Thursday, March 27, 2008

The Celestial Zone.21 Fan Fic Chpt 7: Ryu the Dragon Tamer

Blogger's Notes: Hey there everyone! Now I know I have been MIA for a while, I apologise. Reason being life and its joys have gotten in the way. Never fear! For I am back and with a vengeance!!Due to lack of vids, I have instead given most of the techniques a single link to a vid. But keep checking back on the links as if I do find new links I will replace them. So here goes!

"I am here to administer death to the 2 of you for not joining 'Hermes'." said the man.

"Good, then I can ask you:'Just what is 'Hermes'?' " J.Jay gleefully said.

Ready to kick butt, J.Jay quickly stepped forward, stopped by Ryu grabbing his arm. Looking at his friend in surprised J.Jay asked:

"What's up?"

"Don't you think you have been fighting a bit too much?" Ryu replied.

"Not really, I like fighting. Makes me feel alive." J.Jay skeptically replied.

"Come on man, give me a chance to show off will ya?" Ryu said.

Shrugging, J.Jay just stepped back.

"OK then, show me what you've got!"

"Promise! Don't worry, I won't kill him. Just make sure he is still awake for your interrogation." Ryu answered as he gave J.Jay a thumbs up.

Turning to face the man, who was idly waiting, Ryu called:

"Hey, sorry to keep you waiting. Ready when you are!"

"Finally, I am Jacques." bowing respectfully "Jacques the Longstar."

"Ryu, Mandai Ryu the Dragon Tamer." Ryu said, bowing back.

Facing each other, they stared momentarily, sizing each other up. No one moved and J.Jay was starting to get very restless.

Suddenly, Jacques whipped his hand forward and Ryu jumped back in response as the floor he was standing on cracked from an unseen force. "Faculty of Willpower?" Ryu thought to himself as he fired a shot of his own at Jacques.

After the first exchange, the 2 of them stood still again. Rolling his eyes, J.Jay thought to himself "Oh, boy. Looks like we have to fighters who like strategies.". As J.Jay finished his line of thought, the fighters acted again.

This time the exchange was longer and they both had not muttered a word since they started. After a minute or so, Jacques said:

"Pretty impressive control of Willpower. However, if you think this is all I can do, you are wrong!"

So saying, there was a flash of light and Ryu was thrown back with burns appearing on his shirt.

"So, Faculty of Conglomerates huh? Just nice, so am I!" Ryu said as he jumped to his feet. Thrusting his palm at Jacques, Jacques doubled over as his gut was slammed with a ball comprising of a mass of unidentified items.

Unidentified items? Particles is more like it.

"So, it seems this little brawl cannot be decided by our base ESP abilities. Now, My true power!!" Jacques raised his hand and something formed around it.

It was a gauntlet. And with that gauntlet, there was a tiny stick with a glowing orb at the tip that came with it. Swinging his now armored hand, all that J.Jay and Ryu saw was a flash of light, then Ryu felt his shoulder burn.

Staggering back, he looked at his shoulder and saw that it was burned in one line. Looking back at Jacques, Ryu prepared for another attack. This time, he is prepared.

Or so he thought. As Jacques swung his hand horizontally and Ryu focus his energy to protect his side, he was surprised to feel the burn, not only on his side which was already protected, but his back too.

"What kind of attack is it?" Ryu thought, slightly dizzy from the attack.

"Surprised?" Jacques's voice snapped Ryu back to the present.

"It's a whip. Made from light itself. There is no way you can defend yourself from attacks that have no fixed pattern!" Jacques explained. As Ryu stood again, he sent wave after wave of stinging attacks to Ryu.

"Hmph, you were foolish to face me as you are boy. You there!" Jacques pointed at J.Jay. "Why don't you come and save your friend and fight me?"

"Me? Your opponent is Ryu and as long as he stands, I won't be joining in anytime soon." J.Jay answered, crossing his hands. "Besides, don't you think you should be paying attention to your opponent? He is going to throw something interesting at you, you know?"

Whipping his head around, Jacques saw something surrounding Ryu. Not wanting to give his opponent any chance to counterattack, he quickly attacked. However his attacks were stopped by something. Something BIG....

"You got careless Jacques..." Ryu said. "By turning around for that few seconds, I had enough time to activate my special powers too."

"SHIT!!!" Jacques attacked again and again in vain. None of his strikes were touching Ryu.

"Jacques the Longstar... You were the perfect enemy to me, my powers take too much time to activate and you not only have speed but range on your side. However..." Ryu slowly said. "Your turn is over. *Ore no Turn! **Ore wa Blue Eyes White Dragon Shoukan!!!"

Raising his hand high up, the thing that had been protecting Ryu slowly materialized and took shape. A large dragon with eyes that shine like sapphire, gaping jaws and teeth roared into the night.

J.Jay recognized it as the dragon that helped him out a while back. Grinning, he shouted to the fear-frozen Jacques.

"I told you didn't I? Carelessness cost you dearly. Don't kill him now will ya?"

I won't. Blue Eyes White Dragon! Burst Stream of Destruction 10%!!" Blue eyes widen its jaws and fired a white beam with a blueish glow that stuck Jacques head on and sent him sprawling to the ground.

Now trying to get up, Jacques felt a leg pressing on him and forcing him on the ground. Looking up, he saw J.Jay towering over him with his foot on his chest.

"Now, about my question...What is 'Hermes'?" J.Jay asked menacingly.

"I don't know! Don't ask me!" Jacques answered defiantly.

"Don't fool around with me. I know quite a few ways to make people talk and they ain't exactly comfortable." J.Jay warned.

Refusing to answer, Jacques stared straight into J.Jay's eyes. then he spat on J.Jay's shoes and said:

"Do as you will! I am not afraid of you!"

Sighing, J.Jay took his foot off Jacques "Don't say I didn't warn you. And its not me you have to be afraid of."

Stepping back, J.Jay started to glow and markings appeared on him.

"What constellation this time?" Ryu asked.

"Cancer." J.Jay simply replied. "***Sekishiki Meikai Ha!!"

Pointing his finger at Jacques, a purple spiral wave was fired and struck Jacques. Feeling an uneasy feeling, like he was free falling through the sky while being sick at the same time, Jacques closed his eyes and awaited what he thought was death.

But nothing happened. Surprised, he opened his eyes and nothing but dark skies and a barren wasteland that stretched for miles greeted him. Only J.Jay stood before him, standing out from the dark contrast of the background as he was glowing with a gold color.

"Where the hell am I?" Jacques asked.

"You just answered your own question. This IS hell." J.Jay replied.

"What the.....!? No way!!" Jacques cried. "Then how come you are here."

"Stupid, since I sent you here, I can generally come here at will." J.Jay replied.

"Now then, lets not waste time. You know why I brought you here. So save yourself from any pain and answer my question." J.Jay said.

"Never, there is no way this is hell! You won't trick me into giving you the information you want!" Jacques yelled.

Suddenly, the ground broke apart from underneath Jacques and decayed hands reached out and grabbed Jacques's feet. He yelped in terror and struggled to break free.

"You wasted time Jacques. Truth is, in here, you are technically still alive. And this very fact is a gigantic beacon for the souls of the dead. They want your life force to have life again. the longer you stay here, the more dangerous it gets." J.Jay told Jacques, proceeding to seat on a rock and watch Jacques struggle.

"Then what about you!? You are still here aren't you!?" Jacques screamed.

"I am protected you see. No stop wasting time and tell me what I want to know."

"NO!! NEVER!!"

"Suit yourself." J.Jay said and disappeared.

Soon, the place was crawling with the dead and Jacques felt first hand, the meaning of skinned alive. His skin was slowly scrapped away, leaving behind exposed flesh and muscle. Even then, the dead slowly stripped his muscle and flesh away bit by bit.

For years this excruciating ordeal went on and by then, Jacques had long given up hope that he could have told J.Jay all he wanted to know and had no need to suffer this fate. Just as he thought that, J.Jay appeared in a golden flash of light that Jacques would have worshiped as a god like presence.

"Now, are you ready to talk?" J.Jay asked.

"Yes, yes!!!! I will tell you everything, just stop this torment!!!" Jacques begged.

"I will, only after you tell me everything you know and I have decided you are not lying."J.Jay agreed.

Jacques proceeded to tell J.Jay everything he knew about 'Hermes', what the organization is, a few of its main ESP scions, Chris the Magician, Isha the Water Spirit, Tang Li the Fiery Eagle, Lightning Bao-Er and its financial status.

After he was done, Jacques begged again.

"Let me die please, I can't stand it any longer."

J.Jay thought hard for a moment, then nodded his head and snapped his fingers. In an instant, Jacques found himself back where they had fought and his was unharmed though his body did felt like it had gone through the actual process.

"Ryu, we're back!" J.Jay said to Ryu who was seating at a corner.

"Finally, you have any idea how long the past 5 mins were! Just staring at the 2 of you as still as statues..." Ryu grumpily said.

"Trust me, For Jacques, it was a good couple of years." J.Jay smiled.

"Huh? How come?" Ryu asked.

"Let's go, I will fill you in on the details back home." J.Jay turned and headed towards the condominium.

"Wait for me!!" Turning to look back at Jacques, Ryu shrugged and chased after J.Jay.

Left alone, Jacques felt tears welling up in his eyes as he hated himself for losing to a child.

"I swear, I will kill you the next time!!" he cried as his cell phone rang. As he took out jis cell phone to answer it, the name Tai Yi was on the caller ID.

*My turn! **I summon Blue Eyes White Dragon!! ***Praesepe Underworld Waves

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