Thursday, April 3, 2008

The Celestial Zone.21 Fan Fic Chpt 9: Mira Lelaine ; The Sorceress

Blogger's Notes: Well then. Hope you all enjoy what I have written so far. As some of u might have noted, its already the 3-4 book of the celestial zone series. A far cry from book 25 which I just bought like 4-5 days ago. And you all know what? I am bursting with inspiration to write more about J.Jay and his development from Achilles death. Surely you all know that it is a very important part of my plot line right? Oooops, I seem to have written too much, on to the story!

"Ermm, just who is she?" Ryu asked, staring at J.Jay.

"You mean he never told you? I'm his......" the woman started.

"Did you want something or not?" J.Jay interrupted, clearly upset.

"You could always let me finish..." the woman stated matter-of-factly. When J.Jay just stared straight at her, she shrugged.

"Fine, I tried to visit your apartment but your landlord told me he kicked you out for late rent."

"So...? That's not why you are here is it?" J.Jay said.

"No, I missed you. And I was worried about you." the woman replied.

"Yeah well, I don't and can you please leave? Just the sight of you makes me sick!" J.Jay shouted and pushed his way pass the woman and stormed into the apartment.

"J.Jay....." Ryu followed behind and stopped when the woman grabbed his hand.

"Forget it. He is always like that. Never truthful about his feelings. Let him cool down." she said.

"I don't get it, just who are you and what's your relationship with J.Jay." Ryu asked.

"If he has not told you, then I am not at liberty to tell you either. I am Mira by the way, Mira Lelaine. I really must get going." the woman answered.

"Wait, at least give me an idea of why he is so mad at you." Ryu said.

"All I can say is that I hurt him, I hurt him real bad...Good Day." the woman turned and walked off.

Staring at her back, Ryu went back into the apartment and shut the door.

On the roof top of the opposite HDB flat, there was a group strange people who were watching the condominium. They seemed to be arguing amongst them selves.

"I say we all charge in and beat the crap out of those 2 cocky brats." one of them who sported punk hair said.

"Sure, Porcupine-head! In case you didn't notice, They beat the shit out of Elisandro and the twins!" another, a woman retorted.

"DON'T CALL ME PORCUPINE-HEAD!!" the first one shouted.

"Enough! I want the 2 of you to stop acting like little children." one with 3 short pony-tails said.

"Can you all be quiet as we watch our target?" the last of them with a mask on his face asked.

Immediately, the whole roof went silent. It was so silent, that one could even hear the sweat dripping from their faces. Suddenly, the masked one said:

"When will you stop looking from afar, Chris the Magician?"

Stepping forward from behind a wall, a man with a mustache and a long ponytail laughed.

"Not bad, Rue..."

"Do not ever call me by that name Chris. I am Doll Master." Doll Master interrupted.

"My bad. Doll Master." Chris laughed.

"Yes, now regarding these 2...I have already lost 3 men to them. I hope 'Hermes' have something to make up for it?" Doll Master said, not even turning around to face Chris.

"In fact, Tai Yi expresses his regret for your loss and has offered another ESPer from our organization to join you and assist." Chris answered.

"And when will I meet this ESPer?" Doll Master asked.

"She should be arriving soon...Ah, there she is!" Chris replied. Everyone turned to the door that just opened.

Back in the condominium, Ryu stared at J.Jay nervously as J.Jay stood at the balcony deep in thought.

"J.Jay.....Do you want to talk about anything?" Ryu asked.

"She told you her name didn't she?" J.Jay asked. Without waiting for a reply he continued.

"Mira Lelaine, was my girlfriend of 4 yrs. We broke up 2 months ago."

"Broke up!? Why? What happened?" Ryu asked.

"Don't know, that day, she just told me that she wanted to break up. Despite everything I did then, she refused to come back." J.Jay answered.

"Did you, like her or something?" Ryu asked.

"Like her? Dude, I f@#king loved her!! What she did that day....." J.Jay shouted, turning around and Ryu saw tears welling up in his eyes.

"OK, I understand. You don't have to say anymore. Come here." Ryu said.

When J.Jay didn't move, Ryu walked over and pulled him into the house and closed the blinds. Then he hugged J.Jay and told him:

"Its OK, I am your friend and there is no one else here but me. Pretend I don't exist and cry."

And J.Jay did. He completely broke down in front of Ryu. He hated himself for it, for being so weak in front of another guy but the tears won't stop. After 10mins or so, he finally managed to stop crying. Pushing Ryu away, he said:

"Dude, I am OK now, you can stop hugging me."

"You sure?" Ryu reluctantly released J.Jay.

"Yeah, besides, I am not gay...are you?" J.Jay commented.

Blushing and quickly standing up Ryu replied:

"No, at least I don't think so..."

"What the heck? Come on dude, be more decisive!" J.Jay laughed and hopped to his feet, feeling so much better.

"Forget Mira, let's get some practice done!" he said.

"Huh? But we haven't gotten any shut eye." Ryu protested.

"Who cares? GO GO!!" J.Jay quickly rushed out of the house.

"H-hey!! Wait for me!!" Ryu ran out after him.

It's late in the night when the 2 of them collapsed in an exhausted heap in a park. They had been sparring with each other since afternoon, trying to shape up and prepare for anything that could happen.

After resting for a while, they decided to call it a day and started to walk home wearily.
From behind a tree, the punk hair fellow was watching them.

"Doll Master, they are headed back home and completely exhausted. This could be our chance! Gimme the order to screw them and I will make very short work of them." he spoke through his hand phone.

"Fine, finish them then." came Doll Master's cold voice from the phone.

Turning off his phone, the punk whooped in the air and cracked his knuckles as he got ready to kick butt.

"I wouldn't do that if I were you..." a voice spoke to him from behind.

Shocked, he turned around and saw a woman dressed all in black save a golden double ringed bracelet on her right arm.

"Who the hell are you, bitch?" the punk asked.

Without replying, the woman dashed forward and tried to jump kick his face. Caught off guard, the punk barely dodged as he felt the sole of the woman's shoe brushed the tip of his nose. backing off 2 steps, he raised his fist in defence.

"Nice try! But that won't stop the Trap Master!!" Trap Master called out.

Running forward again, the woman tried to attack Trap Master again but just as she stepped onto the spot Trap Master was standing on moments ago, she felt a suddenly surge of energy on that spot.

Sensing something amiss, she quickly rolled over to the side and the spot exploded. Covering her eyes from the debris that was flying everywhere she looked up at Trap Master. Laughing out loud, he boasted:

"See, I am not Trap Master for nothing! Come on bitch! Let's see how many traps you can avoid huh? Every step is extremely dangerous you know."

Picking up a stone and throwing it in a random direction, the stone exploded on impact with the floor. Trying again, this time the woman threw several rocks in different directions and watched as they exploded. As the smoke cleared, she saw that some rocks did not explode.

Jumping onto these spots, she attempted another jump kick at Trap Master. Yawning, Trap Master easily avoided this kick as he was well prepared for it and the woman just flew through the air. Landing on the ground, the woman felt the floor trembling and exploded.

Sailing through the air, she grabbed the nearest tree branch and saved herself from possibly falling into another trap. All the while, Trap Master was laughing at her last flight through the air.

"Stupid bitch, now stay up there until someone rescues you eh? I got me some prey to fall into my trap." he said and turned to walk away.

"This isn't over Trap Master. Don't turn your back on me!" the woman shouted.

Raising her right hand, pure energy appeared and she fired it right at Trap Master's back. Turning back to face her, Trap Master's eye's widen with shock and jumped backwards. As the balls of energy hit the floor, he stuck out his tongue at her.

"Nya nya, you missed, bitch!" he mocked.

"Really, dimwit?" the woman simply replied.

Before he knew it, Trap Master heard a loud bang and found himself flying though the air just as the woman did and he landed flat on his back. Stunned, he lied there for a moment before struggling to recover.

"DAMN IT! I F@#KING STEPPED INTO MY OWN TRAP!!!!!" he cursed out loud.

"Well now, at least I know you can still get caught in your own trap." the woman noted.

Not intending to give Trap master any chance to recover, she raised her hand and fired multiple droplets of water that were formed from the air and ground. Poor Trap Master was practically dancing on his feet as he tried to avoid getting hit as well as stepping on his own trap.

"You evil bitch!! Come down and fight like a man!!" he shouted.

"One thing, you need to learn some manners young man, and another thing, I am no man. Stupid....." the woman said as she stopped firing her water bullets.

"What, you out of energy or something?" Trap Master asked, panting like a dog.

"Hardly, but I decided to do something special. Your traps explode on contact right? Even if it was fire?" the woman asked.

"Of course! My traps are so sensitive, even a breeze could set it off!" Trap Master boasted.

"Really, but there is a breeze but its not exploding...prove it then. Unless you are just talking big?" the woman mocked.

"OK!! Watch carefully!" Trap Master exclaimed, insulted.

Nothing happened.

"Are you sure.....?" the woman's eye's narrowed suspiciously.

"Of course you bitch! Don't insult me OK?" Trap Master shouted.

"Good," the woman replied. Raising her hand, the gentle breeze in the air started picking up speed and as Trap Master's jaw widen as he realized he had been tricked, the woman swung her hand down as a stream of flame flew from her fingertips and moved with the wind to surround Trap Master.

"You wanted to know who I was? I am The Sorceress." the woman said as all of Trap Master's traps were activated at the same time. When the smoke cleared, Trap Master was a senseless heap on the floor.

"Y-you.....b-bitch....." he managed to utter before falling unconscious.

"Tch, tch, rude even to the end. Dimwit..." the Sorceress looked at the direction of the condominium with great affection from her eyes.


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