover would be blown very soon, Ryu fumbled through his deck for THAT card.

“What may I ask are you looking for? Hmmm?” said a cold voice from behind the tree.

Ryu froze in shock, unable to move. Suddenly, the tree behind him blew up, sending him sprawling across the floor. Recovering with a roll, Ryu countered by picking a card…..from his empty hand!?

Wide eyed, Ryu stared at his palm then saw that his cards had been scattered in the explosion. Doll Master was slowly making his way towards Ryu, a wide grin on his face, behind him Burstinatrix followed.

Keeping his eyes fixed on them, Ryu grabbed a few cards from beneath his feet and quickly glanced at them. He winced. Not one of them could be used……trying again, he picked up a few more cards. By then his opponents were less then a metre from him.

Glancing, he felt slight relief. Finally, something I can use! Concentrating hard, he started to glow. Amused at what Ryu is doing, Doll Master stopped in his tracks and waited. Flashing the card to them, something flew out and was headed straight for Doll Master.

Jumping back, Doll Master easily avoided the attack and took a good look at what attempted to assault him. Before his very eyes, a tiny dragon the size of a child was flying about.

Baby Dragon! Baby Flame!!” Ryu shouted.

Turning his head, Doll Master was caught off guard by Ryu’s shout and did not notice the dragon open its mouth and fired a ball of flame at him. Just before Doll Master got hit, Burstinatrix quickly fired an energy shot that extinguished the flame.

“Be careful You idiot!” she shouted.

Ryu took the moment that they were unfocused and quickly scanned the floor for THAT card. Seeing it on the floor just next to Doll Master’s foot, he pounced on it like a wild animal and grabbed Doll Master’s leg causing him to fall on his face.

Rolling away, Ryu stood and concentrated again. As Burstinatrix attempted to attack him, she found herself slamming into something big. Stepping back, she gave a quick gasp as she saw a giant white dragon towering over her.

Swinging its massive tail, the dragon swept Burstinatrix off her feet and a few metres away. Just then, Doll Master had gotten back on his feet and saw the giant dragon.

“Well, I must say this is quite impressive!” he praised.

Burst Stream of Destruction!!” Ryu cried.

The dragon opened its jaws and a giant ball of energy formed. Doll Master could practically feel the energy crackling in the air as this ball was fired in a large stream, straight at him. Any normal ESPer would had died from such an attack.

If Doll Master were an normal ESPer……as the smoke cleared, Ryu saw Doll Master standing there, unscathed at all.

“No way…… That was a full powered Burst Stream……” Ryu said.

“True, but even so, with a barrier strong enough, I can protect myself.” Doll Master replied.

Raising his arms, string-like things appeared from his fingers and at the end of each of these string things started to grow a mass of disgusting looking goo that slowly took form. Before long, Doll Master was surrounded by 10 humanoid shapes that had masks on their faces.

“I must say, you have an interesting concept of materializing dragons from your imagination. Whereas I, take delight in manipulating bodies like dolls.” Doll Master commented.

“So, you are going to say it’s a Puppet Fight huh?” Ryu finished.

“Indeed. Dolls versus Dragon. Please make it interesting…” Doll Master said.

“Don’t regret it then!” Ryu shouted, his white dragon making the first move by firing a shot at Doll Master.

Reacting in kind, with a flick of his finger, a Doll jumped into the path of the ball and took the brunt of the attack, exploding, reforming moments later. Flicking another finger, another Doll leapt towards Ryu which was promptly kicked in the gut by Ryu.

Before long, the entire battle was a mess, Ryu beating the crap out of Dolls which gets up relentlessly, the dragon firing balls of energy and Dolls jumping in the way. However, Doll Master was obviously at the advantage. He had not even moved a step since the fight began, only his fingers.

Panting, Ryu knew the fight was against him. It wont be long before he gets beat down by the overwhelming forces of Doll Master. Thinking hard, he jumped out of the mob of Dolls and landed on the dragon’s back.

Looking around, he searched for something. Finally finding it, he soared away from Doll Master. Not wanting to lose this chance, Doll Master gave chase, not realizing that by now, Burstinatrix should have caught up and should be assisting him as per planned.

Where is she now? Sitting on a tree branch watching the whole fiasco.

As Doll Master gave chase, he saw that Ryu seemed to land at certain areas and take off again after a while. Knowing that Ryu might be up to something, he braced himself for what ever he could throw.

However, Doll Master was not too worried as he believed that this white dragon was Ryu’s strongest fighting force. Finally, Ryu landed and waited for Doll Master to catch up. Knowing that Ryu was ready to finish things once and for all, Doll Master readied himself.

“Finally giving up boy? After all, controlling 1 dragon is not enough. In such a fight, the one who controls more puppets wins. And I clearly am superior to you.” He said.

“Is that so? Doll Master was it? You said before this fight that it was Dolls versus Dragon, what makes you so sure that I can only control 1 dragon at a time?” Ryu retorted.

Doll Master’s eyes widen. Impossible, did I make a mistake? No, it must be a hoax!

Seeing disbelief in Doll Master’s eyes, Ryu merely scoffed.

“Seeing is believing like they always say. Take a good look then!” raising his hand, there were 2 more Blue Eyes White Dragon cards and flashing, 2 more dragons appeared bringing the total dragon count to 3!

3 dragons! 1 Blues Eyes has so much power, now there are 3! Incredible!

“No way, I have seen you in action before, there is no way you could control 3 at a time!” Doll Master exclaimed.

“Before, yes you are right. But thanks to J.Jay, I have made leaps and bounds in my mastery and can control 3 dragons at ease!”

“Ha!! I can handle 1 dragon without breaking a sweat, I can definitely handle 3!” Doll Master cried.

“True, but there is a special trick to Blue Eyes White Dragons. Individually they are powerful, but combined, I can unleash a new power from them at once!” Ryu said.

Making swirling motions with his hand, the bodies of the dragons started to distort and warp towards the center of the swirl. Appearing out of the distortions, a Blue Eyes White Dragon with 3 heads!!

Blue Eyes Ultimate Dragon! The amalgamation of 3 Blue Eyes! With this, its firepower is exponentially increased, for a total of 9X its normal firepower!” Ryu thrusted his hand forward, signaling the dragon to attack.

A bright flash followed by a humongous beam flew towards Doll Master. Mustering all his strength, he quickly sent all his Dolls to cover him. If he can survive this attack, victory would be his.

Fueled by this thought, he stood firm against the impact, resulting in a draw, the attack not getting through, but he lost all his Dolls at the same time. Laughing to himself, he used his remaining energy to create 2 more Dolls, his limit, to attack Ryu.

Through the smoke, Ryu was exhausted but he knew that Doll Master was going to make an attack and he could not gather enough ESP to prepare another shot. With whatever was left, he quickly split Blues Eyes Ultimate Dragon back to 3 Blue Eyes White Dragons and sent them through the smoke.

Doll Master was completely unprepared for the arrival of 3 Blue Eyes White Dragons from the veil of smoke and was about to be defeated when suddenly, the dragons vanished. It was as if they were never there at all.

The smoke cleared and Doll Master saw Ryu sitting on the ground, panting. Ryu had run out of ESP at that critical juncture!

“I have to admit, you are a magnificent fighter. But my job is to finish you off. Pity really.” Doll Master lamented about to finish Ryu off when he was blasted from behind.

Roaring in pain, he turned and saw Burstinatrix with her hand raised and directed at him.

“Woman! What do you think you are doing!” he roared.

“Isn’t it obvious? I am the one you are looking for.” She simply replied.

“The Sorceress…” Doll Master said in realization. They had been tricked by this woman.

“That’s right. Now to finish you off for all you misdeeds!” She said.

But before she could make the finishing move…


She turned at the shout, giving Doll Master the chance to escape. Turning back, Mira saw that her quarry had escaped. Cursing to herself, she prepared for the next problem on the way. Finally finding his friend, J.Jay faced Mira.

“Mira! I want answers and You are going to give them to me!!” he screamed.

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