Thursday, April 10, 2008

The Celestial Zone.21 Fan Fic Chpt 10: The Masters and.....Why are you here!?

Blogger's Notes: Yay!!! It's Chpt 10 already. Hurray to me!! Eh-hem, pardon me, I am going abit nuts now. School is starting soon and that means I may not be able to update as regularly as I would like. Just thinking about it is driving me crazy! But that's enough of me. The important things in the chapter now. The mysterious ESPer who joined the grp of what-is Masters is about to make her first actual appearance. Has anyone guessed who she is? A few of my frens guessed Mayana or Bao-er but they are all wrong! Hee hee, read on to find out.

Staring through their binoculars, Doll Master saw the 2 friends walking home. Turning his head, he saw the same look of surprise on the female and the other person with 3 pony-tails.

"What the hell is Narcius doing!? I gave him the order to finish them off!" Doll Master bellowed.

"What should we do now, Doll Master?" the female asked.

"Kirielle, I want you to go and bring Narcius back immediately!" Doll Master ordered.

"As you wish my lord." Kirielle answered, bowing before she turn and left the roof.

"What now, Doll Master? Should I finish them off?" the man with the pony-tails asked.

"No! Do not be rash, for all we know, Narcius was probably defeated by them. We will watch for now." Doll master cautioned.

Nodding his head, the man turned back to watch the 2 friends as the entered their apartment. Outside, The Sorceress looked down at the unconscious Trap Master and gave a start as she sensed another ESPer approaching.

With a flick of her wrist, she extinguished the last of the flames crackling around the area and quickly left the scene, confident that she had not left any tracks. A minute later Kirielle appeared looking around for Narcius.

When she saw him lying on the floor, she quickly ran to his side. Finding him alive, she gave a great sigh of relief and tried to call to him while shaking his body.

"Narcius, Narcius!! Wake up!! Get up, you Porcupine Head!!" Kirielle screamed at him. Seeing Narcius's head twitch at the mention of porcupine head, Kirielle went on:

"Wake Porcupine Head! Porcupine Head~~ Oh Porcu--"

Narcius jumped awake in a blaze of fury

"I TOLD YOU, STOP CALLING ME POR-CU-PINE HEAD!!!!!!!!" he roared and suddenly stopped.

Looking at Kirielle in surprise, he said:

"Kirielle, what are you doing here? Where is that bitch!?"

Eyes narrowed, Kirielle asked:

"What bitch? There is no other woman here but me."

"There was this bitch who beat the snort outta me. She was protecting those 2 losers." Narcius explained.

"I see. We'd better get you back and tell this to our master." Kirielle said, offering a hand to Narcius which he accepted willingly.

Back on the roof top when Narcius had returned, Doll Master was deep in thought as he brought in this new and unexpected factor into the scenario.

"Indeed, this sorceress who prove difficult to handle if we do not stop her." Doll Master comment.

"Allow me to try and find her whereabouts my lord, then we will crush her with our combined strength!" the man with the 3 pony-tails said.

"Very well, Darwyn. But remember, only seek her location, do not engage." Doll Master consented.

Bowing, Darwyn disappeared in a flash. Turning around, Doll Master inspected Narcius's wounds.

"You were careless Narcius. Falling into your own trap and letting your opponent make a fool of you." Doll Master said.

Wincing in embarrassment, Narcius replied:

"Forgive me my lord. It will not happen again, I promise!"

"See that it won't. I expect nothing less from you Narcius, or any of you for that matter." Doll Master said.

"Yes, my lord!!" Kirielle and Narcius replied.

Moments after he had disappeared from the rooftop, Darwyn appeared at the scene of the fight. Inspecting the nearby vicinity for any clues, Darwyn concluded that this person is extremely cautious. She had not left a single trace of evidence that could give her away.

Smiling to himself, Darwyn close his eyes. Just because there are no tracks, does not mean that there is no way to track a person. Especially when the person being tracked is an ESPer. Concentrating hard, Darwyn constructed a field of psychic energy around the area.

To the naked eye, nothing has changed. However, to Darwyn, any residue of ESP would be separated to colors and visible to him. Scanning around, Darwyn saw the familiar trail of Narcius's ESP and finally, that of the sorceress.

Although Darwyn had picked up the trail of ESP, it stops abruptly as it leaves the area. Clever woman, Darwyn thought to himself, but I am not out of tricks yet. Closing his eyes again, Darwyn started to glow.

After a few minutes of silence, Darwyn opened his eyes and teleported from the scene. In a flash, he appeared before the rest. Standing up after tending to Narcius's wounds, Doll Master turned to face him.

"Well?" he asked.

"I am sorry my lord. This woman is very cautious and had wiped out what ever traces I could find." Darwyn apologised. Doll Master remained silent, knowing that Darwyn had more to report.

"However, I was able to attune myself to the frequency of her ESP. Now as long as she is using her powers or even exuding any hint of ESP, I should be able to track her down." Darwyn finshed.

"Well done Darwyn. Now we must rest and be fresh for the morn." Doll Master said.

Slowly, one by one, they fell into slumber...

The next day, J.Jay woke up early and decided to take an early morning jog through the park. Changing into his running gear, he left the sleeping Ryu behind and started running. As he was running by the area they were training at just the night before, he stopped in surprise.

All around the area was evidence of a fight. Not just any fight, but that between ESPers. Examining the area, he concluded that the fight occurred just recently, probably after they had left. Thinking fast, J.Jay decided to cut short his jog and return home.

Just as he got back, Ryu appeared from the kitchen.

"Just nice, breakfast is almost done." he said.

"Quickly finish it. We may have a problem." J.Jay quickly replied.

Seeing J.Jay so serious, Ryu quickly finished what he was doing and came out.

"What's up? You look like you have seen a ghost." he asked.

"I think we are being watched." J.Jay said.

"What!? Are you sure?" Ryu exclaimed.

"There were signs of an ESP fight where we were last night. Probably just after we had left." J.Jay said.

"So, maybe its just 2 other ESPers duking it out...but you may have a point. We might really be being watched." Ryu tried to argue back but found nothing to say.

"I think we had better move in a pair from now on. Here, let me give you the details." J.Jay told Ryu after thinking for a moment.

From then on, they started moving in pairs. Not too close but not too far either, just enough for each other to rush and help the other person in need. Unknown to them, their watchers were far more experience in tracking.

"Well, one of them must be a rather perceptive. They have already discovered our stake out." Doll Master commented, rather amused.

"However, I do not believe that they know that we have numbers by our side." Darwyn said.

"Yes, but as the situation goes.....Narcius, how are your wounds?" Doll Master asked.

"Gimme 1 more day my lord. I will be fine then." Narcius answered, flexing his body abit to test his wounds.

"Very well, let us strategize how to surround them." Doll Master said.

"You haven't forgotten about me have you?" a voice called from the roof entrance.

"Ah, there you are. Burstinatrix, you have arrived just at the right moment. Please, join our planning meet." Doll Master invited.

"Of course I will, after all, Tai Yi did send me to assist." Burstinatrix haughtily replied.

"What!? Why do we need some bitch who does nothing to join our planning!?" Narcius cried out in horror.

"Well, Porcupine-Head, I believe I am stronger than you." Burstinatrix replied.

"Why you...Don't you call me Por--" Narcius began when he was interrupted by Doll Master who grew what looked like wings and exuded a great wave of ESP that practically silenced the entire roof. Everyone, even Burstinatrix looked taken back.

"CAN WE PLEASE BEGIN AND STOP THIS NONSENSE.....?" Doll Master said in an ominously low voice.

When he was met with silence, he nodded and started to explain what he had planned.

The very next day, as J.Jay and Ryu were returning home from NYP, he felt someone following him. Sending a signal to Ryu who in turn sent him a similar signal, J.Jay pick up his pace and moved swiftly to an area with as few obstacles as possible.

Knowing that his opponent or opponents were one step ahead of him, he tried to make use of the terrain by moving to an area where they could not easily corner him. Therefore, he opted for a wide open field that was deserted at the moment.

There he waited for his adversary to arrive. Looking around, he found that he was up against not 1, not 2 but 4 different ESPers. To make matters worse, he could sense that they had 'A' if not high class 'B' level powers.

"You should have joined 'Hermes' when they offered to you boy." Doll Master said.

"And you are.....?" J.Jay said, trying to stall for time while waiting for Ryu to arrive for their surprise attack on the group.

"Stalling for time boy? No matter, I am Doll Master, and these are my subordinates, Psycho Master, Mode Master and Trap Master." Doll Master casually replied, not particularly worried that J.Jay may have something up his sleeve.

Realizing that this opponent is too tough, J.Jay tried to send a signal to Ryu to inform him to stay away from the area when there was an explosion and a loud bang from behind his enemies. Ryu was seen soaring through the air and another person was following him.

Using the Faculty of Channels to aid him, J.Jay leaped through the air and caught Ryu. Landing on the ground, Ryu quickly shook his head to clear it and scanned the area.

"Oh.....Shit." he said.

"I know...Looks like its gonna be tough to fight our way through." J.Jay nodded.

"Well done Burstinatrix. Quite impressive, leading the boy to Trap Master's traps and then adding your own attack to it." Doll Master congratulated.

The mysterious attacker stood closer and J.Jay got a better view of the person. She was wearing a black coat with a hood that covered her face, boot heels and riding gloves.

"Of course, neither I or you would expect any less." she said.

J.Jay's eyes widen in horror. There is no way, he thought, No way it is her... Then he looked at Burstinatrix's right wrist. There, resting nicely on her wrist was a bracelet with 2 golden rings on them. J.Jay felt his knees grow weak and give way.

".....Damn it you, you...Why the Hell are you here....!?" J.Jay screamed at Burstinatrix.

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