Sunday, April 20, 2008

The Celestial Zone.21 Fan Fic Chpt 11 : I Want Answers

Blogger’s Notes: Right now, finally, an update! Bet you were all waiting to murder me for my tardiness, but now u cant cause I am now back with the next chpt! On another note, I have a friend who has also written another fanfic for the celestial zone and J.Jay has a guest role in it so pls every one, follow this link to his blog and read away! And he updates more regularly than I too. Now, to the chapter!

“Damn it! Why are you here!
” screamed J.Jay.

“What!? You know this person?” Ryu looked at J.Jay in surprise.

Without another word, Burstinatrix snapped out her hand and Ryu felt an incredible force slam into him and pushed him far from J.Jay. Chasing Ryu relentlessly, Burstinatrix fired burst after burst of energy at Ryu until they were but shadows in the distance.

“What all you waiting for!! Finish the boy off!!” Doll Master roared at his subordinates as he turned to assist Burstinatrix.

Snapping out of the shock they had at J.Jay’s outburst, the remaining 3 masters circled J.Jay slowly with caution. Seeing J.Jay sitting on the floor stunned and listless, Trap Master decided to make the first move.

Jumping forward, he gave a kick at J.Jay’s face. Nothing happened. J.Jay just sat there while Trap Master pounded away on him.

“What the--? This is going to be soo easy!” Trap Master cried out in surprise and arrogance.

“Careful Narcius, you don’t know what he may be planning…” Mode Master said.

“Look at him Kirielle! He is just another dumb punching bag!” Trap Master continued pounding away.

Psycho Master merely stood by assessing the situation. J.Jay’s reaction puzzled him greatly and he could not shake off an uneasy feeling within him. Thinking hard for a moment, he called out to Trap Master.

“Narcius, what was that woman wearing when she fought you?”

“Huh? I already told you, dressed all in black.” Trap Master called back.

“Think harder, though thinking has never been your forte, she must had been wearing something else.” Psycho Master said irritatedly.

Thinking for a moment, Trap Master shouted.

“Oh yeah! She was also wearing some gold bracelet thingy consisting of 2 rings!”

“2 rings…Gold bracelet…” Psycho Master was in deep thought… Then suddenly…

“Oh No!! Narcius! Kirielle! Forget the boy! Our Lord is in danger!”

“What!?” Trap Master and Mode Master exclaimed.

“That Burstinatrix, she IS the Sorceress! She plans to team up with that Dragon Boy to defeat our Lord!” Psycho Master turned to his Master’s direction. Trap Master and Mode Master did the same.

However before they could move, they felt a huge energy surge behind them and turned around. J.Jay was standing there in a blaze of gold energy.

“I need to speak to her! And you are not getting in my way!” he screamed at them.

Without wasting time, Psycho Master fired a psychic blast at J.Jay which seemingly bounced harmlessly off him. Then J.Jay was gone. The 3 Masters scanned the immediate area anxiously but could not locate him.

Suddenly, Trap Master felt flat on his face as something smashed onto the back of his head. Whipping around, he saw J.Jay standing right behind him cracking his fists.

“Before I forget…It’s pay back time!!” he shouted as he started bashing Trap Master like some crazed brawler.

“Narcius!!” Mode Master screamed as she changed her form and turned into Elisandro.

Raising her fingers, she fired a Death Star Beam right at J.Jay. Without even looking up, the sign of Aries appeared and the all too familiar transparent wall appeared and reflected the attack back at Mode Master.

In a flash, Psycho Master had teleported in front of Mode Master and erected his own psychic barrier and dissipated the energy of the beam.

“Careful Kirielle, he has beaten Elisandro before and he is even stronger now!” Psycho Master chided.

“I know, but Narcius…!” Mode Master argued

“I am on it already!” Psycho Master concentrated and lifted J.Jay high into the air.

“Now! Kirielle!” he shouted.

Quickly, Mode Master then changed into another man that J.Jay had never seen before and before his very eyes, grew to the size of a tree and smacked him real hard with a fist. Slamming onto the floor, J.Jay tried to recover but his legs could not move.

Taking the chance, Mode Master slammed into J.Jay several more times before finally gripping J.Jay’s legs and threw him onto a wall.

Gasping for air, J.Jay tried to run as he saw Mode Master charging towards him again in an attempt to crush him once and for all. Shit, he thought, My legs cant move! But my upper body can. Only way to handle this is to use…..

Markings started appearing on J.Jay’s body as he started to glow gold.

“Whatever you are up too, its too late!!!!” Mode Master screamed.

Keeping silent, J.Jay merely crossed his arms and closed his eyes. Just as Mode Master was about to crush him and had come within arms length, J.Jay snapped his eyes open and flung his arms out and an energy wave in the shape of a giant bull appeared.

Great Horn!!!” he shouted as the energy wave smashed into Mode Master and sent her flying through the air.

Just before she touched the ground, Mode Master had fallen unconscious, changing back to her real form.

“Kirielle!!” Psycho Master shouted, losing focus for a moment.

Just as Psycho Master got distracted, J.Jay found that he could move again. Knowing that he might not get another chance like this again, he attempted an attack at Psycho Master. Sensing danger behind him, Psycho Master quickly turned around and froze J.Jay in place again just as J.Jay raised his finger at him.

“Shit!! You F!@king coward! Face me without that lame technique of yours!” J.Jay cursed.

Walking up to J.Jay, Psycho Master gave J.Jay a tight slap to the face. Face turning red in humiliation and the spot on his cheek burning, J.Jay stared at Psycho Master, as if hoping he could kill on sight.

Unnerved by such sharpness in the eyes of a youngster, Psycho Master rewarded J.Jay with several more slaps.

“Time to finish you off boy…” Psycho Master said as he made a crushing action with his fist. J.Jay could feel something crushing him and soon he was turning purple.

“Not if I finish you off first 3-tailed pig!!” J.Jay shouted with his final breath and as Psycho Master finally clenched his fist, his own face turned pale.

Looking down on his body, all Psycho Master saw was a tiny red wound but the pain was almost unbearable. Looking back at J.Jay’s face, he saw another constellation sign. Before he could say anything, J.Jay replied.

“Scorpio, I put my finger up on purpose cause I knew I might get caught again.”

Silently, Psycho Master cursed his own carelessness.

“You have only gotten a taste of Scarlet Needle, there are still 13 more to go.” J.Jay said as his outstretched fingernail grew to form what looked like a crimson sting on a scorpion.

Before Psycho Master could react, he felt another prick followed by an excruciating pain much worst than the first one. With that much pain, he lost his hold on J.Jay. Psycho Master had lost this fight.

“10 more….” J.Jay counted as he fired 2 more shots at Psycho Master.

Letting out a blood curdling scream, Psycho Master fell unconscious on the floor.

“Tch, only four shots and he already cannot take it. Cant blame him though, with each shot, the pain increases and its even more unbearable if fired in succession.” J.Jay commented as he turned in Doll Master’s direction and started running as fast as his exhausted body could take him.

“I want answers and YOU are going to give it to me!” he growled to himself.

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