Tuesday, April 1, 2008

The Celestial Zone.21 Fan Fic Chpt 8: Who is that person?

Blogger's Notes: Well, I have had a slight writer's block and couldn't continue the story for a while. But now, I have decided to create a slightly more complex story line by bringing a few new characters which will be slowly introduced. Heh heh, in fact, you readers might be in for a surprising twist. Hopefully, it won't cause you all to wanna burn me in hell! I hope......... *Cues evil death music* On to the story then.

Back at the condominium and all cleaned up, Ryu listened to what Jacques had told J.Jay. By the end of it, he was rather wowed at the immensity of their adversary.

"Damn, that is one big and powerful organization we are going against." Ryu said.

"Yes, I agree. That is why we need to get stronger. We can't afford to get "whipped" like this every time." J.Jay replied.

"Ha ha, very subtle J.Jay." Ryu said, eyes narrowing.

"Sorry, couldn't resist. But your powers really need to improve." J.Jay apologised.

"Improve.....how?" Ryu asked.

"Don't know.....but the important thing is that you need to be able to summon dragons faster. You got the damage caused down smack, but its the speed that causes it to lose effectiveness." J.Jay answered.

Both of them fell silent as they thought about it.

"Never mind, lets sleep first. We will think about it tomorrow." J.Jay said.

"Right, we will be fresh in the morning. Oyasumi!" Ryu slumped on the bed and fell asleep.

However, J.Jay remained wide awake, deep in thought. Getting off the bed, he went over to his wallet and picked it up. Opening it, he took out to photos and stared at them. Shifting his position, he stood at the balcony and remained there for a long time before finally settling down to sleep.

The next day was a Saturday and there was no school so the 2 friends stayed at home to experiment ways to help Ryu speed up his summoning. By noon, they still have not had any progress. Everything they tried did not work.

Annoyed, they decided to buy lunch first before continuing. Down at the void decks minutes later, Ryu spotted a group of kids playing cards in a corner. Going over, he saw that they were playing the YUGIOH trading card game.

Watching for a moment, he suddenly had an idea and quickly told J.Jay about it. Excited, they bought and ate their lunch quickly and rushed back home. First thing Ryu did, was rummaged his drawers and took out his own YUGIOH deck.

Picking out a few cards, he laid them on the floor. Looking at them, J.Jay nodded his head, signalling that Ryu should try idea out. Closing his eyes, Ryu took deep breaths to calm down. Then opening them, he concentrated and focused his ESP on one of the cards, which was the Blue Eyes White Dragon.

J.Jay who was watching earnestly, felt the sudden familiar presence in the room and could feel something brush past his shoulder. Looking up, he saw the shadowy figure of Blue Eyes White Dragon. Although its not fully materialized, the time taken for the summon to appear was significantly shorter.

"Alright, you did it dude! Great idea, using cards as a medium." J.Jay congratulated Ryu by patting his back.

"Thanks but I will need more practice on it. I will work hard to improve so that I can help you and not burden you." Ryu said.

"Great, but you got 1 thing wrong. You are not a burden either way. A burden would not have been able to help me out 2 weeks ago, a burden would not have been able to hold his own against an opponent without help." J.Jay corrected.

"I...I'm sorry. I should not have said that..." Ryu apologised, blushing and embarrassed.

"Forget it. You just need to have more confidence in yourself." J.Jay said.

The 2 friends spent the rest of the day training. Soon, a week had past uneventfully. The 2 of them happened to be returning home from a birthday party of a classmate's near the esplanade when they saw a familiar face with 2 other unknown people.

Walking closer, they were surprised to see Senbazuru there.

"Hey! Senbazuru! Its been a week already!" J.Jay called out, waving his hand.

Shocked, Senbazuru turned around and smiled when she saw the 2 friends.

"Yes, its only been a week and we meet again." she said.

"So, who are your friends?" Ryu asked.

"Oh, yes, I have not introduced them yet. My brother Kenny, and his girlfriend Alice." Senbazuru introduced the tall blonde man and the woman with a pierced lip and tattooed crosses on her hand.

"Are they the same as us?" J.Jay asked.

"Yes, we are both ESPers." Alice said.

"So, what are you guys doing here?" Ryu asked.

"Waiting for someone. I am about to have a competition." Senbazuru answered.

"Nice! Can we watch too?" J.Jay asked.

"No! I am afraid its of a private matter...sorry." Senbazuru curtly replied.

"Oh...I see. Fine then, Ryu and I have got some work to attend to. See you around then." J.Jay answered.

Leaving the trio behind, the 2 friends walked out of their sight then backtracked and hid behind some bushes and watched Senbazuru.

"Don't you think its rude to spy on someone?" Ryu asked, nervously.

"If you are scared there is no need to be here." J.Jay retorted.

Falling silent, they watched as Senbazuru's competitor arrives and they had a small discussion. Later, everyone left leaving only Senbazuru and Lavender as J.Jay and Ryu could overhear. throwing a stone into the sky, they got ready and the moment the stone hit the ground, they started running.

First off, Senbazuru immediately activated her sonic speed and dashed off in a blur of red. Leaving Lavender far behind. As they got further, J.Jay and Ryu checked their surroundings to make sure there was no one about, then took a ride on one of Ryu's dragons. Ryu had made sure the dragon could not be seen as it was transparent and that this property was transferred to the riders.

Following the 2 racers, they saw Senbazuru stop as red balloons were released to the air. Gazing up at them, Senbazuru seemed to be searching for something and made a great leap as she reached for one of the balloons.

Suddenly, Lavender appeared and snatched the balloon from Senbazuru's grasp. Running off towards the national indoor stadium, Lavender was surprised as the balloon she was holding bursted and senbazuru raced off with sonic speed, but not before she grabbed something in mid-air.

Near the entrance to the indoor stadium, Lavender's friend released a whole box of tennis balls and Senbazrur had to stop again. As she was searching for one particular ball, Lavender suddenly appeared a short distance away.

"Wow, that is 1 fierce competition." J.Jay exclaimed.

"Yeah, I wonder who would win?" Ryu replied.

By then, Lavender had a ball in her grasp and was running full speed to the Singapore national stadium. Senbazuru was hot on her heels and trying to catch up. Just as it looked like Lavender was going to win, she suddenly lost her balance and that moment, Senbazuru took the lead and won the match.

"Damn, that was close!" J.Jay said.

"Yeah, too bad she slipped. Or she would have won." Ryu agreed.

"Come on, let's go home. I'm beat." J.Jay yawned.

"You're telling me, I am the one using ESP here." Ryu snorted.

Back at the bottom of the condominium, they were still discussing about the race, excited like little children. The had just reached their apartment when they saw a woman standing in front of it.

"You're very late J.Jay, I have been here for over 2 hours." she said.

J.Jay kept silent. Looking at the 2 of them, Ryu was confused. He had never seen J.Jay so silent and serious before.

"Ermmm, Just who is this person?" he asked.

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