Sunday, March 23, 2008

The Celestial Zone.21 Fan Fic Chpt 6: Just what is 'Hermes'?

Blogger's Notes: Right, as i have said before, the storyline now progresses at the same pace as the original comic. If i were to give an actual time in the comic when the last chapter had ended, it would be just after Mi sheng had met Lavender and had just found out about his ESP potential. This Chapter would now delve into J.Jay's interest in 'Hermes' and how close he was to the actual storyline. Story Time!!

After defeating Sha, J.Jay met his mysterious helper face to face. What would they do from here on out?

"Mandai Ryu the Dragon Tamer...Mandai..." J.Jay was deep in thought, why does that name sound so familiar...?

"Is there a problem?" Ryu asked.

"You...won't happen to be Mandai Ryu from FYP class, Mechatronics Engineering would you?" J.Jay asked.

"Bingo, dude. What a surprise, not only in the same project group but also ESPers too? How cool is that?" Ryu exclaimed.

"" J.Jay weakly replied.

"You don't look so good, got to clean you up first. That guy got you pretty good there." Ryu took J.Jay's arm over his shoulder.

"Don't worry, just let me sleep. I'll be fine in the morning..." J.Jay fall right asleep there and then.

"Yeah, still... You don't expect me to carry you all the way home do you? J.Jay?" hearing no response, Ryu realized that J.Jay was already fast asleep. Shaking his head, Ryu said:

"Ah, well. What the heck? Time to get home."

Trudging J.Jay back to the condominium where he lived, Ryu quickly brought him to his flat before anyone noticed anything. Inside, Ryu stripped J.Jay to his boxers and cleaned him up with a wet towel. Wiping his cloth over the wounds, he was stunned.

The wounds were healing at a rapid rate. Only lines were left in their place, and even those are slowly fading away.

"What the hell? No wonder he just needed to sleep...but this, this would be Faculty of Mutation right? If that is so, it doesn't add up. He should be Faculty of Conglomerates, Channels and Sensors based on what I saw just now. Don't tell me he can use 3 types of ESP!?"

Deciding to ask J.Jay when he woke up the next day, Ryu quickly finished cleaning J.Jay up and dressed him in fresh clothes. (Luckily we are almost the same size...) he thought. Yawning, Ryu washed up and went to bed as well.

The next day, strangely enough, they both woke up at the same time. Greeting each other with sleepy eyes, they walked towards the bathroom, J.Jay following Ryu. After washing their faces and freshening up, they yelped in terror as they suddenly noticed each other.

"Whoah!! Dude, why am I in the same toilet as you!?" J.Jay asked, pointing his finger at Ryu.

"I should be asking you, why are you in MY toilet with me!?" Ryu retorted.

Staring blankly at each other for a few moments, they bursted out in roars of laughter. 2 almost complete strangers had seemingly became friends in just 1 night. Later sitting at the dining table for breakfast, J.Jay said:

"Well, that was awkward. I haven't thanked you properly for saving my ass last night. Thanks."

"Don't mention it. I just happened to be watching fight that shorty...what was his name again...?" Ryu replied.

"Seriously, can't remember."

"Nevermind...yeah, so it seemed unfair that it was 2 v 1. Then he used hostages? That was too much, so I decided I should help." Ryu answered.

"But, I am more worried now is about this 'Hermes'. If they can find out I am an ESPer, they will definitely come for you too." J.Jay said.

"Yeah I suppose. But you would help me out then won't ya?" Ryu asked.

"Hell yeah. Wait, let me form a link through our ESP. That way, whenever you focus on me, you can actually send messages to me." J.Jay said.

"Cool, I want to asked though, Just what Faculty do you belong to?"

"I thought you might ask that. Truthfully, I don't know. Initially I could use all four...until I found I was not as good with Willpower so I focused on the other 3. As time passed, I became weaker and weaker in Willpower till 2 years back, I have not been able to use Willpower at all." J.Jay answered.

"I see. Well, mine is the Faculty of Conglomerates, Willpower and Sensors." Ryu said.

Later they went to school as per normal while spending time together searching for clues regarding 'Hermes' but to no avail.

A few days had passed, but still no luck. Sitting down just outside Ang Mo Kio Hub, they contemplated where to search next for the next few days as it is getting pretty late and the place is deserted like a graveyard.

Suddenly, there was a scream.

"Help, this robber stole my hand bag!" a middle aged woman cried in dismay as the said robber dashed pass J.Jay and Ryu.

Without a moment's pause, the duo sped after the culprit. After running for a minute or so, they still couldn't catch up with the robber. It was as though he running faster and faster, the image of his back smaller and smaller.

Concentrating, J.Jay cried out:

"He is an ESPer too! I sensed a faint hint of ESP over the area we just passed. No wonder..."

"Shit! A speed ESPer...annoying. Think I should send out my dragons?" Ryu asked.

Before J.Jay could answer, an extremely beautiful Japanese woman wearing a black jacket , mini-skirt and high-heeled boots appeared beside them, running effortlessly.

"Don't worry, I will catch him. Just be ready to pin him down." saying, the Japanese woman became a blur and within a heartbeat, had already reached the criminal and snatched the handbag back from him.

"What the...?" Ryu stared goggled-eyed.

"Come on!" J.Jay yelled! Pouncing on the robber.

Struggling, the robber wriggled free of J.Jay's grasp. Using his speed, the robber rained a barrage of blows at J.Jay. The Japanese woman was about to join in to help when J.Jay stopped her.

"No! This time, its my turn."

Nodding her head, the Japanese woman stepped back and watched. Just then, Ryu caught up and watched as well.

The robber knew that he had speed to his advantage so he did. Using his speed, he rained blow after blow at J.Jay, intending to give him no chance to counterattack. All J.Jay did was simply wait and defended himself from the attacks.

"What hell is he doing? J.Jay! Use that Aries Gold Saint thingey on the guy!" Ryu shouted.

Looking at Ryu, the Japanese woman asked:

"What Gold Saint?"

"Its J.Jay's ESP ability. It's really cool if you get to see it." Ryu replied.

"Too bad, I can't, he is too fast for me to get a lock on. And Crystal Wall won't work cause I don't have enough time to concentrate!" J.Jay yelled through his teeth.

"Then what the hell is such a fanciful attack for!?" Ryu cried out in exasperation.

"Dude, I am not called The Zodiac Knight for nothing. I still have 11 more constellations you have not seen yet!" J.Jay shouted back. Moment later, Ryu and the Japanese woman say markings appear on J.Jay's body.

"Faculty of Channels?" the Japanese woman wondered out loud.

"No, it's the sign of Leo, one of the 12 horoscopes. I see, so that's what you meant." Ryu corrected.

"I think you have hit me more than enough! I am going to return the favor tenfold! Lightning Plasma!!!" raising his fists in front of him, countless tiny lightning balls the size of a man's fists surrounded the nearby vicinity of J.Jay and the robber. Grinning now, J.Jay started to glow and the balls of lightning flew in various directions creating a mass net of lightning streaks, all smashing into the robber.

After all the lightning balls had made contact with robber, J.Jay deactivated the power and the robber fell to the floor, utterly paralyzed. Taking out his cell phone, J.Jay called the police just as the victim, pant and sweating profusely reached the scene.

"Wow, a very interesting technique. Allow me to introduce myself. I am Senbazuru, Sonic Speed Senbazuru." the Japanese woman introduced herself.

"Hi, I am J.Jay, Zodiac Knight J.Jay." J.Jay introduced.

"Mandai Ryu, Dragon Tamer Mandai Ryu." Ryu followed.

"You seemed quite beaten up, I have a friend who is in the Faculty of Mutation, she can patch you up real quick." Senbazuru offered.

"Thanks for the offer, but I can also heal myself so I am okay." J.Jay declined.

"I see, no problems then." Senbazuru said. Just then, her cell phone rang. "Excuse me... Hello, Senbazuru here. Yes, you have found Lavender? Good, I will be right over." hanging up, Senbazuru faced the 2 friends and said apologetically. "I am sorry, I would love to chat but I have something important to attend to. Good night." and she sped off at sonic speed into the night.

Walking on in the direction of home, J.Jay did not manage to pay his rent in time as his relatives are on holiday and he had to rent a house, Ryu had offered him free lodging and accommodations.

Just outside the condominium, the were halted by a lone man. All he said was:

"I am here to administer death to the 2 of you for not joining 'Hermes'."

"Great!! I have a question to ask you then...'Just what is 'Hermes'?'. " J.Jay gleefully replied.

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